United Patriots of America
The United Patriots Of America was founded December 2001 in response to 911

UPA Report 4.24.06 Dishonoring General Jackson…and…What is a cuckservative?

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     United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report

Sunday April 24, 2016

Jackson-$20 bill 

Thomas Jonathan  “Stonewall” Jackson was born January 21, 1824 in Clarksburg, Virginia.
He graduated from West Point in 1846.

Dishonoring General Jackson

To remove his
portrait from the front of the $20 bill, and replace it with Tubman’s, is
affirmative action that approaches the absurd.

Thursday – April 21,


What is a cuckservative.

If you think opening
the border to gain 40% of the hispanic
vote is good politics.

You might be a cuckservative

They are the
Republicans who vote with Obama in the Congress.


Cuckservatism: The Cuckoo In
The Conservative Movement’s Nest

While the Cuckservatives surrendered on the flag in front of the
South Carolina Statehouse—itself the result of an earlier compromise with the
Left—the Left immediately went on to trashing other white icons, such as Andrew
Jackson, while engaging in ISIS-like removals of any vestige of Confederate
Heritage, from Dukes of Hazzard to calls to dig up
the grave of Nathan Bedford Forrest and sandblast Confederate figures off
Georgia’s Stone Mountain.


Moral: Each cuckservative capitulation leads to more Leftist demands.
Unlike the brood parasites and their hosts, who eventually reach equilibrium,
the cuckservatives continue to lose ground—to the
point when they will eventually become extinct, along with the culture they
purport to defend.


Cuckservative capitulation to the new changing of the
$20 bill leads to more Leftists demands which will eventually result in the
extinction of the Cuckservatives along with the
culture they purport to defend.


No more capitulation.
I will refuse to accept a $20 bill from the bank.



How did we get here?  1965

Diversity / multiculturalism plus massive non-European third
world immigration.


Three Decades of Mass Immigration: The Legacy of the
1965 Immigration Act

By CIS September 1995

This bill we sign today is not
a revolutionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions. It will not
restructure the shape of our daily lives.”

So said
President Lyndon Johnson at the signing of the Hart-Celler
Immigration Bill thirty years ago next month, on Oct. 3, 1965.
The legislation, which phased out the national origins
quota system first instituted in 1921, created the foundation of today’s
immigration law. And, contrary to the president’s assertions, it inaugurated a
new era of mass immigration which has affected the lives of millions.


Where are we headed now?  2016

Right now in 2016 we have another national
and cultural suicidal program fostered upon us by our Federal government led by
our Islamic enabling POTUS called the
Refugee Resettlement Program.


State Department announces comment period for FY2017
Refugee admissions



Massachusetts: Iraqi
family of seven living in a motel, so where are all of the bleeding heart




ISIS suspect reveals plans to open up route from Syria to U.S.
through Mexico




Our heritage is under attack.


Dishonoring General Jackson

To remove Andrew Jackson’s portrait from the front of the
$20 bill, and replace it with Harriet Tubman’s, is affirmative action that
approaches the absurd, writes columnist Pat Buchanan.



Greta Van Susteran Chides
Obama Administration For $20 Bill Decision

“You all know I’m a feminist…”


Virginia Governor McAuliffe restores voting rights for
206K ex-felons; GOP calls it move to boost Clinton


The NYC mayor is going down!

By Michael Goodwin April 24,


Republicans ready for final face-off with Obama over

Republicans want to lock in restrictions on detainee
transfers that would undercut the administration’s chances of fulfilling its
goal of closing the facility before the president leaves office in January.



By By Miss
American Pie


Hundreds protest “White Power” rally
attended by a dozen

by: Kimberly Richardson Updated: Apr 24, 2016



A.D. 2041 – End of White America?

October 18, 2011



Decline of ‘White’ America Is in Full Swing

The United
States hit an important benchmark in 2011
that many Americans might have missed. That was the first year more minority
babies were born than white babies.

It was a sign of things to come. In less than 30 years,
whites will no longer be the racial majority in the United States.


