United Patriots of America
The United Patriots Of America was founded December 2001 in response to 911

UPA Report 10.12.14 A Patriot not a Politician Running for POTUS in 2016

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United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report

Sunday, October 12, 2014

November elections are coming.


You Can’t Have Homeland Security

   Until You Secure the Homeland

US Military needs to be on our Southern Border.


A Patriot not a Politician Running for POTUS in 2016

Dennis Michael Lynch Full Speech 2016

DML tosses his hat in the ring. Talks about veterans, ISIS, immigration, jobs, welfare, Hillary, elections and the American spirit.



JW (Judicial Watch) Confirms: 4 ISIS Terrorists Arrested in Texas in Last 36 Hours

Islamic terrorists have entered theUnited Statesthrough the Mexican border and Homeland Security sources tell Judicial Watch that four have been apprehended in the last 36 hours by federal authorities and the Texas Department of Public Safety inMcAllenandPharr.



Urgent Update on Terror Border Threat

OCTOBER 10, 2014



“Public Schools Introduce Islam” In Mississippi

Mother Stunned at Her Daughter’s Class Assignment on ISLAM

Under the heading, “Introducing Islam,” her teacher presented a whitewashed, lie-filled version of Islam that could have been produced by the radical Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

And if that wasn’t bad enough, the assignment compelled students to create Islamic propaganda — in the form of an “informational pamphlet “which would then be created to fit curriculum suitable for third graders,





Creeping sharia creeps along thanks to Barack HUSSEIN Obama





Angry protesters face off with riot police in St. Louis for a second night

Oct. 10, 2014

ST. LOUIS (AP) — Protesters angered by the fatal shooting of a black 18-year-old by police faced off with officers in south St. Louis for a second night as accusations of racial profiling prompted calls for a federal investigation ahead of a weekend of planned rallies and civil disobedience.

Myers’ death comes two months after the Aug. 9 fatal shooting of Michael Brown, a black 18-year-old  who physically attacked  a white police officer in nearby Ferguson. Brown’s killing sparked dozens of often violent protests in the St. Louis suburb. A state grand jury is deciding whether Officer Darren Wilson will face charges in his death.


With the November elections right around the corner Obama has his political appointments, this Hispanic Judge, in place to expedite voter fraud by not requiring ID’s to be presented when voting.

Many political observers expected Judge Ramos, an appointee of President Barack Obama, to rule against the State of Texas and strike down the law




Death of an American Dream

Uploaded on Apr 8, 2006

Jobs Americans Won’t Do-HA!Raymond Herrera speaks from the heart about what has been given to illegal invaders and animosity regarding shamnesty



Arizona Prop 122 Restores State Power to Reject Federal Mandates

Voters inArizonawill soon be able to manifest the extent of federal overreach they are willing to withstand.

Proposition 122 will appear on the ballot when Arizonans go to the polls on November 4. A website maintained by supporters of the measure explains how the proposed law would work to maintain the correct constitutional boundaries of power:

This constitutional amendment provides a mechanism for the state to recognize a specific federal regulation or law to be an overreach of federal powers. This could be initiated by a 1) ballot measure or 2) vote of the legislature and governor. Upon this determination, the state would withhold state financial resources and personnel from enforcement of such federal action. The federal government would be free to enforce the action with its own personnel (and money) and the state may still pursue relief from the court system.



MORE ON Prop 122 in AZ

This proposed amendment to the state constitution, known familiarly as Prop 122, is at once the most important and most irrelevant question to be decided by citizens of the Grand Canyon State. The explanation of this seeming incongruity is provided below.


First, as the reach of the federal government’s assumed authority lengthens and the scope of state sovereignty correspondingly contracts, the obligation of state legislators to enforce the limits of constitutional federalism grows more urgent.


Resisting federal trampling of the Constitution is not only a right of state lawmakers, it is in fact a constitutional obligation.


Article VI, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution reads:


The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.


Simply put, this clause puts all state legislators under a legally binding obligation (assuming they’ve taken their oath of office) to “support the Constitution.” There is no better way, it would seem, for these elected state representatives of the people to show support for the Constitution than by demanding that the officers of the federal government adhere to constitutional limits on their power.


Perhaps a greater number of these state legislators, attorneys general, and judges would be more inclined to perform their Article VI duty if the people who put them in office would sue them and hold them legally accountable for any failures to carry this burden.


Imagine, furthermore, the uproar in state assemblies across the country if, every day the legislators were in session, process servers showed up at their offices armed with lawsuits charging them with dereliction of their constitutional duty!


Fortunately for Arizonans, several state lawmakers and political leaders appreciate the dire circumstances in which their state and all others find themselves. Accordingly, they have published statements in favor of Prop 122. The following is a sample of a few of these statements:


The arrogance of Washington believing it knows what is best for our community is nonsense. Just because Washington passes a law does not mean Arizona taxpayers should have to pay for it. I support Prop. 122 because it lets Arizonans set our own priorities.



The Tenth Amendment Center put a finer point on the issue, writing, “If passed, the state constitutional amendment would make the feds enforce, enact and pay for its unconstitutional actions and programs on their own.”


Should voters approve Proposition 122, it would amend the state constitution to allow Arizona to “exercise its sovereign authority to restrict the actions of its personnel and the use of its financial resources to purposes that are consistent with the Constitution.”


Prop 122 ended up on the general ballot after having been approved last year by the state Senate (16-12) and the state House of Representatives (36-23).


“Politicians in Washington are fond of passing far-reaching laws, but more often than not they depend on state and local governments — and state and local taxpayers — to implement them. This means that not only is Congress making life harder for Arizonans, they’re asking us to pay the bill,” supporters declare on the Yes on 122 website. “That’s why a bipartisan majority of the Arizona Legislature came together to pass Prop 122.”

Intruder got deep into White House, sources say

The intruder who jumped the White House fence earlier this month and sprinted through the mansion’s front door made it much farther into the building than previously claimed, sources told Fox News on Monday.



Al Qaeda Leader’s Chilling Warning to the US: ‘The Battle’ Will Be ‘Transported to the Hearts of Your Own Homes’



The Mexicanization Of Wisconsin, A Non-Southwestern State


Swiss officials have announced that the country is banning the Islamic State and related entities from their lands.



The Islamic State Is Here

“There’s nobody talking about it,” Hunter added. “If you really want to protect Americans from ISIS, you secure the southern border. It’s that simple…They caught them at the border, therefore we know that ISIS is coming across the border. If they catch five or ten of them then you know there’s going to be dozens more that did not get caught by the border patrol.”



Al Qaeda Leader’s Chilling Warning to the US: ‘The Battle’ Will Be ‘Transported to the Hearts of Your Own Homes’



Ebola Outbreak: How the Virus Spread    See Maps

Oct 5, 2014     Cases: 8,033       Deaths: 3,879

It has been 10 months since the first known case of Ebola surfaced in West Africa. Already more than 8,000 people have been infected, and more than 3,800 have died. The outbreak has reached at least seven nations — Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal, the United States and Spain — and health officials warn that as many as 20,000 people may become infected before they can stop the spread.



Outbreaks Chronology: Ebola Virus Disease

Known Cases and Outbreaks of Ebola Virus Disease, in Chronological Order:



Polio-like illness claims fifth life in U.S.

At least five children infected with the respiratory illness known enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) have died in the U.S. in the past month.

The lastest confirmed victim was a four-year-old New Jersey boy, Eli Waller. He died at home on September 25. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirmed the cause of death Friday night. But health officials say they have no idea how he contracted the virus. A health official says Eli was “asymptomatic and fine” when he went to bed but died overnight. He had no known preexisting immune weakness.



Scientist calls for death to humanity

by John Ballantyne, News Weekly, April 15, 2006

A Texas scientist advocates killing nine-tenths of the world’s population by an airborne Ebola virus, writes John Ballantyne.

An award-winning Texas scientist was given a standing ovation after he advocated the extermination of 90 per cent of the Earth’s population by an airborne Ebola virus.



Take action







“A Place for Mom” is the leading advertiser on Al Jazeera America. 

The company profits from retirement home referrals generated by their television ads.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to retirement home officials that encourages them to discontinue their referral relationship with A Place for Mom as long as they continue to advertise on Al Jazeera America.





Ranchers vent frustrations over wolf management

“There’s not any place in northeast Washington you can go that there isn’t a wolf pack,” Dashiell said, citing the emotional toll on top of financial losses.

“In five years, there will be no cattle, no sheep, no livestock, period, in the Pacific Northwest, at all, especially in this corner of the state,” said Diamond M Ranch co-owner Justin Hedrick, who attended with his grandfather, Len McIrvin, and uncle, Bill McIrvin. “When that’s gone, what is everyone going to eat, especially West Coasters?”



How Wolves Change Rivers




It is certainly in our best interest to defend and secure our International Borders.


The following group of citizen patriots is doing that right now on the border in Texas.

Note: There are other groups on the border. The UPA is in contact with this group and another group in Arizona.

Any information reported in the UPA report is information that is already in the public domain.

 Camp LoneStar Border talk Radio show.

Show will be broadcast live from Brownsville Texas and we will discuss the immediate issues facing us on the Border. We will be talking about Border Patrol and the obstacles they have placed in front of us, the “patriots” who are going around spreading false information and those who are attempting to profiteer from the blood and sweat of those who are actually doing the job of securing our border. We will talk about our immediate Camp needs and how those who want to come help can, and those who want to donate will be given our latest ways to get support to the border. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you the American People and Patriots.

Archie Seals and I will be on to talk about what is happening on the Border.


P.O.P. Patriots on Patrol – Camp Lonestar


Special 12 page Report

The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.

US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress


This posting will appear in every report until the US Military is sent to protect our International border.




“I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy.” 
John Adams


Putting Your Survival Plans to the Test


This will run every week.

Special Report
This report prints out to 12 pages but worthwhile reading.


The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.

US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress 



IT’S A SET UP! Obama to Kill Tomahawk and Hellfire Missile Programs!



Generals: Constitutional Crisis Could Force Military To Remove Obama


Fighting tyranny in America 2014

Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.


24/7 boycott of corporations.

They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.

Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.


Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all


The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.


We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.


Do not spend money with your political enemies.

Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses

Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.

Do business with like minded patriots.

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)

 New Jersey


The Saturday Morning Project


An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.

Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM


No Eyewitness report for 10.11.14

Peacefully Protesting the U.S. Governments Inability to Control Our Borders



Illegal Immigrants:

Number of Patriots on the line:

Church group: Yes. 2 different groups

Pick ups:  

Pro-illegal immigrant counter protesters present today: 0

Police Presence:

Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles: 

Number of middle fingers displayed:  

Number of thumbs down:

Number of hysterical rants from those who don’t agree with our peaceful protest:  

New Jersey


Bell can beat Booker.

Candidate for NJ Senate Bell can beat Senator Booker.

Call the Republican Party and tell them to sendBellmoney to win this election in order to take back the Senate from the loony Senator Reid and the Democrats.

Bell for Senate   https://www.facebook.com/BellforNJ

Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.


Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.

Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale

Ron Bass

Follow the UPA on



Ron Bass

Subscribe to the UPA Report


Web site is now operational.

http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net




UPA Report 10.05.14 Pic of armed patriots on the border.

Comments Off on UPA Report 10.05.14 Pic of armed patriots on the border.


United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report

Sunday, October 05, 2014

November elections are coming.


Our government has abandoned us at the border.

Listen to theDebut of Camp LoneStar Border talk Radio show

at the link posted below after the “smoking gun” story .


Pic of citizen patriots filling the void on the border. 


 The “smoking gun” at Logan Airport in Boston.


 The UPA was founded in response to the terrorist attacks on 911

 Now the following eyewitness accounts have been released from Logan Airport in BOS


The eyewitness accounts surfaced in a lawsuit brought by the family of Mark Bavis, a Los Angeles Kings hockey scout who died in one of the hijacked Boston flights. Because the case was settled in 2011 for several million dollars and never went to trial, the evidence never aired in open court.


Over the objections of federal authorities, the Bavis lawyers later made the risky decision to dump the FBI interviews and deposition transcripts into the public archives.


We are not acting in the best interest of our country to protect and preserve our safety, our security and our liberties.


Political correctness amongst other things have removed our ability to act in our own best interest.


In Logan Airport on May 11h 2001 no action was taken. He ( an airline employee) said he reported Atta to higher-ups, who told him, as he relayed to Spagnuolo, that there was nothing they could do about it.


In fact, airport security had clear authority to investigate anybodysurveilling a checkpoint at the time, and such activity should have raised major red flags. Just two months earlier, federal authorities advised airlines, including American, that al Qaeda terrorists typically conduct surveillance before attacking a target.


Airport security ignored pre-9/11 warnings on hijackers: secret docs

At least three eyewitnesses spotted al Qaeda hijackers casing the security checkpoints at Boston’s Logan Airport months before the 9/11 attacks.


They saw something and said something — but were ignored, newly unveiled court papers reveal.


“I’m convinced that had action been taken after the sighting of Atta, the 9/11 attacks, at least at Logan, could have been deterred,” said Brian Sullivan, a former FAA special agent who at the time warned of holes in security at the airport.


The three Boston witnesses were never publicly revealed, even though they were interviewed by the FBI and found to be credible. Their names didn’t even appear as footnotes in the 9/11 Commission Report.


Instead, the worst terrorist hijacker in history was allowed to waltz through security without anyone stopping him, asking his name, checking his ticket, taking a picture, looking at his drivers license or passport, opening his bags or patting him down.


Four months later, on Sept. 11, Atta passed through the same security checkpoint. His carry-on bag got past screeners despite containing box-cutters and mace or pepper spray. He took his seat in business class of American Airlines Flight 11 unimpeded.


But what they testified to seeing — only revealed now as part of the discovery in a settled 9/11 wrongful-death suit against the airlines and the government — can only be described as chilling.



We, as a people, and most particularly our leaders at all levels of government, have lost the ability to act in our own best interest.


It is certainly in our best interest to defend and secure our International Borders.


The following group of citizen patriots is doing that right now on the border in Texas.

Note: There are other groups on the border. The UPA is in contact with this group and another group in Arizona.

Any information reported in the UPA report is information that is already in the public domain.


Debut of Camp LoneStar Border talk Radio show.

Show will be broadcast live from Brownsville Texas and we will discuss the immediate issues facing us on the Border. We will be talking about Border Patrol and the obstacles they have placed in front of us, the “patriots” who are going around spreading false information and those who are attempting to profiteer from the blood and sweat of those who are actually doing the job of securing our border. We will talk about our immediate Camp needs and how those who want to come help can, and those who want to donate will be given our latest ways to get support to the border. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you the American People and Patriots.

Archie Seals and I will be on to talk about what is happening on the Border.



P.O.P. Patriots on Patrol (Camp Lonestar)



Special 12 page Report

The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.

US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress


This posting will appear in every report until the US Military is sent to protect our International border.


How is the following presidential memorandum in the national interest?


And how is it in our national interest to allow passengers from Eboli stricken countries to fly here through Brussels.


Presidential Memorandum — FY 2015 Refugee Admissions

The admission of up to 70,000 refugees to the United States during Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 is justified by humanitarian concerns or is otherwise in the national interest; provided that this number shall be understood as including persons admitted to the United States during FY 2015 with Federal refugee resettlement assistance under the Amerasian immigrant admissions program, as provided below.


East Asia………………………..13,000

Europe and Central Asia…………….1,000

Latin America and Caribbean…………4,000

Near East and South Asia…………..33,000

Unallocated Reserve………………..2,000



Stewart Rhodes, founder of Oath Keepers in Grants Pass – 27 Sep 2014

Excellent speech by the founder of Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes, inGrants Pass,Oregon- reminding the large audience that preparing for the imminent hard times ahead is necessary prior to the unexpected event.



United States Environmental Protection Agency

EPA overrides Congress, hands over town to Indian tribes




National suicide by political correctness

by LAWRENCE SELLIN, PHD October 1, 2014



The Islamic State Targets US Military Families: “show up [at their homes] and slaughter them.”


Denmark: Christians flee Muslim-dominated areas, “They tell me I ought to be stoned to death”

Europe, wherever it is found, is in a life-or-death struggle against displacement by aliens who will transform our societies in ways that would make them unrecognizable to our ancestors.
Towards a World Brotherhood of Europeans
Men of Europe, my brothers, we must stand together. We must struggle together, so that together we will prevail.
Let me conclude by reiterating the main themes of my talk this evening. First, Europe is wherever we find Europeans, whether they are on the continent of Europe or across the sea. Second, what we Europeans all hold in common is not merely a culture, a history, a way of being, but also the common kinship that we call race. Third, Europe, wherever it is found, is in a life-or-death struggle against displacement by aliens who will transform our societies in ways that would make them unrecognizable to our ancestors. We must be, all of us, comrades in this great struggle for the defense of everything that we love, in this struggle for the defense of Europe.Today, the lines are not so clearly drawn, the crisis is not so sharp, but for our generation, this is Thermopylae, this is Poitiers, this is the Siege of Malta, this is Blood River.
Men of Europe, my brothers, we must stand together. We must struggle together, so that together we will prevail.


Same article as above but different excerpt.
The threat to Europe everywhere is very great.

The official America ideology is “diversity,” which means national suicide through immigration: the replacement of European people by non-Europeans.

As you may know, in 1960, the population of theUnited Stateswas 90 percent white. Until 1965 theUnited Stateshad immigration laws that were designed to keep it European. Since that change in policy, non-white immigrants have poured into theUnited States, and now my country is only 62 or 3 percent white. Current projections are that in just 28 years, whites will be a minority.

The official ideology ofAmericais that “Diversity is our strength,” and by diversity is meant every possible mix of race, language, religion etc. Many people will tell you that “diversity isAmerica’s greatest strength.”

Of course, diversity is a terrible weakness. It pits different groups against each other and destroys trust. In every part of the world, when peoples who are different in language, religion, or race try to share the same territory, there is conflict.
This is virtually a law of nature, but American ideology attempts to rewrite the laws of nature.


What This Rare Interview With ISIS Just Exposed Will Chill You To Your Core

Report from Budapest

It was a bold idea from the beginning. The National Policy Institute (NPI), an American organization, was to hold a conference in Budapeston “The Future of Europe.” In addition to well-known identitarians such as Philippe Vardon of France, Markus Willinger of Germany, and myself, the controversial Russian academic Alexander Dugin, was to take part. Hungary’s Jobbik party would provide essential support on the ground, and one of its elected representatives was to address the meeting.

However, about two weeks before the conference, prime minister Victor Orban came under pressure from the Hungarian Socialist Party and condemned the conference. His statement mentioned Mr. Dugin by name, and characterized NPI as a “xenophobic and exclusionary” organization. Those of us scheduled to take part began to worry that pressure would build on the LarusEventCenter to cancel its contract to host the conference.

Things got worse. A little more than a week before the conference, the Interior Ministry issued a statement forbidding the meeting, and warning that all speakers would be stopped at the border or deported if found within Hungary. Again, Mr. Dugin was cited as a particularly offensive speaker, but others were cited as “racists” who might violate the Hungarian fundamental law that forbids “violating the human dignity of others.”




Despite the risk, Obama continues to issue ‘Ebola visas’



Deport Obama? Petition Urges President’s Removal From The United States




‘Proceedings should be immediately commenced, an investigation undertaken’



Mike Lee: no attorney general who supports Obama’s planned executive amnesty should be confirmed.




Why Instant Oatmeal Should Be in Your Survival Kit


Cold Temps Set Record as Snow Arrives in Chicago




Standard military strategy is to secure your homeland when at war.

Until such time that we secure our borders and repatriate our Islamic enemies we will never succeed in winning this war that Islam has brought to us.

When a country goes to war it must secure its homeland first.
 No politicians or military leaders have even mentioned this.

We must take the following steps and many more not listed.

Send US Military to the borders.

All local and state governments should begin immediately to enforce all national immigration laws.

All refugee resettlement programs must stop immediately.

All travel to US must be approved by visas. No more travel by passports.

The visa entry exit program must be put into place along with strict enforcement of violations.

Remove all Muslims from our government and from our military.

This will run every week.

Special Report
This report prints out to 12 pages but worthwhile reading.


The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.

US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress 



IT’S A SET UP! Obama to Kill Tomahawk and Hellfire Missile Programs!



Generals: Constitutional Crisis Could Force Military To Remove Obama


Fighting tyranny in America 2014

Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.


24/7 boycott of corporations.

They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.

Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.


Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all


The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.


We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.


Do not spend money with your political enemies.

Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses

Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.

Do business with like minded patriots.

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)

 New Jersey


The Saturday Morning Project


An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.

Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM


No Eyewitness report for 10.04.14

Peacefully Protesting the U.S. Governments Inability to Control Our Borders



Illegal Immigrants:

Number of Patriots on the line:

Church group: Yes. 2 different groups

Pick ups:  

Pro-illegal immigrant counter protesters present today: 0

Police Presence:

Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles: 

Number of middle fingers displayed:  

Number of thumbs down:

Number of hysterical rants from those who don’t agree with our peaceful protest:  

New Jersey


Bell can beat Booker.

Candidate for NJ Senate Bell can beat Senator Booker.

Call the Republican Party and tell them to sendBellmoney to win this election in order to take back the Senate from the loony Senator Reid and the Democrats.

Bell for Senate   https://www.facebook.com/BellforNJ

Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.


Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.

Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale

Ron Bass

Follow the UPA on



Ron Bass

Subscribe to the UPA Report


Web site is now operational.

http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net




UPA Report 9.28.14 Muslims Shouting ‘Praise Allah!’ Surround OK Police Following Beheading Press Conference

Comments Off on UPA Report 9.28.14 Muslims Shouting ‘Praise Allah!’ Surround OK Police Following Beheading Press Conference


 United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report

Sunday, September 28, 2014

November elections are coming.


 Sun Tzu says it is very hard to get your enemy out of your country once you have allowed them in.


Why is this in our national interest?  This is insane! 

 Illegal aliens (mostly Somalis) arrive on the island nation of Malta and we transform them into legitimate refugees and fly them to America!

We have been following this perversion of the refugee program for years (longer than the 5 years mentioned in this short article—the Bush Administration started this!).  These illegal migrants are the European Union’s problem, not ours!

Will Europe reciprocate and take some of our illegal Mexicans—NO!

And, by doing this we actually encourage more illegals to try to get to Malta.



Mideast Immigrants to US Pose Huge Security Threat

A new study shows that the number of immigrants in the United States jumped 3 percent in three years — to a record 41.3 million in 2013 — and that the nearly 300,000 who came from Muslim countries pose a major national security threat, the report’s co-author told Newsmax on Thursday.



Muslims Shouting ‘Praise Allah!’ Surround OK Police Following Beheading Press Conference





Uh Oh… Oklahoma Terror Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader (Includes Updates on Beheading Story)



The Islamization Of America In 2013

The Islamic supremacist approach is stealthier here in the States than it is in Europe, where we see no-go zones, mass car burnings, etc., because Europe currently has a much bigger Muslim population than the U.S. does.

That kind of aggression is in our future, for nothing is being done to prevent its coming here.



Flashback: Survey: 74% Increase in US Mosques During Past Decade, 80% Of Them Teach Jihad Violence And Islamic Supremacism



Details on the El Paso, TX Border Seminar

Sheriff and State Advisor Border Summits

by Robert Bunker

Sheriff and State Advisor Border Summits: Mexican Cartel, Gang, and Criminal Alien Security Issues






Good Riddance, Eric Holder



Military to allow undocumented immigrants to serve



Litmus test of Obama’s Allegiance [to Islam]

Obama’s allegiance to Islam is consistent: This story was published last year in Egypt’s Rose El-Youssef magazine. It announced the appointments of six Muslim Brotherhood operatives to key positions, thus the White House went “from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world, to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.”


Under his leadership, his administration ordered the removal of any rhetoric including Islam and Muslim terrorism from official manuals at government institutions, such as the FBI, CIA, DHS, and so on.


When Major Nidal Malik Hassan committed a terrorist attack against his innocent unsuspecting colleagues at Fort Hood, murdering 13 people and wounding 32 others in 2009, his was labeled “workplace violence,” not terrorism, and has remained so until now. He was sentenced to death, unanimously, in August 2013. However,



5 Star article.

ISIS threat: Americans are passengers on Titanic with Obama at helm

by LT. COLONEL JAMES G. ZUMWALT, USMC (RET) September 23, 2014



World Report- The Generals Revolt

Published on Sep 21, 2014

President Obama has failed to listen to his military leaders. They are letting the public know they don’t agree with or believe his Not War strategy will work



Sen. John McCain added Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey to his list ofpeople the President should fire over the deteriorating situation in Iraq.



‘Sanctuary Cities’ or ‘Safe Havens’ for Terrorists?



Willing Demons

What is the United States? It is not a republic as it follows no semblence of its Constitution, the very foundation of its power, of its authority. It is a system of terror, with the power to destroy lives with contrived charges; offhandedly encumbering citizens with debt and criminal charges on a whim. This is the very system our forefather’s fled and risked everything to resist. In effect, they have taken our citizenship, robbed us of our birthright.



New terror group ‘Khorasan‘ could pose more direct threat to US, Europe: Officials

PTI Sep 21, 2014, 06.34PM IST



Illegals on Obamacare? Feds set to bounce 115,000 from program who can’t prove citizenship




Suspects behind murder of 3 teens killed during capture attempt

The killing of the 3 Israeli kid led to the 50 dayGazawar.



Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – 09/20/14



DHS Doesn’t Know About The 40 ISIS Terrorists Who Returned To The U.S.

Posted on September 21, 2014 by TMH



Stewart Rhodes, President of Oathkeepers, speaks at the Lamp of Liberty National Press Club sponsored by the CSPOA.



Her Town Was Invaded By Muslim Extremists, Watch What Happens When She Confronts Them



Standard military operations is to secure the homeland.

Until such time that we secure our borders and repatriate our Islamic enemies we will never succeed in winning this war that Islam has brought to us.

When a country goes to war it must secure its homeland first. No politicians or military leaders have even mentioned this.

We must take the following steps and many more not listed.

Send US Military to the borders.

All local and state governments should begin immediately to enforce all national immigration laws.

All refugee resettlement programs must stop immediately.

All travel to US must be approved by visas. No more travel by passports.

The visa entry exit program must be put into place along with strict enforcement of violations.

Remove all Muslims from our government and from our military.



Ferguson officer wounded after confronting burglars; suspects remain at large



Snuffing Out South African Identity



Shooters Grill

American Family Style Restaurant













Combat Mindset Killer Instinct

Combat mindset and killer instinct means knowing the difference between confident assertiveness, animal aggressiveness, and false braggadocio… This confidence provides you the moral and physical courage to “flip the switch” to predatory, animal aggressiveness when necessary.