Charlotesville, VA Council to Discuss Civil War Era
Monuments, Protests Planned


Don McLean- American Pie (with Lyrics)



Huffington Post Produces Utterly Bizarre
Video Mocking the Death of White America

So You’re About To Become A




Ferocious battle at Paris migrant camp: Refugees armed with metal
poles clash with vigilantes


Sweden‘s backlash:
Why the tide is turning for refugees – Talk to Al Jazeera
In The Field



Trevor Phillips’s documentary on Muslims was shocking
– but not surprising

Channel 4’s What British Muslims Really Think will come as
no surprise to the British public, says James Delingpole


Islam in America

The greatest and most urgent threat to America is the
Islamic Migratory Invasion of America occurring via the Refugee Resettlement

Correct Response – Massive numbers of
Citizens descending upon Congress at their local offices forcing them to defund
the Refugee Program

Likely Response – none.


response – Take Action

The Refugee Resettlement
program must be stopped




Why you should think like a green beret instead of a doomsday


Putting Your Survival Plans to the Test

February 26, 2013




Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – 
Subscribe to the UPA
www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com 
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net



UPA Report 3.13.16 Black Trump supporter shot. How black, Latino, and Muslim College students organized to stop Trump’s rally in Chicago

Comments Off on UPA Report 3.13.16 Black Trump supporter shot. How black, Latino, and Muslim College students organized to stop Trump’s rally in Chicago


United Patriots of America

United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report

Sunday March 13, 2016

 Black trumpsupporter shot in chicago

Black Trump supporter shot and killed by Chicago protesters


How black, Latino and Muslim College students organized to stop Trump’s rally in

Violence Against the Trump Rally Was Part of the
“Safe Spaces” movement.




Black Trump supporter shot and killed by Chicago protesters



 The Republic
can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely
to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their President.”

“The danger to America is not
Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the
Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama
presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a
depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem
is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of
what ails America.
Blaming the prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of
fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who
is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of
fools, such as those who made him their President.”


For America
to survive the fools in our nation we have to resist and reject their foolish

A Must watch and listen only 1 min
53 sec

Listen and watch how President Reagan dealt with the Berkeley protesters in 1969



Take action. Start calling your Congressmen.

Muslim Brotherhood Terror Bill Now Bipartisan

The Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act — which
includes CAIR –is now cosponsored by Representative Colin C. Peterson (D-MN).



Trumps Rallies

Repeat from first posting in this report

How black, Latino and Muslim College students organized to stop Trump’s rally in

The Violence Against the Trump Rally Was Part
of the “Safe Spaces” movement.



Big Mess on Campus 

November 11, 2015

Monday, America’s
undergraduate college system melted down in three humiliating incidents.

sorry incident called to mind the struggle sessions of Mao’s Cultural
Revolution, when the national leader encouraged self-righteous young nitwits to
force scholars to wear dunce caps.



Trump Decries Attack on His Free Speech – What About Garland, TX Donald?

After Donald Trump excoriated me for our free
speech event in Garland, Texas,
Donald Trump expressed frustration on having to cancel his rally in Chicago on Friday night in
a phone interview on MSNBC.

“It’s a little bit sad when you can’t have a
rally in a major city in this country … What ever happened to freedom of
speech? What ever happened to the right to get together?”

You were taunting the fascists, Donald.


Flashback: Donald Trump said, “I watched Pam
earlier, and it really looks like she’s just taunting everybody. What is she
doing drawing Muhammad? I mean it’s disgusting. Isn’t there something else they
could be doing? Drawing Muhammad?…They can’t do
something else? They have to be in the middle of Texas doing something on Muhammad and
insulting everybody? What is she doing? Why is she doing it? It’s probably very
risky for her — I don’t know, maybe she likes risk? But what the hell is she


From same article above

Cruz blames Trump for riots.  Rubio
also but that was expected.




Bernie Sanders supporter lunged for stage, tackled
by Secret Service



One of the groups organizing against Trump in Chicago was a “refugee rights” group. See
next posting.



Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights.

ICIRR is dedicated to promoting the rights of
immigrants and refugees to full and equal participation in the civic, cultural,
social, and political life of our diverse society.



Note: The Immigration Control movement put a
thousand patriot volunteers on the border in 2005 under the name of the
Minuteman Project to bring national attention to our unsecured and dangerous
borders. The open border lobbies like La Raza and La Mecha were the well financed opposition at that time. They
were financed by many of the large corporations that most of us do business with
today, like Pepsi for one. Today the open border groups are joining with the
Government financed Refugee Resettlement program and they have joined with the
Black Lives Matter” groups, with the Muslim Brotherhood working in the
background, resulting in this massive opposition to border security and the
enforcement of our immigration laws.

Right now it appears that Trump and his followers are the only thing standing in the way of our country being
permanently turned into a country controlled by Socialists, black racists, Islamics, Anarchists and a whole slew of other nefarious
groups and ideologies. We have phony border security just for show and the
entire country is one big sanctuary for illegal aliens and legal Muslim
Immigrants. Those who protest Trump know what’s at stake here.

When you give in to your enemies who wish to
destroy you and your country you have peace.

When you resist peace disappears. Our country is in
for some difficult times so fasten your seatbelts


1 min 53 sec

Listen and watch how President Reagan dealt with the Berkeley protesters in 1969



Finicum, Burns OR vs BLM




FBI Agents Under
Investigation for Coverup in Shooting Death of LaVoy Finicum as New Video is Released from Inside Vehicle
(Updated II)

 The state autopsy showed Finicum was shot
three times in the back. He had no gunshot wound on his lower left side, the
report shows.



Islam in America and
Canada (North


Special Report – The Muslim

This Special Report aims to analyze the Muslim
Brotherhood organization as a global movement,

in particular their
ideology and the key players involved in the movement as well as charting the

extent of their global reach.



Dearborn Jihad: Muslim
Who Plotted Mass Church Shooting, Beheading, Burning



Trump: “I think Islam hates us”



Islam has a ‘serious, serious problem of hate’: Donald Trump doubles
down in debate on Muslims ‘hatred’ claim



Montreal Muslim linked to ISIS, arrested for planning jihad
strike, family says it was a joke



Interesting look back

Muammar Gaddafi Interviewed Just Before Libyan



 American Killed by Palestinian Terrorist in Israel

Taylor Force, a 29-year-old former U.S. Army officer, was
killed amid a rash of attacks by Palestinians during U.S. VP Joe Biden’s visit.



Islam in Europe

Masked marchers beat immigrants in Stockholm

Published: 30 Jan 2016 11:05



Police Issue Warning in Sweden to Women: Don’t Go Out Alone


‘Why is Europe
allowing invasion?’

CPAC March 3 2016, Lars Hedegaard



Why I Support Trump–and Resent the Elites Trying to
Destroy Him




Putting Your Survival Plans to the Test

February 26, 2013



Time to Stand up against evil – Join the…Restore the Republic –
I’m In

Sign up
now. Then join your state and county groups.

It’s free.
No advertisements.

We are being invaded and we are involved
in asymmetric warfare. We need to escalate in order to defend our country. If
you’re waiting for a revolution or a war it’s here now. Stay home and we lose.
Get out of the house and we have a chance. It’s time to prove that we are the
Land of the free and the home of the brave. Game on. Get out of the house now
and stand up for your homeland.


Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – 
Subscribe to the UPA
www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com 
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net



UPA Report 11.08.15 In idaho US citizens protest against the Refugee Resettlement Muslim invasion.

Comments Off on UPA Report 11.08.15 In idaho US citizens protest against the Refugee Resettlement Muslim invasion.

United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. Cicero

UPA Report

November 08, 2015


American Resistance to the Refugee Resettlement of Muslims


Anti-Muslim militia warns against
refugee invasion at Idaho
statehouse: ‘This isn’t some made-up crap!’


Idaho anti-refugee rally


This Islamic invasion will not stop until “We the
People” stop it.

Ongoing rallies and demonstrations must begin as soon
as possible and continue until the Refugee Resettlement Program is completely
shut down.

Contact local leaders of groups in your area and demand
they organize rallies and demonstrations.

Time’s a wasting

Join the RTR social network.

Restore the Republic – I’m In

A new Social Network.




America Resistance


Patriots Coalition

Published on Nov
2, 2015

November 1, 2015 Patriot Groups in Arizona
decided no more division will be allowed in Arizona. We set down, worked through our
differences and realized we have more in common than not in common. We all
agree the country is more important than self and have aligned our groups to
work with one another for one another and the country.



Muslim invasion of America


Secret Taped Phone Call With ‘Refugee Services of
Texas’ Reveals How Texas is About to be Overwhelmed
and a Massive Transfer of Wealth from American Taxpayers to Syrian Refugees is



Hebrew refugee contractor: Don’t send money/supplies
to Syrians, lobby Washington
to bring them here

Posted by Ann Corcoran on
October 23, 2015



Owner of Atlantic
City’s defunct Revel complex wants to use hotel to
house Syrian refugees – @NBCPhiladelphia



100 cities vying for immigrants (legal and illegal)
expecting them to boost local economy


Multi-million $$$ Lutheran group lobbies
Congress/White House, demands more Syrian Muslim refugees be admitted to US


Disney fires American workers.