Muslim Arrested in #Ferguson Threatened to Behead Critics Like “Bitch” Daniel Pearl



In Yemen, Iran-backed Shia Jihadists sweep into capital, kill 340

As I reported yesterday a Shia group backed by Iran has taken effective control of Yemen. Yemen has previously been a partner of the US in the fight against Al Qaeda. Today they have swept into the capital.



Petition Urges Obama To Let Border-Jumper Stay in White House



This will run every week.

Special Report
This report prints out to 12 pages but worthwhile reading.


The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.

US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress 



IT’S A SET UP! Obama to Kill Tomahawk and Hellfire Missile Programs!



  Generals: Constitutional Crisis Could Force Military To Remove Obama


Fighting tyranny in America 2014

Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.


24/7 boycott of corporations.

They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.

Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.


Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all


The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.


We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.


Do not spend money with your political enemies.

Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses

Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.

Do business with like minded patriots.

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)

 New Jersey


The Saturday Morning Project


An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.

Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM


No Eyewitness report for 9.27.14

Peacefully Protesting the U.S. Governments Inability to Control Our Borders



Illegal Immigrants:

Number of Patriots on the line:

Church group: Yes. 2 different groups

Pick ups:  

Pro-illegal immigrant counter protesters present today: 0

Police Presence:

Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles: 

Number of middle fingers displayed:  

Number of thumbs down:

Number of hysterical rants from those who don’t agree with our peaceful protest:  

New Jersey


Bell can beat Booker.

Candidate for NJ Senate Bell can beat Senator Booker.

Call the Republican Party and tell them to sendBellmoney to win this election in order to take back the Senate from the loony Senator Reid and the Democrats.

Bell for Senate   https://www.facebook.com/BellforNJ

Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.


Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.

Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale

Ron Bass

Follow the UPA on



Ron Bass

Subscribe to the UPA Report


Web site is now operational.

http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net




UPA Report 9.21.14 A Report from El Paso, TX

September 21, 2014 by  
Filed under Border Control, Islam in America, UPA Report

Comments Off on UPA Report 9.21.14 A Report from El Paso, TX



 United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report

Sunday, September 21, 2014

November elections are coming.


U.S Military needed to secure our borders.


Bass attends a FAIR Border Seminar and Border Field trip in El Paso TX

Fri. 9.12.14 – Sat. 9.13.14

See more pics below.



The world’s largest bronze equestrian statue was bolted into place on October 25, 2006 at the entrance to El Paso, Texas’s international airport. It stands 36 feet tall on an eight-foot base, and is the second-tallest statue in Texas, overshadowed only by a titanic Sam Houston in Huntsville.

Special Report

Is there anyone who thinks the continued stream of Muslim immigration from countries with active jihadist groups is a good idea?


Yup!  The US State Department and all of its refugee resettlement contractors*** think it’s a perfectly good idea and we,

 at RRW (Refugee Resettlement Watch), have been discussing it for years.


How, some of us on this side of the Atlantic have begun to ask, have these people with their baggage of noisome and culturally vetted proclivities come to be among us?


    For years we have taken no notice, content to embrace the sedatives and platitudes of multiculturalism, until a moment comes when we are abruptly made aware and taken aback by an alien and unaccommodating presence, one that has been metastasizing for decades while we voluntarily turned a blind eye.


    Anyone with a modicum of perceptiveness must be cognizant by now that Islam is advancing its millennial agenda in two ways, that is, via a classic pincer movement: the tactic of terrorism, and the strategy of immigration as elaborated by the Muslim Brotherhood, the latter project an immensely powerful force owing to its stealthy and insidious nature, abetted by leftist and liberal sympathies and policies.


By this time its cover should have been blown, and we must begin to speak out, to agitate for legislation to revise our immigration protocols, to reject outright the social camouflage of political correctness, to expose “outreach” and “interfaith” programs for the confidence games they are, to investigate the hotbed mosques spreading like bunkers throughout the land, and to lobby our congressional and parliamentary representatives to pass laws militating against the depletion of our welfare resources, the exploitation of our legal system to silence critics of Islam (known as “lawfare”), and the use of our human rights tribunals that deprive us of our…human rights.


There is no longer any excuse for apathy, distraction or ignorance, for the evidence of our approaching dispossession is all around us.



The New Colonizers by David Solway

We have a profoundly serious problem of illegal immigration, but we also have a problem of legal immigration, Unfortunately, it is a problem that can barely be discussed.  Is there anyone who thinks the continued stream of Muslim immigration from countries with active jihadist groups is a good idea?



The New Colonizers

When prayer space is really occupied territory.





Former head of Marine Corps: ‘Not a snowball’s chance In hell’ Obama’s plan succeeds



Mayor de Blasio of New York City Stands with Jihadists, Condemns AFDI Adshttp://pamelageller.com/2014/09/mayor-de-blasio-stands-with-jihadists-condemns-afdi-ads.html/ 


See video

Michael Cutler: Sanctuary Cities Are Safe Havens for Terrorists

Friday, 19 Sep 2014 01:56 PM

When we hear sanctuary city, we should think about the word haven, as when the president the night before the 13th anniversary of 9/11 said, ‘we need to deprive the terrorists’ safe haven,'” Cutler explained.


“Sanctuary cities is doing precisely that — providing safe haven, right here in cities across the United States, aided and abetted by this administration that refuses to enforce the laws, and has provided hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens with identity documents,” he said.




Two Marines Are Marching to Washington with a Message for Obama

Vietnamveterans traveling 300 miles by foot for Marine stuck in Mexican prison



Future Americans Will Ask: Why Didn’t Congress Impeach Obama When It Could?

DIANA WEST August 4, 2014

How will future generations look back on our gravest national emergency of all time? And how will they regard what their forebears didn’t do about it?

This will include what we didn’t do about border nullification, which collapsed theU.S.as a sovereign nation. What we didn’t do about the alignment of our foreign policy with that of jihad movements, which meant the end of liberty, also life itself, for our best allies. What we didn’t do about the growth of tyranny from corruption and Marxism in this cradle of liberty.



Thieves Hit PG&E Metcalf Road Substation In San Jose, Site Of 2013 Vandalism Attack

August 27, 2014



Countering Extremism Will Never Defeat Jihad. Really?

by DIANA WEST September 9, 2014

Such mystification wasn’t my first reaction. I know where their thinking comes from. It comes from Islam. Who doesn’t know that but the highly educated and politically empowered? Not for nothing does the immutable Koran say (Surah 47, Verse 4): “Therefore, when ye meet the unbelievers, smite them at their necks,” among other directives of open-ended jihad. Then again, take the life of Muhammad, Islam’s “perfect man.” He followed his jihad campaign against the Qurayzah, a vanquished Jewish tribe, by beheading all of the 600 to 900 men in the tribe, setting the example for Muslims through the ages. Mohammed also condemned the tribe’s women and children to slavery, keeping some women for himself and his companions, which, bonus, set an example of jihad sex slavery.



F-22 fighters intercept Russian military planes 55 miles off Alaska



Security breached: Intruder gets into White House



sound bite-

100,000 illegals with arrest records were released by ice a department of Homeland Security

186 guilty of homicide were released onto the streets.


NY ICE Thrown Out of NY for Immigration Rally in New York City!

Published on Aug 30, 2014

NY ICE & Border Patrol USAare removed from the rally at Baruch College city university of New York City. NY ICE Thrown Out of NY for Immigration Rally in New York City !

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX9C-Z2KK3c&feature=youtu.b e


Muslim Beheads Two Christians in New Jersey

Posted on June 25th, 2013

Back in February of 2013 a muslim in New Jersey shot two Christians in the chest at close range,  beheaded them, and buried their bodies, heads and hands in separate graves.

According to New York’s WABC-TV, the Muslim was identified as Yusuf Ibrahim, 28. He was taken into custody after the bodies were found.



…..a great many of those “children” crossing the border are actually members of murderous crime gangs such as MS-13.

The “Humanitarian Crisis” and the Coming Crime Wave in U.S. Cities

Back to the U.S./Mexican border today, reports now indicate that a great many of those “children” crossing the border are actually members of murderous crime gangs such as MS-13. Several have been found to be guilty of murder, extortion and money laundering back in their home countries. Inside the rescue centers that are housing the “refuges,” there are reports of fights breaking out between rival gang members. Wait until they join up with their fellow gang members inAmerica’s neighborhoods. American cities are being set up to explode in a crime wave never before experienced in theUnited States.



The latest trend in Jihadist recruitment in the West: Women

Published 16 September 2014

Counterterrorism officials have been dealing with the threat of Westerners traveling to the Middle East to join the Islamic State (IS), but now they must also combat the growing threat of American female Jihadists joining IS and other militant groups, including Somali-based, al-Shabaab. Photos and videos of female Jihadists on Islamic social networks show them enforcing Islamic dress codes on local women in captured villages, and even cooking for their male counterparts.



Bass attends a FAIR Border Seminar and Border Field trip in El Paso TX

Fri. 9.12.14 – Sat. 9.13.14






  FAIR, The Federation for American Immigration Reform, hosted Sheriffs from around the country on Thursday and Friday and then on Friday and Saturday the same seminar and field trip was presented to ‘citizen activists” like my self.

Friday night we had a meet and greet then all day Saturday we heard speakers along with videos. Then at 5:00 PM we boarded a large bus that took us down to the next county east of El Paso, to the county sheriffs headquarters where we then got into a caravan of Sheriffs vehicles and headed about a ¼ mile to the border. The roads near the boarder were small dirt roads unfit for our big bus. Our group took pictures and chatted with the well armed sheriffs about life on the border. Then back to the Sheriffs headquarters where we were given a real Texas brisket barbecue dinner. Special thanks to the Sheriffs and the Fair national field team Sue Tully, Bob Nijmulski and Joyce Mucci. This was not there first border rodeo but it was mine.




About FAIR

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is a national, nonprofit, public-interest, membership organization of concerned citizens who share a common belief that our nation’s immigration policies must be reformed to serve the national interest.

FAIR seeks to improve border security, to stop illegal immigration, and to promote immigration levels consistent with the national interest—more traditional rates of about 300,000 a year.

With more than 250,000 members and supporters nationwide, FAIR is a non-partisan group whose membership runs the gamut from liberal to conservative. Our grassroots networks help concerned citizens use their voices to speak up for effective, sensible immigration policies that work for America’s best interests.


And More


Air Force dumps ‘so help me God’ from enlistment oath



Sovereign Citizens go to top of the domestic terrorist threat list ahead of the Islamic Extremists/Jihadists

A 2014 report by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism stated that a survey of law enforcement officials and agencies across the United States concluded that this movement was the single greatest threat to their communities, now ranking above Islamic terrorists and jihadists

Scroll down to RESULTS to see rankings.

Some American patriots refer to themselves as “sovereign citizens” and they have replaced Islamic Extremists/Jihadist as the group perceived to represent the greates threat toAmerica.

Sovereign Citizens (1)

Islamic Extremists/Jihadists  (2)



Sovereign Citizens

A Growing Domestic Threat to Law Enforcement



This will run every week.

Special Report
This report prints out to 12 pages but worthwhile reading.


The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.

US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress 



IT’S A SET UP! Obama to Kill Tomahawk and Hellfire Missile Programs!



  Generals: Constitutional Crisis Could Force Military To Remove Obama


Fighting tyranny in America 2014

Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.


24/7 boycott of corporations.

They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.

Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.


Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all


The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.


We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.


Do not spend money with your political enemies.

Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses

Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.

Do business with like minded patriots.

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)

 New Jersey


The Saturday Morning Project


An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.

Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM


No Eyewitness report for 9.20.14

Peacefully Protesting the U.S. Governments Inability to Control Our Borders



Illegal Immigrants:

Number of Patriots on the line:

Church group: Yes. 2 different groups

Pick ups:  

Pro-illegal immigrant counter protesters present today: 0

Police Presence:

Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles: 

Number of middle fingers displayed:  

Number of thumbs down:

Number of hysterical rants from those who don’t agree with our peaceful protest:  

New Jersey


Bell can beat Booker.

Candidate for NJ Senate Bell can beat Senator Booker.

Call the Republican Party and tell them to sendBellmoney to win this election in order to take back the Senate from the loony Senator Reid and the Democrats.

Bell for Senate   https://www.facebook.com/BellforNJ

Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.


Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.

Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale

Ron Bass

Follow the UPA on



Ron Bass

Subscribe to the UPA Report


Web site is now operational.

http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net




UPA Report 9.14.14 James O’Keefe crosses from Mexico into US with Osama Biden Laden mask unopposed.

Comments Off on UPA Report 9.14.14 James O’Keefe crosses from Mexico into US with Osama Biden Laden mask unopposed.


United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report

Sunday, September 14, 2014

November elections are coming.


U.S Military needed to secure our borders.


Special Report
This report prints out to 12 pages but worthwhile reading.


The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.

US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress 




Watch this Video and then read the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Mission below.

O’Keefe crossing the Rio Grandedisguised as Osama bin Laden



James O’Keefe as Osama bin Laden crosses border from Mexico to US


Published on Sep 8, 2014

 In a Project Veritas investigation released Monday, James O’Keefe exposed the lack of security along our border withCanada. In the follow-up to the investigation that featured O’Keefe crossing theRio Grande disguised as Osama bin Laden, the latest investigation illustrates the lack of border security by simulating a terrorist infiltration across Lake Erie and intoCleveland.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB37TCDcZBg  Same as link above.