Islam in America

After watching the Michael Savage
interview, posted next, it prompted me write the following – Bush &
Chertoff (first head of DHS) brought in Muslim Brotherhood right after 911 to
control the conversation. From day one the totally flawed military strategy to
deal with the Jihadist war against America was to fight them over
there so we would not have to fight them over here. The strategy was somewhat
successful here, because we did not fight them over here and have not had to
fight them over here we just surrendered to them and that is the current state
of affairs that we are in now. In WWII we interred the Japanese. In this
Jihadist war instead of arresting the Muslim Brotherhood (CAIR) we ceded
control to them as to how our military at West point
would teach how to deal with Islam and Jihad.

If Bush, a liberal light phony
conservative from a North Eastern liberal Republican family (that whole Texas
thing is BS) would have closed our borders, enforced our immigration laws and
arrested the Muslim Brotherhood we may not have gotten two terms of a Trojan
Horse Muslim President. When you factor in the current refugee Resettlement
Program we not only have surrendered to our Muslim enemies but we are assisting
them in bringing us to our knees.

There is only one way to survive and
that is for “We the People” to arise and get out and up to defend our country
and allow ourselves to throw off the chains of politically correct
multicultural thinking that has allowed us to be in the early stages of
succumbing to Islamic and Sharia law. This reminds me of seeing a boa constrictor
beginning to wrap itself around a victim. There is a point in time when the
victim has a chance to escape from his deadly fate. We all know if you go past
a certain point you can’t escape and you are eventually crushed to death.. If
we miss that point, what country can we hope to come and save us by killing the
Islamic Boa. Canada
and Trudeau.- nope. Germany
and Merkel – nope. In fact Europe only has a
few months to save themselves and they are protesting in the streets now. We
cannot rely on our Republican controlled Congress, which is controlled by
liberal Republicans who have no inclination or no understanding of how to rid
our country of Islam.
There is no co existing
with Islam. That is a bunch of horse crap
. Nor
can we depend on our Military since they have been purged by the Trojan Horse

Grassroots leaders must start to immediately set up and
organize and lead protests to stop the Refugee Resettlement of Muslims in our
country. These protests should be at Congressional offices to get congress to
defund the RRP, and at media locations to force the media outlet to publish the
info or suffer boycotts with the intention of shutting them down permanently. Protest
all the offices that are involved in the RRP (Refugee Resettlement Program)
First step. Call leaders in your local area and tell them you want them
to lead and organize local protests. See first link in this report.

The sleeping giant “We the People” must arise.


Excellent interview –

Michael Savage Interviews ‘Catastrophic
Failure’ Author Stephen Coughlin



Muslim stabber at UC Merced

By Carol Brown,
November 6, 2015



public school embraces sharia law

November 7, 2015



Sixth Circuit: County Officials
Violated Constitutional Rights of Christians by Siding with a Violent Muslim



Is Jihad Anything But An Unholy War Of Islam To
Dominate The World?

April 16,

The United
States was paving the way for its own
defeat, by blurring its vision, confusing its mind, and moderating its
reactions to the early danger signs, not to mention the terrorist strikes to
come. It was clear that the nation turned a blind eye to the historical
definition of jihad, the one that would really come to matter.”



Islamic Invasion of Europe


Muslim Gangs Take Control of 55 Zones in

Published on Nov
5, 2014

Muslim criminal gangs have taken
control of 55 “no-go zones,” according to a report released by Swedish police,
which mapped out the areas law enforcement has handed over. The areas are
overrun by organized crime and drug dealing and officers frequently face direct
attacks when trying to enter them. We look at how the gangs have secured these
zones from criminal authorities, and how authorities have been powerless to
change the tide in this Lip News clip with Elliot Hill and Mark Sovel.



OUR WORLD: Calais – The Final Frontier

Published on Mar 21, 2015

Thousands of migrants have
descended on the northern French port
of Calais, all of them desperate to
make it to the UK
to start a new life. While mainstream politicians trade blame, a full scale
humanitarian crisis has developed, with hungry people living in appalling
conditions — crime rates rising and riots breaking out as the migrants try to
storm the truck parks and port zones…



Illegal immigrants France to UK
(Dover-Calais) border – august 2015 compilation



illegal immigrants attacked a Hungarian truck on the highway



Three policemen against 2-300 illegal immigrants on the highway

Published on Jun
17, 2015

France, Europe,
June 2015.



Immigrants “attack” in France (Calais).
Fear on the road.

Published on Jun 15, 2015

(Agressive) Immigrants to the
city of Calais.
Fear on the road.



2nd Amendment

Oregon County Passes Initiative Allowing Sheriff to
Void Gun Control Laws If He Thinks They’re Unconstitutional


Islamic History – India
1971, Muslims murdered 2.4 million Hindus and raped 200,000 Hindu women’

Posted on August 4, 2014 by ADMIN




The Remembrance Project, a 501(c)3 non-profit, was
created in 2009 to honor and remember Americans who have been killed by illegal


The Remembrance Project educates, raises awareness,
and conducts outreach in order to support and protect Americansand their
families’ well-being and safety through upholding U.S. laws and following the



Connecticut Principal Promoted
Coexistence – Murdered by Islamic Terrorists in Israel



Dennis Prager Q & A At University of Denver

May 24, 2010

Dennis Prager Q & A At University of Denver.
To see what Dennis means when he says The American Trinity”, go to
http://www.prageru.com/ and click on “The American Trinity” for a 5
minute video explanation by Dennis. Also, there is another 37 minute speech by
Dennis Prager about America’s
exceptionalism and uniqueness at http://www.idezignmedia.com/constitut… near
the bottom of the page. Enjoy!



South Africa Documentary White Revenge, shocking!


Calling them refugees means
they are fleeing from something but the good heart is not enough; And we must
have the courage to say they are TOO MUCH.
-Dalai Lama




 “Restore the Republic – I’m In”

An Internet “social network” enabling
Americans to Unite and Organize locally.

“Sign up at- http://restoretheusa.ning.com/




Refugee Resettlement Watch

Ten things your town needs
to know when (if!) “welcoming” refugees for the first time

Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 11, 2015




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Subscribe to the UPA Reporthttp://eepurl.com/Mfp3X
http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net



UPA Report 11.01.15 Government won’t reform itself. We need to make it happen. Sign up with the RTR social network.

Comments Off on UPA Report 11.01.15 Government won’t reform itself. We need to make it happen. Sign up with the RTR social network.

United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911



November 01, 2015


roll up your sleeves

the RTR social network.

the Republic – I’m In

A new Social Network.




R. Murrow



The Heritage Foundation has exposed itself when its
President former Senator Jim Demint pressured the Freedom caucus into
supporting Paul Ryan for speaker of the house.


Rep. Louis Gohmert from Texas.: Heritage’s Demint, Former Speaker Gingrich Pressured
Conservative to Back Ryan

As Gohmert
notes, it is former Senator Demint’s role that is
most shocking. That is, here we see a leader of a flagship conservative think
tank pressuring conservatives to abandon conservative principles to support
pro-amnesty Ryan.


The most dangerous people in this nation are those who we
depend on to uphold the Constitution and protect and defend us and do not do
so. They bend to the will of our ideological opponents. We have always looked
to the conservative movement to stand up for us. The reality is they talk the
talk but when it comes time to walking the walk they get in behind the left and
vote with them.

We all know the Rinos are useless now it’s time to
understand the problem of relying on Conservatives like the Heritage Foundation
and people like Jim Demint its president.


is an enemy of American workers. Boycott them.


Donald Trump rights ship on immigration: demands Disney rehire workers replaced by cheap foreign
labor, calls Rubio ‘silicon valley’s puppet’



North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory signs into law bill targeting ‘sanctuary cities’

Published October
29, 2015 by Fox News Latino

In addition, many more government contracts will be
contingent on employees of contractors and subcontractors complying with
E-verify requirements to check the immigration status of workers



Tom Tancredo of Colorado


For most of those years after
2000, we had a Republican President and a Republican-controlled Congress, but
the conservative agenda was largely ridiculed and abandoned.



The Federal government and those who run
it are collectively guilty of treason for failing to uphold the US Constitution.

Congress has done nothing to control a
renegade Federal government.

The States have done nothing to control
the Feds.

The Feds accomplishments.

Debt in the trillions

Unsecured borders

No enforcement of our immigration laws.

A dangerous Refugee Resettlement program.

A bizarre health Care program

Promotion of racial divisiveness.

Inserted Muslim Brotherhood into our

The CIA Director is a converted Muslim at
a time when Islam has declared war on the West.


 “A nation can survive its fools, and even
the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.



Feds say 179,027 criminal illegals are loose on U.S.



Had enough yet? Unite
to escalate politically and control our government officials.


Imported Muslims who hate America
arriving now in these U.S.