U.S. Customs and Border Protection


We are the guardians of our nation’s borders.

We are America’s frontline.

We safeguard the American homeland at and beyond our borders.

We protect the American public against terrorists and the instruments of terror.

We steadfastly enforce the laws of the United States while fostering our nation’s economic security through lawful international trade and travel.

We serve the American public with vigilance, integrity and professionalism.


IT’S A SET UP! Obama to Kill Tomahawk and Hellfire Missile Programs!



This news is 5 months hold but relevant in view of our having to go back to war in the Middle East.

Obama to Kill Tomahawk, Hellfire Missile Programs

Cornerstone of U.S. Naval power eliminated under Obama budget

March 24, 2014

President Barack Obama is seeking to abolish two highly successful missile programs that experts say have helped the U.S. Navy maintain military superiority for the past several decades.


The Tomahawk missile program—known as “the world’s most advanced cruise missile”—is set to be cut by $128 million under Obama’s fiscal year 2015 budget proposal and completely eliminated by fiscal year 2016, according to budget documents released by the Navy.


In addition to the monetary cuts to the program, the number of actual Tomahawk missiles acquired by the United States would drop significantly—from 196 last year to just 100 in 2015. The number will then drop to zero in 2016.


The Navy will also be forced to cancel its acquisition of the well-regarded and highly effective Hellfire missiles in 2015, according to Obama’s proposal.


The proposed elimination of these missile programs came as a shock to lawmakers and military experts, who warned ending cutting these missiles would significantly erode America’s ability to deter enemy forces.



RUSH: Cheney Exactly Right! Obama Has Done Things That Have Supported The Muslim Brotherhood



Breitbart Texas verifies ISIS border threat with leaked doc

LUBBOCK,Texas– BreitbartTexashas exclusively obtained a leaked document warning federal agents about an ISIS-related terrorism threat across the entire US-Mexico border. Though the document focuses on the Texas-Mexico border, BreitbartTexashas confirmed that federal agents across the entire US-Mexico border have received theISISterror warning.



Not all illegal aliens are nice people just looking for a better way of life.

That’s why countries have borders and immigration laws.

We get to decide who gets to come into our country.

MCALLEN, Texas – Four illegal aliens from Mexico received a lengthy prison sentence for kidnapping, torturing, and raping a group of illegal immigrants at a stash house near the South Texas border.



Volunteers patrols along Rio Grande river draws threats from Gulf Cartel

VILLA PANCHO,Texas– The actions of a group of volunteers looking to help secure the border appears to have angered the Gulf Cartel.



Molotov cocktail thrown in Cleaver’s office

A Molotov cocktail was thrown through the window of Rep. Emanuel Cleaver’s (D-Mo.) district office at around 3 a.m. Thursday morning.

The Kansas City Police and Kansas City Bomb and Arson Squad responded to the scene and completed an initial survey. No one was in the office when the object or objects were thrown. The cocktail did not explode, according to local reports.



Sen. Rand Paul Speaks Out Against Senators Voting without Reading the Bills – 6/29/12





Judge Promises Obama Will Serve 10 Years To Life For This Major Crime

At the beginning of this year, President Obama blatantly disregarded Congress when he decided to free five Taliban leaders from theGuantanamoBayprison. The action has since been viewed as “aiding and abetting” the enemy, as well as providing them with “material support.” There are also allegations that the President involved a large sum of cash in the deal—all hoping to return army deserter Bowe Bergdahl.



Generals: Constitutional Crisis Could Force Military To Remove Obama



Judge Denies Release of Michael Brown’s Juvenile Records



Trump National Golf Course Tells Barack Obama To Go Play Somewhere Else

Trump National was among those courses Barack Obama hoped to play, but the White House was told NO, the president was not welcome at the course.  This was followed by two more denials from Winged Foot and then Willow Ridge, all world class golf facilities who it seems, did not want the president and his entourage messing up Labor Day golf outings for their members. 



Molotov cocktail thrown in Cleaver’s office



Rip Joan Rivers: No one will ever call Michelle Obama a ‘tranny’ again



Grandfather greets returning grandson in Military





Prepping 101 – Home Security

From the dawn of time, man has tried to build a home that would keep him and his family safe. From caves to small huts to castles with moats and now underground bunkers we humans have continued to strive for safety. Safety from what?  



Fighting tyranny in America 2014

Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.


24/7 boycott of corporations.

They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.

Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.


Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all


The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.


We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.


Do not spend money with your political enemies.

Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses

Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.

Do business with like minded patriots.

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)

 New Jersey


The Saturday Morning Project


An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.

Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM


No Eyewitness report for 9.13.14

Peacefully Protesting the U.S. Governments Inability to Control Our Borders



Illegal Immigrants:

Number of Patriots on the line:

Church group: Yes. 2 different groups

Pick ups:  

Pro-illegal immigrant counter protesters present today: 0

Police Presence:

Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles: 

Number of middle fingers displayed:  

Number of thumbs down:

Number of hysterical rants from those who don’t agree with our peaceful protest:  

New Jersey


Bell can beat Booker.

Candidate for NJ Senate Bell can beat Senator Booker.

Call the Republican Party and tell them to sendBellmoney to win this election in order to take back the Senate from the loony Senator Reid and the Democrats.

Bell for Senate   https://www.facebook.com/BellforNJ

Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.


Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.

Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale

Ron Bass

Follow the UPA on



Ron Bass

Subscribe to the UPA Report


Web site is now operational.

http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net




UPA Report 10.28.12

October 29, 2012 by  
Filed under UPA Report

Comments Off on UPA Report 10.28.12


 United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001in response to 911
UPA Report

Sunday, October 28th 2012

Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Sotero will be fired in 9 days

provided that we all get out and vote.


Bye Bye Obama




Osama bin Laden raid not Obama’s call
The Stand Up America research team has learned from a senior and sensitive intelligence community source and official that President Obama did not know of the raid in Abbottabad to kill Osama bin Laden on May 1, 2011, until after the helicopters with SEAL Team Six had crossed into Pakistani airspace.



A Declaration of War from the Youth of France


Watch this important video



From the Youth of France – (English subs)

Generation Identitaire

Same video as above



French nationalists occupy mosque, demand end to Muslim immigration

Posted: Monday, 10.22.12



Text to video

We are Generation Identitaire.


We are the generation who get killed for glancing at the wrong person,

for refusing someone a cigarette, |or having an “attitude” that annoys someone.


We are the generation of ethnic fracture, total failure of coexistence,| and forced mixing of the races.


We are the generation doubly punished:| Condemned to pay into a social system

so generous with strangers it becomes| unsustainable for our own people.


Our generation are the victims of the May ’68’ers| who wanted to liberate themselves from tradition, from knowledge and authority in education.


But they only accomplished to| liberate themselves from their responsibilities.


We reject your history books to re-gather our memories.


We no longer believe that „Khader” could ever be our brother,

we have stopped believing in a „Global Village” and the „Family of Man”.


We discovered that we have roots, |ancestry and therefore a future.


Our heritage is our land, our blood, our identity. | We are the heirs to our own future


We turned off the TV to march the streets.


We painted our slogans on the walls. Cried through loudspeakers

 for “youth in power” and flew our Lambda flags high.


The Lambda, painted on proud Spartans’ shields, is our symbol.


Don’t you understand what this means ? |We will not back down, we will not give in.


We are sick and tired of your cowardice.


You are from the years of post-war prosperity,|retirement benefits, S.O.S Racism and „diversity”, sexual liberation and a bag of rice from Bernard Kouchner.


We are 25 percent unemployment,|social debt, multicultural collapse

and an explosion of anti-white racism.


We are broken families, and young French soldiers dying in Afghanistan.


You won’t buy us with a condescending look, a state-paid job of misery and a pat on the shoulder.


We don’t need your youth-policies. Youth IS our policy.


Don’t think this is simply a manifesto.


It is a declaration of war.


You are of yesterday, we are of tomorrow.


We are Generation Identitaire.






French Muslims demand group ban after attack on mosque.

The French Muslim Council (CFCM) urged the government on Monday to ban a far-right group that occupied a mosque on Saturday and issued a “declaration of war” against what it called the Islamisation of France.




Iran’s global cyber war-room is secretly hosted by Hizballah in Beirut

Iran’s secret cyber war-room is located at Hizballah’s secret internal security apparatus headquarters in the Shiite Dahya district of South Beirut, debkafile’s exclusive intelligence and counterterrorism sources reveal. The hackers and cyber experts who recently attacked American banks and Saudi oil sites and which guided an Iranian stealth drone into Israeli airspace on Oct. 6, operate from Hizballah’s premises in Beirut and its secret bunkers.





Marine Attack Squadron loses eight Harrier jets in worst U.S. air loss in one day since the Vietnam War September 16, 2012

On Friday Sept. 14, at around 10.15 p.m. local time, a force of Taliban gunmen attacked Camp Bastion, in Helmand Province, the main strategic base in southwestern Afghanistan.



The Real Reason Behind Benghazigate?

Oct 25, 2012, Frank Gaffney

In short, it seems President Obama has been engaged in gun-walking on a massive scale. The effect has been to equip America’s enemies to wage jihad not only against regimes it once claimed were our friends, but inevitably against us and our allies, as well. That would explain his administration’s desperate, and now-failing, bid to mislead the voters through the serial deflections of Benghazigate



The Rape of Christopher Stevens

October 26 2012, By Raymond Ibrahim

Why was the American ambassador killed, who had hailed the revolutionand was there helping to “build a better Libya”?

These are the questions the media and the Obama administration need to be answering—not obsessing over a second-rate YouTube video and questioning hard won American freedoms enshrined in the First Amendment. They should be explaining why it is that, after four years of appeasing the Islamic world in ways unprecedented, including by helping oust America’s longstanding allies like Egypt’s Mubarak to empower Islamists, all we have to show for it are dead and violated Americans, stormed embassies, burned U.S. flags, and greater anti-American sentiment than ever before.



Putting An End to the Islamization of Switzerland

Gates of Vienna 26 October 2012

IG: For what reasons did you stand against the construction of minarets? For example, in London there are about 400 mosques, aren’t there?

 OF: It’s time for the legal state to confine Islam’s religious dogmas within the appropriate framework. There is a freedom of religion in Switzerland, but it is only so until maintaining religious freedom doesn’t contradict the norms of the rule of law. Since Islam doesn’t distinguish between the state and religion, such problems inevitably arise.


 However, the state governed by the rule of law is obliged to care about peaceful co-existence of religions and prevent the domination of one of them.


 The referendum against the construction of minarets was a sort of signal to the state: here is the limit. According to Erdogan (Turkish prime minister), the minaret is a symbol of the religious power (“Islamic bayonet”), therefore it was a ban on minarets’ construction that was the most suitable way to put an end to Islamization.

 IG: How do you see the future of Christian Europe?


 OF: If we continue to preach relativism (relativity of values) and the decay of values goes on, Christianity will inevitably become a complete nonentity. However, since people can’t do without believing in something, on the one hand, it will cause the flourishing of all kinds of sects, but on the other — Islam will be spreading more irrepressibly.




Live: Geert Wilders speaks in Malmö

October 27 2012

The Swedish Free Press Society has shown great courage in inviting the Dutch politician Geert Wilders to Malmö, Sweden. Great courage in that Malmö is heavily burdened by Muslim immigration, to the point where the city is no longer safe for Jews to live in, normal immigration-related problems aside.




Free Tommy

Solemn vigil in front of the British embassy at 5.30pm in Berlin

EuropeNews 24 October 2012

Stephen Lennon, known popularly as Tommy Robinson, was arrested on Saturday in the latest act of police harrassment against him. “Tommy” has been given numerous warnings by the police that his life is in imminent danger. But instead of arresting the would-be murderers they persecute him for his political views. He has been exposed to arrest after arrest and has been driven into penury because of his outspoken opposition to sharia



Free Tommy

Video: I’m Tommy Robinson & Freedom of speech in Britain

YouTube 26 October 2012, By BritishFreedomTV



Free tommy

British Consulate-General – New York


845 3rd Avenue  New York, NY 10022

(212) 745-0200


TOP Song in England (Soon to be the rest of Europe and the USA)



Islamist Adviser to the State Dept and USAID Exposed

October 26 2012, By Ryan Mauro

Abed Ayoub, the CEO of Islamic Relief USA, a powerful charity with links to Hamas is an official advisor to the State Department and USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development), a RadicalIslam.org investigation has found.



Seattle elementary school bans Halloween costumes: they could offend students from “other cultures”



Wake up, Europe

By DAVID ALTMAN, 10/15/2012 23:27

Indeed, this concept of parallel conquest – from within and from without – appears to be the strategy of Islamic radicalism today. Initially, the public viewed Islamic migration as stemming from the desire for greater opportunity and quality of life. While this may have been true for the first generation of immigrants, the third and fourth generations of immigrants show little interest in adapting to their host countries, but rather insist their host countries adapt to their Shari’a law.



November 4th is National Remembrance Day for those killed by illegal aliens
Nov. 4, 2012 will mark the second annual National Remembrance Day for those killed by illegal aliens. It is a day upon which we honor those Americans who did not perish in a foreign war, though they did die violently. You might say…they died in a different kind of war.
 The National Remembrance Day was conceived by the Tea Party Immigration Coalition (TPIC) and last year, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) announced his sponsorship of a resolution making the first Sunday of every November the day we honor those Americans killed by illegal aliens.

Silence indicates consent.


1(877)762-8762 and ; 1(800)833-6354  &  1(877)210-5351

To have the Immigration laws of our country enforced and to secure our Borders from illegal trespassers.

To promote the safety and security of American Citizens.

The UPA is a nonpartisan all inclusive organization

The Saturday Morning Project


An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.

Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM


Eyewitness report for 10.27.12



Patriots: 6
Illegal Immigrants:11
Church group:Yes. providing water to the illegal aliens. 
Pick ups: 2
Police Presence: Yes.
Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles: 18+
Number of middle fingers displayed: 3.
Number of hysterical rants from those who don't agree with our peaceful protest: 0.

 New Jersey

We got rid of Gov. Corzine now it’s time to get rid of Senator Menendez.

Vote for Joe Kyrillos for Senate


Info & Web Sites for Patriots

America Made Products

Knife Country USA
Bear & Son Cutlery 105 Lockback Pocket Knife with Stainless Steel Handles
List Price: $45.00 Our Price: $22.65 Savings: $22.35 (50%)

Diamond Gusset Jeans. Celebrating our 25th year.
Genuine. Original. Always 100% American made

2nd Amendment

Gun Owners of America

National Association for Gun Rights

Armed Females of America

Border control and Immigration Enforcement


Federation For American Immigration Reform (FAIR)


Defending US borders from foreign invaders is not law enforcement; it’s the basic purpose of the US military.

The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.
US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress








So you want to nullify violations of the Constitution?  

Welcome to the Constitution Society   

Constitution Reclaimed

Eligibility – POTUS

World’s Leading Obama Eligibility Challenge Web Site



Fighting the Left
Support those professionals who are fighting the left.


“War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”

nJohn Stuart Mill


Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience

Strike the Root!



Protest Warrior

Fighting the left…and doing it right.



Federal Tyranny.
Where you find the laws most numerous, there you will find also the greatest injustice.”

We are Preparing for Massive Civil War, Says DHS Informant


Proposed Amendment 28

Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.

Glen Beck

Watch this instead of a TV show.

Here Are The Highlights From the FreePAC Rally in Orlando: ‘Our Long National Nightmare Is About to Be Over’

On Friday evening, Glenn Beck joined FreedomWorks and some of the biggest names of the conservative movement for the second installment of a two-part FreePAC event in Florida. In addition to Beck, who gave a moving and powerful keynote speech, TheBlazeTV’s Andrew Wilkow, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Matt Kibbe and Deneen Borelli all graced the stage and delivered positive and freedom-driven messages.




What is agenda 21

Agenda 21 seeks to control populations through zoning and seizure of private property, strip national sovereignty, reduce the world population, even control our consumption of meat and air conditioning … all in the name of the environment.

And who can be against the environment, right?


Agenda 21 for Public Officials
 seeks to control populations through zoning and seizure of private property, strip national sovereignty, reduce the world population, even control our consumption of meat and air conditioning … all in the name of the environment. And who can be against the environment, right?


Stop the North American Union


Info & Lookups

(866)220-0044; (877)851-6437; (877)762-8762

Islamic Jihad and Sharia Law

ACT! for America
ACT! for America was created to provide American citizens a means to be a collective voice for the democratic values of Western Civilization, such as the celebration of life and liberty, as opposed to the authoritarian values of radical Islam, such as the celebration of death, terror and tyranny.

….the likely nature of the large-scale societal breakdowns we will see as Islam in Europe continues to be what it cannot help but be.

Surrender, Genocide… or What?
A few months ago, I wrote “The Danish Civil War”, a fictional scenario which served to structure a consideration of various issues relating to the rise of Islam in Europe and the likely consequences thereof. The essay finished with the conclusion that Islam constituted an existential threat to the survival of European civilization, and that Islam’s influence on Europe therefore needed to be eliminated. It further concluded that, logically speaking, the various ways of achieving this goal could be broadly subdivided into three categories:

1) inducing Muslims to leave of their own free will,
2) mass deportations, and
3) genocide.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s five-phase plan for dominating America

Stop Islamization of America.


Terrorist Training Camps in America



Jews and Obama—Pride and Prejudice

According to journalist Clare M. Lopez, “we are witnessing the stepped process of the Islamization of American domestic and foreign policy unfold before our eyes…the new Caliphate is rising under the leadership of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) through the directed action of its individual member states in coordination with the Muslim Brotherhood. Violent jihad is unleashed, and the United States of America is bowing to Sharia on satellite TV and the global Internet for all the world to see.”



TOP Song in England (Soon to be the rest of Europe and the USA)



Wake up, Europe

By DAVID ALTMAN, 10/15/2012 23:27

Indeed, this concept of parallel conquest – from within and from without – appears to be the strategy of Islamic radicalism today. Initially, the public viewed Islamic migration as stemming from the desire for greater opportunity and quality of life. While this may have been true for the first generation of immigrants, the third and fourth generations of immigrants show little interest in adapting to their host countries, but rather insist their host countries adapt to their Shari’a law.





“Resistance is Futile”: Waco Rules vs. Romanian Rules

“In a shoot-out, the feds always win”, Huntsville Times, May 2, 2007

You simply can’t arm yourself adequately against a government that is rotten and needs to be overturned. Your best defense is the ballot box, not a pillbox.. . . . You can’t beat ‘em.



The Heartland USA
Castle Defense Training


If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed;
if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves. – Winston Churchill


American Voice Radio Network
Search for the John Clark Show.

The Forgotten Men The Radio Show
Radio: AM930 WFMD
Listen Live: Saturday’s 12-2pm ET

The Wilkow Majority
The Wilkow Majority broadcasts live, Monday-Friday from 12-3pm EST on SIRIUS XM Patriot.

Revolution – political
We’ve lost our country – Our only hope is for a revolution… – The Roth
Presidential Candidate Dr. Laurie Roth  will bring on the Roth Revolution and take our country back


The Official Don’t Tread on Me Outfitters
This company provides the perfect means of subtle protest against our pervasive and invasive government. It also serves as a reminder of U.S. colonial history and how if we fail to remember, we are doomed to repeat.
Gadsden and Culpeper
15 Glenridge Rd Store #7 Glenville NY 12302

Liberty Stickers



Re-Elect Joe Arpaio 2012?”
The # 1 law Enforcement officer in the country enforcing immigrations laws in his county in Arizona.
He needs our support. go to his site and donate.
Official Campaign Website
Donate to Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Elect Sheriff Mack Congress in 2012
His platform on Immigration and border Security
Immigration laws are not the problem. Enforcement, especially at the Federal level, is the problem. We have a legal route to citizenship that must be equally and fairly applied to all who wish to enter the USA. We can fix this problem if we have people in Washington with courage and leadership.

Donate to Sheriff Mack


Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America

The Survivalist Blog

Tea Party Info
Tea Party Tribune
Tea Party and Political News Reporting

Victims of Illegal Aliens
One initiative, The Stolen Lives Quilt, honors and remembers Americans killed by illegal aliens.  We seek to provide a voice for victims and unite the families of victims killed by illegal aliens.


Judicial Watch

“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.“
Thomas Jefferson.

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale



Follow the UPA on



Ron Bass
E-mail – info@UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica.com


UPA Report 7.01.12

July 3, 2012 by  
Filed under UPA Report

Comments Off on UPA Report 7.01.12


United Patriots of America


United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911

Eleven years after 911 our borders are still not secure.

UPA Report

Sunday, July 1St. 2012


Some history for the Fourth of July

Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence


Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.

Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.

Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School

 We are in a Political War with our domestic enemies.

 Observe conventional rules of engagement.

 1. Do not aid and abet the enemy; this is known as treason.

Continued below.

 Silence indicates consent.


1(877)762-8762 and ; 1(800)833-6354 & 1(877)210-5351

Administration officials intentionally put guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, so that when the guns taken from Mexican crime scenes turned out to be American guns, Democrats would have a reason to crack down on gun sellers in the United States.


These lefties are out of control and have crossed the line and need to be dealt with on Election Day in November.

 The Fast And Furious Scandal May Be Biggest In U.S. History

By ANN COULTER, 06/29/2012

Administration officials intentionally put guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, so that when the guns taken from Mexican crime scenes turned out to be American guns, Democrats would have a reason to crack down on gun sellers in the United States.


 Fast & Furious Protest

Location: White House North Lawn

Monday, July 2nd. 10:00am until 12:30pm

 The Bones of Fast and Furious: Hillary Clinton Deep In It?

June 25, 2012, By Maggie

Mike Vanderboegh at Sipsey Street Irregulars is the force behind peeling back the layers of Fast and Furious, of government tyranny and the Second Amendment. You’ll have to spend some time at Sipsey Street and look though his massive Fast and Furious archives there and make your own determination about the worth of his information, but if true, the bones of the story are below:



Did Roberts Give in to Obama Bullying

As legal scholars study the Supreme Court’s decision in the Obamacare case, more and more are concluding that Justice Anthony Kennedy’s dissenting opinion, striking down the law in its entirety, was once the majority opinion–and that Chief Justice John Roberts switched his vote at a late stage. If so, it would appear that the Chief Justice may have succumbed to the bullying meted out by President Barack Obama, who attacked the Court in the aftermath of oral arguments in March, when Obamacare seemed headed for certain defeat.



Wayne Allyn Root May 30, 2012
Most political predictions are made by biased pollsters, pundits, or prognosticators who are either rooting for Republicans or Democrats. I am neither. I am a former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, and a well-known Vegas oddsmaker with one of the most accurate records of predicting political races.



Obamacare is not “A” tax…


From WHERE did the Obamacare TAX Come…EXACTLY??

By Craig Andresen on June 30, 2012 at 7:55



Using the Power to Destroy us Through Taxation for 200 Years

A list of 202 taxes that we already pay.



Fast and furious

Comedian Jon Stewart on

Obama’s claim of Executive Privilege pt. 1

Gov’t gunrunning? What gunrunning?

http://www.2ndamendmenttv.com/videos/the-fast-and-furious-scandal/comedian-jon-stewart-on-obamas-claim-of-executive-privilege-pt-1.htm l


Unexpected turn in eligibility case: ‘Put it on record!’

‘This judge can’t get out; if he screws around, he’s violating law’



House Approves Bill Granting Border Patrol Access to Federal Lands along Border

The House approved legislation Tuesday that would waive certain environmental laws in order to allow U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents to gain greater access to federal land within 100 miles of the border. (Wall Street Journal, June 19, 2012; See Amdt #4 to H.R. 2578)


We are in a Political War with our domestic enemies.

 Observe conventional rules of engagement.

 Strategy 1 Acknowledge that you are in a political war whether you like it or not.

Our domestic enemies are depending on us to put up little or no resistance.

 Strategy 2. Do not aid and abet the enemy; this is known as treason.
Identify domestic enemies or those who support domestic enemies and do not do business with them. Small local businesses are more likely to be friendlies rather then larger corporations. Our domestic enemies are using our own money to finance their takeover of our country. Stop spending money with them.

Example: Pepsico is a food conglomerate that gives large sums of money to our domestic enemies. Political donations and huge sums to organizations like La Raza. Check labels and if it’s a PepsiCo product find a friendly alternative

 Pepsi Brands

include Frito Lay, Tropicana Juice Products, Quaker Brands, and Gatorade.

 Frito Lay Products include Tostitos, Doritos, Lays Chips, and Flat Earth Snacks.

 Quaker Brands include Aunt Jemima, Rice-A-Roni, Near East side dishes, Spudz snacks, and Crisp’ums baked crisps.

 Quaker Breakfast Cereal Brands include, Life, Puffed Wheat, Harvet Crunch, King Vitamin, Quaker Oh’s!, Mother’s Cereal, and Cap’n Crunch.

 Gatorade Brands include G2, and Propel Fit Water.

 Pepsi’s SoftDrink Brands include Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Max, Mountain Dew, Diet Mountain Dew, Mountain Dew Voltage, Sierra Mist, and Diet Sierra Mist.



 Strategy 3 Identify our allies and support them financially.

Make donations to individuals and groups that are fighting the political fight for us. Examples: Sheriff Joe, Judicial Watch, FAIR, NumbersUSA.



GOP Immigration Hawk Rebuffs Rubio and Rivera DREAM Act Proposals

Rep. Steve King, the vice chairman of the House immigration subcommittee, told Fox News Latino that measures permitting undocumented immigrants to stay in the U.S. reward lawbreakers.

King, who is from Iowa, said that Florida Rep. David Rivera’s bill, called “Studying Towards Adjusted Residency Status Act,” or STARS – which was introduced in May – “meets the definition of amnesty.”



Nearly 1200 official Georgia agencies in violation of state illegal immigration law – here is a list

DA_King, June 28, 2012



Confrontation With TSA Agent Leaves Grandpa’s Ashes On Floor

Indianapolis Man Furious Over Treatment At Florida Airport Checkpoint



Obama Administration Suspends 287(g) Program in Arizona

Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 10:08 AM



Does Los Angeles Need a Mayor Who Reports to Mexico City?



Rep. King questions how terrorist group member attended White House meeting

By Pete Kasperowicz – 06/25/12 01:58 PM ET

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Peter King (R-N.Y.) has asked the Obama administration to explain why a member of a known terrorist group was allowed to enter the United States last week and participate in high-level meetings at the White House and State Department.