“Most people would be
shocked to know that America
currently takes more refugees from the world’s ghettos than all other refugee
resettlement countries in the world combined. The State Department brags about
it. Furthermore, most of those refugees are referred to the United States
by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The refugees (and the
illegal aliens flooding the southern border from Central
America) are then ‘resettled’ by taxpayer funded ‘Voluntary
Agencies’ or VOLAGs as they are called.”


Had enough yet? Unite
to escalate politically and control our government officials.


33% of Americans Believe It’s Time for States to
Openly Defy the Feds – And that Number is Growing!



Had enough yet? Unite
to escalate politically and control our government officials.


Red River Land Grab.

 by Jason Van Tatenhove, October
25, 2015

The BLM has taken a huge new step forward in its land
grabbing agenda. The latest victim is a cattle rancher and farmer from the Red
River area of Texas.
Ken Aderholt’s family has owned some of these contested lands for generations.
Unlike the Bundy’s and the Finicum’s this dispute is
not about public lands but rather deeded private land.






By Frosty Wooldridge

January 26, 2006 , NewsWithViews.com

If the United States Senate approves Bush’s guest
worker amnesty, America
shall suffer 20 million illegal aliens becoming U.S. citizens. That will change the
DNA of America to resemble Mexico’s
failed society. It will become our first step down toward a Third World



SCHACHTEL21 Oct 2015Washington, DC503

The Council on American-Islamic Relations
(CAIR), an Islamic supremacist group that is funded by Saudi Arabia and designated as a
terrorist organization in the UAE, is denouncing Republican frontrunner Donald
Trump for saying that he’d consider closing down mosques that preach violent


Marco Rubio’s new billionaire backer top funder for
open borders





1 min 29 sec

Germany expects
800,000 migrants in 2015



‘EU Could Fall Apart Within Weeks from 10′s of
1000′s of Migrant Invasion’

Monday, October 26, 2015 10:45

And Barry from Indonesia, currently occupying our White
House, is poised to bring a quarter of a million of these Muslim ‘refugees’
here……….into America? – What, you say? – There already several million too many
of them here? – Not to worry. The Obamanoids are on a
mission – crush and eventually eliminate the white European American population
and replace all of us with a toxic mix of ignorant, illiterate
south-of-the-border ‘folks’ rabid Islamists from the ME, central and south Asia
and newly empowered ‘Black Lives Matter/Black Panther Generals.’ 



Swedish Foreign Minister claims the country is ‘facing
collapse’ because of the mass influx of refugees

Margot Wallstrom says Sweden
cannot cope with the influx of refugees

Says country is facing collapse as 190,000 asylum seekers
arrive each year


Very long but worth the read if you want to know who the
enemy is and how he operates.

How ISIS Spread in the Middle

And how to stop it


A Sheik’s Advice

By David Ignatius, Friday, October 3, 2003




Ole Miss Removes State Flag from

Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN, October 26, 2015

The University
of Mississippi has
removed the state flag from campus, according to a university statement issued



Students protest IN SUPPORT of cop who dragged
schoolgirl, 16, from her desk and threw her across classroom

Cop Ben Fields, 34, was fired
after footage emerged of the violent arrest

Officer seen flipping girl,
16, out of her seat and throwing her across room

But 100 students held protest
at the school calling for him to be reinstated

They marched out of classrooms
on Friday chanting ‘bring back Fields’

Pupils said they wanted to support
the cop and help protect his reputation


Va. schools
implementing gender identity policy changes without informing parents


Calling them refugees means they are fleeing from
something but the good heart is not enough; And we must have the courage to say
they are TOO MUCH.
-Dalai Lama





Things Are Getting Scary: Global Police,
Precrime And The War On Domestic ‘Extremists’

Rest assured that
the government will not save us from the chains of the police state. The UN’s Strong Cities Network program will not save us. The
next occupant of the White House will not save us. For that matter, anarchy and
violent revolution will not save us.


If there is to be
any hope of freeing ourselves, it rests—as it always has—at the local level,
with you and your fellow citizens taking part in grassroots activism, which
takes a trickle-up approach to governmental reform by implementing change at
the local level.


Attend local city
council meetings, speak up at town hall meetings, organize protests and
letter-writing campaigns, employ “militant nonviolent
resistance” and civil disobedience, which Martin Luther King Jr. used to great
effect through the use of sit-ins, boycotts and marches.


And then, while
you’re at it, urge your local governments to nullify everything the federal
government does that is illegitimate, egregious or blatantly unconstitutional.