To have the Immigration laws of our country enforced and to secure our Borders from illegal trespassers.

To promote the safety and security of American Citizens.

The UPA is a nonpartisan all inclusive organization

New Jersey

The Saturday Morning Project


An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.

Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM


Eyewitness report .


Patriots: na

Illegal Immigrants: na

Pick ups: na

Police Presence: na

Number of thumbs up: na


Number of other fingers displayed: na


Info & Web Sites for Patriots

America Made Products

Knife Country USA
Bear & Son Cutlery 105 Lockback Pocket Knife with Stainless Steel Handles
List Price: $45.00 Our Price: $22.65 Savings: $22.35 (50%)

Endorsement by Ron Bass: I bought my first Bear & Son pocket knife while visiting Yellowstone National Park in 1995. I never leave home with out it and now they are on sale.
As soon as I finish this report I will be buying another one for one of my other hideouts so TSA doesn’t get their hands on it while I am traveling.

Diamond Gusset Jeans. Celebrating our 25th year.
Genuine. Original. Always 100% American made

2nd Amendment

Gun Owners of America

National Association for Gun Rights

Armed Females of America

Border control and Immigration Enforcement

Federation For American Immigration Reform (FAIR)



Defending US borders from foreign invaders is not law enforcement; it’s the basic purpose of the US military.

The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.
US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress




So you want to nullify violations of the Constitution? new

Welcome to the Constitution Society new

Constitution Reclaimed

Eligibility – POTUS

World’s Leading Obama Eligibility Challenge Web Site



Fighting the Left
Support those professionals who are fighting the left.


“War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”

nJohn Stuart Mill


Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience

Strike the Root!



Protest Warrior

Fighting the left…and doing it right.



Federal Tyranny.
Where you find the laws most numerous, there you will find also the greatest injustice.”

We are Preparing for Massive Civil War, Says DHS Informant


Proposed Amendment 28

Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.


What is agenda 21

Agenda 21 seeks to control populations through zoning and seizure of private property, strip national sovereignty, reduce the world population, even control our consumption of meat and air conditioning … all in the name of the environment.

And who can be against the environment, right?


Agenda 21 for Public Officials

Stop the North American Union


Info & Lookups

(866)220-0044; (877)851-6437; (877)762-8762

Islamic Jihad and Sharia Law

ACT! for America
ACT! for America was created to provide American citizens a means to be a collective voice for the democratic values of Western Civilization, such as the celebration of life and liberty, as opposed to the authoritarian values of radical Islam, such as the celebration of death, terror and tyranny.

….the likely nature of the large-scale societal breakdowns we will see as Islam in Europe continues to be what it cannot help but be.
Surrender, Genocide… or What?
A few months ago, I wrote “The Danish Civil War”, a fictional scenario which served to structure a consideration of various issues relating to the rise of Islam in Europe and the likely consequences thereof. The essay finished with the conclusion that Islam constituted an existential threat to the survival of European civilization, and that Islam’s influence on Europe therefore needed to be eliminated. It further concluded that, logically speaking, the various ways of achieving this goal could be broadly subdivided into three categories:

1) inducing Muslims to leave of their own free will,

2) mass deportations, and

3) genocide.


The Muslim Brotherhood’s five-phase plan for dominating America

Stop Islamization of America.


Terrorist Training Camps in America





Our purpose is to uphold the United States and Tennessee State Constitutions, defend against foreign and domestic enemies, execute and safeguard the laws of the Union, suppress insurrection and repel invasions. We adhere to the literal and original intent of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights as put forth by the Founding Fathers and hold those principles inviolate. We reject any philosophy of supremacy based on race or gender.



“Resistance is Futile”: Waco Rules vs. Romanian Rules

“In a shoot-out, the feds always win”, Huntsville Times, May 2, 2007

You simply can’t arm yourself adequately against a government that is rotten and needs to be overturned. Your best defense is the ballot box, not a pillbox.. . . . You can’t beat ‘em.



The Heartland USA
Castle Defense Training


If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves. – Winston Churchill


American Voice Radio Network
Search for the John Clark Show.


The Forgotten Men The Radio Show
Radio: AM930 WFMD
Listen Live: Saturday’s 12-2pm ET

The Wilkow Majority
The Wilkow Majority broadcasts live, Monday-Friday from 12-3pm EST on SIRIUS XM Patriot.

Revolution – political
We’ve lost our country – Our only hope is for a revolution… – The Roth
Presidential Candidate Dr. Laurie Roth will bring on the Roth Revolution and take our country back


The Official Don’t Tread on Me Outfitters
This company provides the perfect means of subtle protest against our pervasive and invasive government. It also serves as a reminder of U.S. colonial history and how if we fail to remember, we are doomed to repeat.
Gadsden and Culpeper
15 Glenridge Rd Store #7 Glenville NY 12302

Liberty Stickers



Re-Elect Joe Arpaio 2012?”
The # 1 law Enforcement officer in the country enforcing immigrations laws in his county in Arizona.
He needs our support. go to his site and donate.
Official Campaign Website
Donate to Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Elect Sheriff Mack Congress in 2012
His platform on Immigration and border Security
Immigration laws are not the problem. Enforcement, especially at the Federal level, is the problem. We have a legal route to citizenship that must be equally and fairly applied to all who wish to enter the USA. We can fix this problem if we have people in Washington with courage and leadership.

Donate to Sheriff Mack


Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America


The Survivalist Blog

Tea Party Info

Tea Party Tribune
Tea Party and Political News Reporting


Judicial Watch

“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
Thomas Jefferson.

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale



Follow the UPA on




Ron Bass
E-mail – info@UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica.com



June 27, 2012 by  
Filed under UPA Report

Comments Off on


United Patriots of America


United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001in response to 911

Eleven years after 911 our borders are still not secure.

UPA Report

Monday, June 25th, 2012

Silence indicates consent.


1(877)762-8762 and ; 1(800)833-6354  &  1(877)210-5351

FAIR Applauds Supreme Court’s Decision Upholding the Right of State and Local Governments to Protect Citizens against Illegal Immigration

(Washington, DC  June 25, 2012)  Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), called today’s ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court upholding key provision of Arizona’s immigration enforcement law, SB 1070, “an important victory for the people of Arizona and citizens everywhere who want their jobs, tax dollars and security protected from mass illegal immigration.


“The United States Supreme Court has made it very clear that state and local governments have an important role to play in enforcing federal immigration laws. Even if the Obama administration refuses to enforce most immigration laws, states have the power to deter and discourage illegal aliens from settling or remaining within their jurisdictions,” continued Stein.



Supreme Court Arizona immigration ruling: Justices clear key parts

By  Josh Gerstein  6/25/12 10:45 AM

The Supreme Court on Monday rejected a constitutional challenge to a central provision of Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration law, clearing the way for similar legislation to take effect in other states and advancing a political narrative that could give President Barack Obama an added boost from Latino voters in November.


That provision, requiring police to conduct immigration checks on individuals they arrest or merely stop for questioning whom they suspect are in the U.S. illegally, does not appear to violate the Constitution by intruding on the federal government’s powers to control immigration, the court said.




U.S. family jailed for Holder’s gun crimes



The Best Damned Explanation of Fast and Furious You’re Likely to Hear



Secure the Border — Rush Limbaugh — Do we have the gumption to do it?



Gallagher Border Show a Hit —



GOP Immigration Hawk Rebuffs Rubio and Rivera DREAM Act Proposals | Fox News Latino



Photo Of The Day — 2012



Obama’s desperate amnesty gamble



Articles: Is Hillary ‘Mentallyillary‘?



Warning #2 to the Republican Party



Yet ANOTHER Eric Holder scandal is breaking



[Monmouth County ,New Jersey Militia] REMEMBER WHO WE ARE .


To have the Immigration laws of our country enforced and to secure our Borders from illegal trespassers.

To promote the safety and security of American Citizens.

The UPA is a nonpartisan all inclusive organization

New Jersey

The Saturday Morning Project


An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.

Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM


Eyewitness report .


Patriots: 7

Illegal Immigrants: 15+.

Pick ups:.

Police Presence: Yes

Number of thumbs up: 16


Number of other fingers displayed: 1


This week we waved to the cars that passed by, many waved back but had no idea why.



Info & Web Sites for Patriots

America Made Products

Knife Country USA
Bear & Son Cutlery 105 Lockback Pocket Knife with Stainless Steel Handles
List Price: $45.00 Our Price: $22.65 Savings: $22.35 (50%)

Endorsement by Ron Bass: I bought my first Bear & Son pocket knife while visiting Yellowstone National Park in 1995. I never leave home with out it and now they are on sale.
As soon as I finish this report I will be buying another one for one of my other hideouts so TSA doesn’t get their hands on it while I am traveling.

Diamond Gusset Jeans. Celebrating our 25th year.
Genuine. Original. Always 100% American made

2nd Amendment

Gun Owners of America

Armed Females of America

Border control and Immigration Enforcement

Federation For American Immigration Reform (FAIR)



Defending US borders from foreign invaders is not law enforcement; it’s the basic purpose of the US military.

The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.
US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress




So you want to nullify violations of the Constitution?  

Welcome to the Constitution Society    new

Constitution Reclaimed

Eligibility – POTUS

World’s Leading Obama Eligibility Challenge Web Site



Fighting the Left
Support those professionals who are fighting the left.


“War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”

nJohn Stuart Mill


Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience

Strike the Root!



Protest Warrior

Fighting the left…and doing it right.



Federal Tyranny.
Where you find the laws most numerous, there you will find also the greatest injustice.”

We are Preparing for Massive Civil War, Says DHS Informant


Proposed Amendment 28

Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.


What is agenda 21

Agenda 21 seeks to control populations through zoning and seizure of private property, strip national sovereignty, reduce the world population, even control our consumption of meat and air conditioning … all in the name of the environment.

And who can be against the environment, right?


Agenda 21 for Public Officials


Stop the North American Union


Info & Lookups

(866)220-0044; (877)851-6437; (877)762-8762

Islamic Jihad and Sharia Law

ACT! for America
ACT! for America was created to provide American citizens a means to be a collective voice for the democratic values of Western Civilization, such as the celebration of life and liberty, as opposed to the authoritarian values of radical Islam, such as the celebration of death, terror and tyranny.

….the likely nature of the large-scale societal breakdowns we will see as Islam in Europe continues to be what it cannot help but be.
Surrender, Genocide… or What?
A few months ago, I wrote “The Danish Civil War”, a fictional scenario which served to structure a consideration of various issues relating to the rise of Islam in Europe and the likely consequences thereof. The essay finished with the conclusion that Islam constituted an existential threat to the survival of European civilization, and that Islam’s influence on Europe therefore needed to be eliminated. It further concluded that, logically speaking, the various ways of achieving this goal could be broadly subdivided into three categories:

1) inducing Muslims to leave of their own free will,

2) mass deportations, and

3) genocide.


The Muslim Brotherhood’s five-phase plan for dominating America

Stop Islamization of America.




Our purpose is to uphold the United States and Tennessee State Constitutions, defend against foreign and domestic enemies, execute and safeguard the laws of the Union, suppress insurrection and repel invasions. We adhere to the literal and original intent of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights as put forth by the Founding Fathers and hold those principles inviolate. We reject any philosophy of supremacy based on race or gender.



“Resistance is Futile”: Waco Rules vs. Romanian Rules

“In a shoot-out, the feds always win”, Huntsville Times, May 2, 2007

You simply can’t arm yourself adequately against a government that is rotten and needs to be overturned. Your best defense is the ballot box, not a pillbox.. . . . You can’t beat ‘em.



The Heartland USA
Castle Defense Training


If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves. – Winston Churchill


American Voice Radio Network
Search for the John Clark Show.

The Forgotten Men The Radio Show
Radio: AM930 WFMD
Listen Live: Saturday’s 12-2pm ET

The Wilkow Majority
The Wilkow Majority broadcasts live, Monday-Friday from 12-3pm EST on SIRIUS XM Patriot.

Revolution – political
We’ve lost our country – Our only hope is for a revolution… – The Roth
Presidential Candidate Dr. Laurie Roth  will bring on the Roth Revolution and take our country back


The Official Don’t Tread on Me Outfitters
This company provides the perfect means of subtle protest against our pervasive and invasive government. It also serves as a reminder of U.S. colonial history and how if we fail to remember, we are doomed to repeat.
Gadsden and Culpeper
15 Glenridge Rd Store #7 Glenville NY 12302

Liberty Stickers



Re-Elect Joe Arpaio 2012?”
The # 1 law Enforcement officer in the country enforcing immigrations laws in his county in Arizona.
He needs our support. go to his site and donate.
Official Campaign Website
Donate to Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Elect Sheriff Mack Congress in 2012
His platform on Immigration and border Security
Immigration laws are not the problem. Enforcement, especially at the Federal level, is the problem. We have a legal route to citizenship that must be equally and fairly applied to all who wish to enter the USA. We can fix this problem if we have people in Washington with courage and leadership.

Donate to Sheriff Mack


Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America


The Survivalist Blog

Tea Party Info

Tea Party Tribune
Tea Party and Political News Reporting


Judicial Watch

“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.“
Thomas Jefferson.

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale



Follow the UPA on




Ron Bass
E-mail – info@UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica.com


UPA Report 6.25.12

June 27, 2012 by  
Filed under UPA Report

Comments Off on UPA Report 6.25.12

United Patriots of America
Founded December 2001 in response to 911
 Eleven years after 911 our borders are still not secure.