If you like what you just read
then sign up for the RTR

“Restore the Republic – I’m In

An Internet
“social network” enabling Americans to Unite and Organize locally.

“Sign up at- http://restoretheusa.ning.com/




Refugee Resettlement Watch

Ten things your town needs
to know when (if!) “welcoming” refugees for the first

Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 11, 2015




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E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net



UPA Report 9.13.15 Bye Bye Europe. Part 2.

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United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report

Sunday September 13, 2015


BYE BYE Western civilization as we knew it.

 By By Europe, Eurabia


The EU and the U.S. had the chance to fight on foreign soil or accept an invasion of their own lands, and chose poorly.

Less than half of the U.S.-Mexico border is under “operational control,” and one out of every five (up from 8% 10 years ago) illegal immigrants caught there has a criminal record;

See articles below.


 ISIS terrorists “will head with the illegal migrants to Europe, where corruption and destruction will spread just like Libya.

But there it will be hard to confront them.”

The Islamic State Had Warned Europe They Would Send 500,000 ‘Migrants’ as ‘Weapon’



Middle East Refugee Crisis: Gulf Arab States Under Scrutiny For Refusing To Take Displaced People

Amnesty International has recently pointed out that “six Gulf countries — Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain — have offered zero resettlement places to Syrian refugees.” Other Middle Eastern nations, in particular, Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan have taken in millions of refugees from the Syrian conflict.



Western Civilization: The Final Frontier?

But Islam nonetheless is a contagion, even if some maintain a stubborn moral immunity to the infection. Where Islam goes, this violence will follow. You will never save all the little boys, you will never stop the slaughter. All you will do is bring it to your own shores.

Either the West turns them away or it ceases to exist. It’s that simple. The EU and the U.S. had the chance to fight on foreign soil or accept an invasion of their own lands, and chose poorly.



The False Idol of Compassion for Migrants and Refugees

:without the ability to control the inflow of humanity across borders, how can one say his nation has any identity?  If the public opposes mass illegal immigration, yet the elite allows and encourages it, how can one say he has a functioning democracy?  Without assurances of territorial integrity, how can one say he even has a defined border?



The Real Purpose of the Nuclear Deal: Support Iran and Stick It to Israel



Good video must see.

The nightmare scenario from possible Iranian rocket attacks launched from Tijuana, Mexico

Stop Iran Rally Santa Barbara, CA

American Citizen a member of the Israeli IDF warns America of the real threat from Iran.

Full Video Report



Islam In America

Federal Government Subsidizes Halal Food in Public Schools



Can the States Seize Control of Federal Lands?

The term “Sagebrush Rebellion” is again showing up in newspapers across the American west as states seek more control over federal lands within their own boundaries.



Once again, Barack Obama rewrote his Obamacare regulations.

His latest changes will force insurance companies to cover many procedures sought by the transgendered.





Open Borders

Agents Say Just 40 Percent of U.S.-Mexico Border Under Control

Less than half of the U.S.-Mexico border is under “operational control,” and one out of every five illegal immigrants caught there has a criminal record, the chief of Border Patrol agents’ labor union told Congress Wednesday when detailing violence that increasingly spills over the international boundary.


Donald Trump Doesn’t Need Latino Voters to Win

But if Trump could replace Latino votes with those of another large minority group that traditionally votes Democratic, he might have a fighting chance at victory. And even without changing his message, black voters could be that group.

African Americans have long been receptive to the anti-immigrant concepts behind Trump’s campaign. Simply put, the jobs, housing and other opportunities that immigrants take come largely at the expense of blacks who were born in the United States.



Black on White Crime

Harrisburg Police ID suspects in attack of Newville brothers after Kipona fireworks.

The beatdown also had a “racial overtone,” to it, Carter said. He said the attackers, who were black, yelled racial comments at the white victims, who had been “minding their own business.”



This proves liberalism is a mental disorder.

Black Man Suffers Another Racist Beating–in Whole Foods?

Everyone involved in this situation is black. A customer, the cashier, the manager and the security guard–are all black.

Except for Dr. Marks. She is white. And still convinced that black people in Oakland trying to buy groceries are routinely beat For No Reason What So Ever.




Local activism puts up winning resistance in Morristown, NJ

How Regional Planning usurps local control




Refugee Resettlement Watch

Ten things your town needs to know when (if!) “welcoming” refugees for the first time

Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 11, 2015



PBI – Patriot Bureau of Intelligence





Repeat from last week

SHTF Security is a Family Job

Security will no doubt be an issue in a SHTF scenario. People will be panicked and looking for food. Looting will begin. Protecting your supplies and your home should be a job that your family is prepared in handling.