 UPA Report
Monday, June 25th, 2012

 Silence indicates consent.
1(877)762-8762 and ; 1(800)833-6354 & 1(877)210-5351


FAIR Applauds Supreme Court’s Decision Upholding the Right of State and Local Governments to Protect Citizens against Illegal Immigration

 (Washington, DC June 25, 2012) Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), called today’s ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court upholding key provision of Arizona’s immigration enforcement law, SB 1070, “an important victory for the people of Arizona and citizens everywhere who want their jobs, tax dollars and security protected from mass illegal immigration.

  “The United States Supreme Court has made it very clear that state and local governments have an important role to play in enforcing federal immigration laws. Even if the Obama administration refuses to enforce most immigration laws, states have the power to deter and discourage illegal aliens from settling or remaining within their jurisdictions,” continued Stein.

 Supreme Court Arizona immigration ruling: Justices clear key parts
 By Josh Gerstein 6/25/12 10:45 AM
The Supreme Court on Monday rejected a constitutional challenge to a central provision of Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration law, clearing the way for similar legislation to take effect in other states and advancing a political narrative that could give President Barack Obama an added boost from Latino voters in November.
That provision, requiring police to conduct immigration checks on individuals they arrest or merely stop for questioning whom they suspect are in the U.S. illegally, does not appear to violate the Constitution by intruding on the federal government’s powers to control immigration, the court said.

  U.S. family jailed for Holder’s gun crimes

The Best Damned Explanation of Fast and Furious You’re Likely to Hear

Secure the Border — Rush Limbaugh — Do we have the gumption to do it?

Gallagher Border Show a Hit —

GOP Immigration Hawk Rebuffs Rubio and Rivera DREAM Act Proposals | Fox News Latino

Photo Of The Day — 2012

 Obama’s desperate amnesty gamble

Articles: Is Hillary ‘Mentally ‘illary’?
Warning #2 to the Republican Party

Yet ANOTHER Eric Holder scandal is breaking 

[Monmouth County ,New Jersey Militia] REMEMBER WHO WE ARE

 UPA MISSION To have the Immigration laws of our country enforced and to secure our Borders from illegal trespassers.
To promote the safety and security of American Citizens.
ABOUT USThe UPA is a nonpartisan all inclusive organization

New Jersey

The Saturday Morning Project




An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.


Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM




Eyewitness report .




Patriots: 7


Illegal Immigrants: 15+.


Pick ups:.


Police Presence: Yes


Number of thumbs up: 16




Number of other fingers displayed: 1




This week we waved to the cars that passed by, many waved back but had no idea why.







Info & Web Sites for Patriots
America Made Products


Knife Country USA Bear & Son Cutlery 105 Lockback Pocket Knife with Stainless Steel Handles List Price: $45.00 Our Price: $22.65 Savings: $22.35 (50%) http://www.knifecountryusa.com/store/product/104980.105008/bear-son-cutlery-105-lockback-pocket-knife-with-stainless-steel-handles.html


Endorsement by Ron Bass: I bought my first Bear & Son pocket knife while visiting Yellowstone National Park in 1995. I never leave home with out it and now they are on sale. As soon as I finish this report I will be buying another one for one of my other hideouts so TSA doesn’t get their hands on it while I am traveling.


Diamond Gusset Jeans. Celebrating our 25th year. Genuine. Original. Always 100% American made http://www.gussetclothing.com/


2nd Amendment


Gun Owners of America http://gunowners.org/


Armed Females of America http://www.armedfemalesofamerica.com/


Border control and Immigration Enforcement


Federation For American Immigration Reform (FAIR) http://www.fairus.org




Defending US borders from foreign invaders is not law enforcement; it’s the basic purpose of the US military.


The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders. US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress








Video So you want to nullify violations of the Constitution? new http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26g0rWwvYVY


Welcome to the Constitution Society new http://constitution.org/c5/index.php


Constitution Reclaimed http://constitutionreclaimed.com/Blog.html


Eligibility – POTUS


World’s Leading Obama Eligibility Challenge Web Site






Fighting the Left Support those professionals who are fighting the left.




“War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”


n John Stuart Mill




Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience


Strike the Root!






Protest Warrior


Fighting the left…and doing it right.






Federal Tyranny. “Where you find the laws most numerous, there you will find also the greatest injustice.” Arcesilaus


We are Preparing for Massive Civil War, Says DHS Informant http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXg2WsNCrW4 Tenthamendmentcenter http://tenthamendmentcenter.com/


Proposed Amendment 28


Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.


What is agenda 21


Agenda 21 seeks to control populations through zoning and seizure of private property, strip national sovereignty, reduce the world population, even control our consumption of meat and air conditioning … all in the name of the environment.


And who can be against the environment, right?




Agenda 21 for Public Officials http://www.federaljack.com/?p=173388


Stop the North American Union http://www.stopthenorthamericanunion.com




Info & Lookups


CONGRESS (TOLL-FREE): (866)220-0044; (877)851-6437; (877)762-8762


Islamic Jihad and Sharia Law
ACT! for America ACT! for America was created to provide American citizens a means to be a collective voice for the democratic values of Western Civilization, such as the celebration of life and liberty, as opposed to the authoritarian values of radical Islam, such as the celebration of death, terror and tyranny. http://www.actforamerica.org/


….the likely nature of the large-scale societal breakdowns we will see as Islam in Europe continues to be what it cannot help but be. Surrender, Genocide… or What? A few months ago, I wrote “The Danish Civil War”, a fictional scenario which served to structure a consideration of various issues relating to the rise of Islam in Europe and the likely consequences thereof. The essay finished with the conclusion that Islam constituted an existential threat to the survival of European civilization, and that Islam’s influence on Europe therefore needed to be eliminated. It further concluded that, logically speaking, the various ways of achieving this goal could be broadly subdivided into three categories:


1) inducing Muslims to leave of their own free will,


2) mass deportations, and


3) genocide.




The Muslim Brotherhood’s five-phase plan for dominating America https://www.unitedpatriotsofamerica.com/TheMuslimBrotherhoodsfivephaseplan


Stop Islamization of America. http://sioaonline.com/








Our purpose is to uphold theUnited Statesand Tennessee State Constitutions, defend against foreign and domestic enemies, execute and safeguard the laws of theUnion, suppress insurrection and repel invasions. We adhere to the literal and original intent of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights as put forth by the Founding Fathers and hold those principles inviolate. We reject any philosophy of supremacy based on race or gender.






“Resistance is Futile”: Waco Rules vs. Romanian Rules


“In a shoot-out, the feds always win”, Huntsville Times, May 2, 2007


You simply can’t arm yourself adequately against a government that is rotten and needs to be overturned. Your best defense is the ballot box, not a pillbox.. . . . You can’t beat ’em.






The Heartland USA CIVIL WAR HAS BEGUN: AMERICA IS FATALLY DECEIVED Castle Defense Training http://www.theheartlandusa.com/index2.htm




If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves. – Winston Churchill




American Voice Radio Network Search for the John Clark Show. http://www.theamericanvoice.com/


The Forgotten Men The Radio Show Radio: AM930 WFMD Listen Live: Saturday’s 12-2pm ET http://www.forgottenmen.com/listen-live.html


The Wilkow Majority The Wilkow Majority broadcasts live, Monday-Friday from 12-3pm EST on SIRIUS XM Patriot. http://wilkowmajority.com/


Revolution – political We’ve lost our country – Our only hope is for a revolution… – The Roth Revolution Presidential Candidate Dr. Laurie Roth will bring on the Roth Revolution and take our country back http://rothrevolution.ning.com/




The Official Don’t Tread on Me Outfitters This company provides the perfect means of subtle protest against our pervasive and invasive government. It also serves as a reminder of U.S. colonial history and how if we fail to remember, we are doomed to repeat. Gadsden and Culpeper 15 Glenridge Rd Store #7 Glenville NY 12302 518-280-3183 http://www.gadsdenandculpeper.com/?cmp=googleadwords


Liberty Stickers






Re-Elect Joe Arpaio 2012?” The # 1 law Enforcement officer in the country enforcing immigrations laws in his county in Arizona. He needs our support. go to his site and donate. Official Campaign Website Donate to Sheriff Joe Arpaio. https://www.secureinteractive.net/reelectjoearpaio/donate/


Elect Sheriff Mack Congress in 2012 His platform on Immigration and border Security Immigration Immigration laws are not the problem. Enforcement, especially at the Federal level, is the problem. We have a legal route to citizenship that must be equally and fairly applied to all who wish to enter the USA. We can fix this problem if we have people in Washington with courage and leadership.


Donate to Sheriff Mack https://rally.org/sheriffmackforcongress/donate





Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbwG2oSY-JM&feature=related




The Survivalist Blog http://www.thesurvivalistblog.net/


Tea Party Info


Tea Party Tribune Tea Party and Political News Reporting http://www.teapartytribune.com/




Judicial Watch


“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.“ Thomas Jefferson.

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do, I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God, I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale

Follow the UPA on Facebook www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass

Twitter http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA

Ron Bass UNITED PATRIOTS OF AMERICA http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica.com E-mail – info@UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica.com

UPA Report Sunday, June 10th, 2012

June 13, 2012 by  
Filed under UPA Report

Comments Off on UPA Report Sunday, June 10th, 2012

United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911

Eleven years after 911 our borders are still not secure.

UPA Report

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

Silence indicates consent.


1(877)762-8762 and ; 1(800)833-6354  &  1(877)210-5351



 (It is AMNESTY!!!!) 


 With so many Americans out of work why is Congress even considering a bill like this?

Question: are the immigrants that they refer to (legal immigrants) or really (illegal aliens).

They must be “illegal” other wise they would not use the term “reform” obviously a code word for “amnesty”.



Startup Act 2.0: House lawmakers introduce Senators’ immigration reform bill

By J.D. Harrison TheWashingtonPost, June 5, 2012

One week after Senators from both sides of the aisle unveiled a new immigration reform and job creation measure, Republicans and Democrats have again linked up to introduce the same bill in the House.

Startup Act 2.0 would allow immigrants who obtain graduate degrees in science, technology, engineering and math to stay and work in the country; reform made necessary, proponents say, by demand for those degrees that is outpacing the supply of graduates from American universities. The bill would also create a new category of visa for immigrants who start companies and hire workers in the United States.



When will our government representatives start putting the interest of Americans ahead of the interest of foreigners who are trespassers having entered our country illegally or who have entered legally but remain here after their visas have expired?

And when will our government representatives respect and enforce the laws of our land starting with our founding document “the Constitution” and the immigration and border laws.

It is the responsibility of all of our executive branch representatives to see that the laws of our country are being enforced.


Special note: I have a nephew who graduated from the University of West Virginia with a degree in Engineering. He is currently under employed in a job not commensurate with his degree. Should not our government write legislation to require companies to hire American graduates first rather then spend time with STARTUP ACT 2.0?

Call your representative and ask them how they can even consider STARTUP ACT 2.0 while we have so many American school graduates out of work.


Call your congress persons and let them have it.

Silence indicates consent.


1(877)762-8762 and ; 1(800)833-6354  &  1(877)210-5351


Find your representative

Online Directory for the 112th Congress



More info & talking points on Startup 2.0 from FAIR

 New Push in Congress to Favor Foreign Workers Harms American Workers

Startup 2.0 Act Fails to Address Flaws in Our Immigration Policy, Says FAIR

(Washington,DC  June 7, 2012)  The Startup Act 2.0, a bipartisan bill introduced in the Senate (S.3217) last month and the House (H.R. 5893) yesterday, will undermineAmerica’s most talented workers while failing to address the underlying problems of our failed immigration policy, charged the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The legislation simply adds more visas on top of a bloated immigration system that is currently based on chain-migration. America’s public interest would be better served by applying skilled-based criteria to our existing admission process rather than by piecemeal add-ons that do nothing to address fundamental problems.



The U.S. Economy By The Numbers: 70 Facts That Barack Obama Does Not Want You To See

Our economy has been in decline for quite a while now, and soon we are going to smash directly into an economic brick wall.  Unfortunately, a lot of Americans are in denial about this.  A lot of people out there doubt that an economic collapse is coming.  Well, if you know someone that believes that theU.S.economy is going to be “just fine”, just show them the list below.



Illegal voters: The winning edge

Justice Department works to allow fraudulent votes

On Thursday, T. Christian Herren Jr., head of the voting section of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, sent a letter to Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner warning him to cease efforts the state was making to validate its voter rolls. Specifically, Justice said it was concerned that theSunshineState’s efforts to clean up the registration lists would violate provisions of the 1973 Voting Rights Act and that the state’s actions would have a discriminatory effect. The law covers fiveFloridacounties in which there had been historical cases of voter discrimination.



Florida Weighs Warning Against Voter Purge

Florida, a key electoral battleground where the 2000 presidential election was decided by a few hundred ballots, will decide in the coming days whether to heed a Justice Department warning to stop its campaign to purge ineligible voters, a state spokesman said on Saturday.

The warning issued this week by the head of the Justice Department’s voting section said the effort appeared to violate the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which protects minorities. It demanded a response by Wednesday.



North American Union

The European Union (EU) was formed inch by inch over a period of many years.

Here in the USA we have transferred power to the lefties in the last 50 years by conceding to them all their issues inch by inch.

Now the Jihadists are nibbling away at our nation as we continue to concede to their demands inch by inch.


U.S. Defense Department Announces Step Toward the North American Union 

Thursday, 29 March 2012 2

Following the inaugural meeting, Defense Secretary Panetta used those same key words in his support of the NAU’s inch-by-inch surrender of national sovereignty:

This is the first trilateral meeting of defense ministers from theUnited States,CanadaandMexico…[providing] an unprecedented opportunity to try to bring together our nations in a common approach to continental security…

Looking ahead, theU.S.is exploring other ways to improve our defense collaboration and to focus on areas like cyber security and defense support to civil authorities such as law enforcement agencies…




Forest Service hit for Border Patrol call

A federal department ruled last week that the Forest Service violated a Spanish-speaking woman’s civil rights by calling the Border Patrol to help translate during a routine stop, saying it was “humiliating” to Hispanics and an illicit backdoor way to capture more illegal immigrants



Southern Poverty Law Center re-launches anti-immigration law hotline

The Birmingham News, June 6, 2012



SPLC:  Contact Us

(334) 956-8200. If you contact us by mail, please do not send any …



The Fox & Friends Video News Corp. Doesn’t Want You to See

June 3, 2012, 12:18 pm By Arlen Williams 2 Comments

Fox and Friends took it this far and what was broadcast was quickly taken down from their Web site. They didn’t even get to the intentional saboteur for globalist Marxofascists part.

 And of course, they didn’t get to the fact that many of the very same people who promoted Barack Obama (or Hillary Clinton) have been putting their money and encouraging words behind Mitt Romney – and are once again, getting their way. If you are a regular visitor to the Gulag, you may know we have referred to these, who have either invested to promote both Obama (or Clinton) and Romney, or who have since lauded Romney



Is there a Ron Paul putsch under way?



Agenda 21: We’ve got it, like it or not

Consider that Agenda 21 regards private land ownership as contributing to “social injustice” because it allows for “accumulation and concentration of wealth.” In that view, land must be used “in the interest of society as a whole.”

Have you seen or heard the words “sustainable development”? That’s right out of Agenda 21 – covering all of the above and, right now, heavily promoted in the areas of energy production



High-ranking al Qaeda leader killed in US drone strike

AU.S.drone strike has killed al-Qaida’s second-in-command, an American official said Tuesday, a significant blow to the terror network that has lost a string of top leaders since the death of Osama bin Laden last year.



The Shape of Islamic Things to Come

Gates ofVienna5 June 2012

The Austrian city of Salzburg is facing an increasingly Islamic future.

 The city’s religious makeup will become much more diverse over the next two decades, with some of the changes due the immigration of German Protestants. The largest factor in the current demographic shift, however, is the influx of Turkish immigrants and their descendants.




Audits for 3 Georgia Schools Tied to Turkish Movement

NYTimes.com 6 June 2012, By STEPHANIE SAUL

 A group of three publicly financed charter schools in Georgia run by followers of Fethullah Gulen, a prominent Turkish imam, have come under scrutiny after they defaulted on bonds and an audit found that the schools improperly granted hundreds of thousands of dollars in contracts to businesses and groups, many of them with ties to the Gulen movement.



Pope Benedict supports US bishops’ work for immigration reform

Pays homage to hard work of immigrant nuns here in theUS

Pope Benedict XVI paid tribute to “the long standing commitment of the American bishops to immigration reform” when he addressed a group of US bishops who were completing their ad limina visits  to theVaticanrecently.




Marine: Obama Claimed He Was Born In Mombasa

Jim “Race Bannon” Bancroft was told by Barack Obama in 1980 that he was born inMombasa,Kenya.

 In this radio interview about his thirty year old memory, Bancroft recounts Obama’s admission. Bancroft was a member of the U.S. Marine Corps at the time and met Obama in the vicinity ofKalakaua Blvd., one evening in early August of 1980.



Dreams from My Real Father (DVD)

Directed by Joel Gilbert

At age 18, Barack Obama admittedly arrived atOccidentalCollegea committed revolutionary Marxist. What was the source of Obama’s foundation in Marxism?


Throughout his 2008 Presidential campaign and term in office, questions have been raised regarding Barack Obama’s family background, economic philosophy, and fundamental political ideology. Dreams from My Real Father is the alternative Barack Obama “autobiography,” offering a divergent theory of what may have shaped our 44th President’s life and politics.


In Dreams from My Real Father, Barack Obama is portrayed by a voiceover actor who chronicles Barack Obama’s life journey in socialism, from birth through his election to the Presidency. The film begins by presenting the case that Barack Obama’s real father was Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA propagandist who likely shaped Obama’s world view during his formative years. Barack Obama sold himself toAmericaas the multi-cultural ideal, a man who stood above politics. Was the goat herding Kenyan father only a fairy tale to obscure a Marxist agenda, irreconcilable with American values?



End of more.

 UPA MISSION To have the Immigration laws of our country enforced and to secure our Borders from illegal trespassers. To promote the safety and security of American Citizens. ABOUT USThe UPA is a nonpartisan all inclusive organization

New Jersey

The Saturday Morning Project


An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.

Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM


Eyewitness report .


Patriots: 7

Illegal Immigrants: 30+.

Pick ups: 1.

Police Presence: Yes

Number of thumbs up: 8

Number of other fingers displayed: 2

Number of hysterical rants: 1: go home, you don’t belong here; 1: you should be ashamed to be American; 1: “F” bomb released.


New Jersey


Troubling Islamist Associations for NJ Democrat Rep. Bill Pascrell

Won an upset victory against Congressman Steve Rothman, his colleague and former ally, in the most closely contested race of Tuesday’s state primaries.

El Filali leads what could seem like a strange existence, leading grotesque rallies by day and then cozying up at night with congressmen — or at least one congressman in particular, Bill Pascrell.

Rep. Pascrell, who was not available for an interview for this story, has a long history of support from local Muslim figures who have made fiery anti-Israel comments and has aligned himself very closely with the American Muslim Union, a New Jersey-based political organization that has called for an end to U.S. aid to Israel and whose leadership has included people who have justified Hamas terrorism, accepting thousands in contributions from the group’s president and routinely attending the organization’s annual gathering. (…)



N.J. Muslim Group Sues NYPD to Stop Routine Spying

John Miller, CBS, June 6, 2012

A Muslim legal rights group is going to federal court Wednesday inNew Jersey, claimingNew York City’s police department has violated the civil rights of innocent Muslims.

Earlier this year, the NYPD was criticized for a surveillance program targeting universities and mosques in several states.

Abdul Kareem Muhammad is the imam of a mosque inNewark.

His mosque, like every other mosque inNewark, was listed in a secret NYPD intelligence report.



Info & Web Sites for Patriots America Made Products

Knife Country USA Bear & Son Cutlery 105 Lockback Pocket Knife with Stainless Steel Handles List Price: $45.00 Our Price: $22.65 Savings: $22.35 (50%) http://www.knifecountryusa.com/store/product/104980.105008/bear-son-cutlery-105-lockback-pocket-knife-with-stainless-steel-handles.html

Endorsement by Ron Bass: I bought my first Bear & Son pocket knife while visiting Yellowstone National Park in 1995. I never leave home with out it and now they are on sale. As soon as I finish this report I will be buying another one for one of my other hideouts so TSA doesn’t get their hands on it while I am traveling.

Diamond Gusset Jeans. Celebrating our 25th year. Genuine. Original. Always 100% American made http://www.gussetclothing.com/

2nd Amendment

Gun Owners of America http://gunowners.org/  

Armed Females of America http://www.armedfemalesofamerica.com/

Border control and Immigration Enforcement

Federation For American Immigration Reform (FAIR) http://www.fairus.org


Defending US borders from foreign invaders is not law enforcement; it’s the basic purpose of the US military.

The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders. US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress




Video So you want to nullify violations of the Constitution?  new http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26g0rWwvYVY

Welcome to the Constitution Society    new http://constitution.org/c5/index.php

Constitution Reclaimed http://constitutionreclaimed.com/Blog.html

Eligibility – POTUS

World’s Leading Obama Eligibility Challenge Web Site



Fighting the Left Support those professionals who are fighting the left.


“War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”

nJohn Stuart Mill


Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience

Strike the Root!



Protest Warrior

Fighting the left…and doing it right.



Federal Tyranny. “Where you find the laws most numerous, there you will find also the greatest injustice.”  Arcesilaus Tenthamendmentcenter http://tenthamendmentcenter.com/

Proposed Amendment 28

Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.

Globalization What is agenda 21

Agenda 21 seeks to control populations through zoning and seizure of private property, strip national sovereignty, reduce the world population, even control our consumption of meat and air conditioning … all in the name of the environment.

And who can be against the environment, right?


Agenda 21 for Public Officials http://www.federaljack.com/?p=173388

Stop the North American Union http://www.stopthenorthamericanunion.com


Info & Lookups

CONGRESS (TOLL-FREE): (866)220-0044; (877)851-6437; (877)762-8762

Islamic Jihad and Sharia Law ACT! for America ACT! for America was created to provide American citizens a means to be a collective voice for the democratic values of Western Civilization, such as the celebration of life and liberty, as opposed to the authoritarian values of radical Islam, such as the celebration of death, terror and tyranny. http://www.actforamerica.org/

….the likely nature of the large-scale societal breakdowns we will see as Islam in Europe continues to be what it cannot help but be. Surrender, Genocide… or What? A few months ago, I wrote “The Danish Civil War”, a fictional scenario which served to structure a consideration of various issues relating to the rise of Islam in Europe and the likely consequences thereof. The essay finished with the conclusion that Islam constituted an existential threat to the survival of European civilization, and that Islam’s influence on Europe therefore needed to be eliminated. It further concluded that, logically speaking, the various ways of achieving this goal could be broadly subdivided into three categories:

1) inducing Muslims to leave of their own free will,

2) mass deportations, and

3) genocide.


The Muslim Brotherhood’s five-phase plan for dominating America https://www.unitedpatriotsofamerica.com/TheMuslimBrotherhoodsfivephaseplan

Stop Islamization of America.http://sioaonline.com/




Our purpose is to uphold theUnited Statesand Tennessee State Constitutions, defend against foreign and domestic enemies, execute and safeguard the laws of theUnion, suppress insurrection and repel invasions. We adhere to the literal and original intent of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights as put forth by the Founding Fathers and hold those principles inviolate. We reject any philosophy of supremacy based on race or gender.



Militias Beware! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=996c9VNV8nI

“Resistance is Futile”: Waco Rules vs. Romanian Rules

“In a shoot-out, the feds always win”, Huntsville Times, May 2, 2007

You simply can’t arm yourself adequately against a government that is rotten and needs to be overturned. Your best defense is the ballot box, not a pillbox.. . . . You can’t beat ’em.



The Heartland USA CIVIL WAR HAS BEGUN:  AMERICA IS FATALLY DECEIVED Castle Defense Training http://www.theheartlandusa.com/index2.htm


If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves. – Winston Churchill


American Voice Radio Network Search for the John Clark Show. http://www.theamericanvoice.com/

The Forgotten Men The Radio Show Radio: AM930 WFMD Listen Live: Saturday’s 12-2pm ET http://www.forgottenmen.com/listen-live.html

The Wilkow Majority The Wilkow Majority broadcasts live, Monday-Friday from 12-3pm EST on SIRIUS XM Patriot. http://wilkowmajority.com/

Revolution – political We’ve lost our country – Our only hope is for a revolution… – The Roth Revolution Presidential Candidate Dr. Laurie Roth  will bring on the Roth Revolution and take our country back http://rothrevolution.ning.com/


The Official Don’t Tread on Me Outfitters This company provides the perfect means of subtle protest against our pervasive and invasive government. It also serves as a reminder of U.S. colonial history and how if we fail to remember, we are doomed to repeat. Gadsden and Culpeper 15 Glenridge Rd Store #7 Glenville NY 12302 518-280-3183 http://www.gadsdenandculpeper.com/?cmp=googleadwords

Liberty Stickers



Re-Elect Joe Arpaio 2012?” The # 1 law Enforcement officer in the country enforcing immigrations laws in his county in Arizona. He needs our support. go to his site and donate. Official Campaign Website Donate to Sheriff Joe Arpaio. https://www.secureinteractive.net/reelectjoearpaio/donate/

Elect Sheriff Mack Congress in 2012 His platform on Immigration and border Security Immigration Immigration laws are not the problem. Enforcement, especially at the Federal level, is the problem. We have a legal route to citizenship that must be equally and fairly applied to all who wish to enter the USA. We can fix this problem if we have people in Washington with courage and leadership.

Border Security Our borders are incredibly porous. Physical obstacles and technology must be used to prevent the entry of people who have chosen to come to this country illegally. Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution requires the Federal government to protect our borders. Our government has neglected border security to the point that it is now easier for a terrorist to enter America than it is for you or I to get on an airplane! http://www.electmack.org/

Donate to Sheriff Mack https://rally.org/sheriffmackforcongress/donate


Mind blowing speech by Robert Welch in 1958 predicting Insiders plans to destroy America http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbwG2oSY-JM&feature=related


The Survivalist Blog http://www.thesurvivalistblog.net/

Tea Party Info

Tea Party Tribune Tea Party and Political News Reporting http://www.teapartytribune.com/


Judicial Watch


“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.“ Thomas Jefferson.

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do, I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God, I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale



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Ron Bass UNITED PATRIOTS OF AMERICA http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica.com E-mail – info@UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica.com


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