7 Worst Rookie Prepper Mistakes and How to Avoid Them



Repeats every week


Militia units of 50-200 members should be organized at the local level, by going house by house, covering entire neighborhoods, towns, and counties.

 This will initially be easier to do in rural areas, where people are already more receptive to the patriotic message. In urban areas, it may work better to start by organizing “neighborhood associations”, and then educating the members gradually until it can be converted into a self-conscious Militia unit. Finding members for your group can be easy or difficult,



PBI…Listed by State with addresses.

Database of Masjids, Mosques and Islamic Centers in the U.S.




Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass
Subscribe to the UPA Report – http://eepurl.com/Mfp3X
http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net

UPA Report 9.06.15 Special message to readers of the UPA Report.

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United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911

 UPA Report

Sunday September 06, 2015

We are 5 days away from 911

Three years ago on September 11, 2012 the attacks in Benghazi took place.




  A Special Message to the readers of the UPA Report.

 As Europe falls to massive refugee migration from the Middle East and Africa it becomes all the more important for American Patriots to stop the ongoing Refugee Resettlement Program in the United States.

The way to stop this program is to unite and organize at the local level and take action in the towns and cities that the refugees are being inserted.

That process of organizing at the local level has already started, thanks to the efforts of Ann Corcoran, the founder and operator of the web site Refugee Resettlement Watch and another organization that Anne has partnered with.

As some of you already know, the UPA is in the process of developing a social network called “Restore the Republic – I’m In” for the sole purpose of taking action.

The platform is set up geographically at the local level in order to unite concerned citizens to be able to join together in order to take action. There are some sites that are set up geographically but they are not geared for action like our site will be.

Recruiting and putting together large numbers of people for the specific purpose of taking action is why we are building this site.

It’s not about family and friends; it’s about how to take action to protect your family and friends from the disintegration of our great nation.

Look at what is happening to Europe today. The same process is happening here in Americatoday on a much lesser scale. But it is happening here. If not for the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean those hordes of refugees that have been crossing into Europe for many years would be walking into our country.

The melting pot has been turned off by the people with all the “good ideas”, as they promote multiculturalism and political correctness, so we are not getting assimilation and that is a huge problem.

Therefore, we at the UPA are asking for all our readers to go into action.

In order to accelerate the progress in the development of our RTR social network we are asking that you consider a donation of $5.00- $50.00-$100.00 to $500.00 or more.


 If you want to know what’s in it for you, it’s to “Restore the Republic” so your children and grandchildren can look forward to living in the kind of great country that you grew up in.


If we do nothing now, we will be facing a hell hole of a multicultural society dominated by bickering and violence from the different segments of society; like the killings of police officers from the black extremist. Forget not, the Islamic attacks that have taken place recently, directed at the military.

The Jihadists have chosen our military as their targets and the Panthers have chosen our police.


If we think it can’t happen here, we all know it is happening here. So if tomorrow, or Tuesday after labor day, you decided that you wanted to take action and really do something, about the only thing you could do is to go outside and set your self on fire.  That’s why are building the social network. Alone we can do little. Together we can do a lot.


Why the request for funding.

Because I don’t want someone saying to me, hey Ron, if you needed money why didn’t you ask us for it.


Donations will be used to complete the construction of the social network and then for marketing and recruitment.


Donations can be sent electronically by Pay Pal, a bank quick pay or any other electronic means to the following email address.


Please mark your donation “RTR”


If any one interested in funding this project  would like more information or to see what is being built send  an e-mail to ronbass2010@comcast.net.






Christian Broadcasting Network Warns About Population Replacement And The End Of Europe As A Christian-Majority Continent


Whatever you call it, the massive influx of Muslim illegals, most of whom are freeloaders at best, jihadists at worst, will destroy Europe within a few decades.



5min 31sec

Immigration Wave: Will Europe Still Be Europe?



42 Years ago in1973 this book predicted what is happening now in Europe.

The Camp of the Saints (Le Camp des Saints)

is a 1973 French apocalyptic novel by Jean Raspail. The novel depicts a setting where in Third World mass immigration to France and the West leads to the destruction of Western civilization. Almost forty years after publication the book returned to the bestseller list in 2011.[1] The title is a reference to the Book of Revelation (Rev 20:9).


America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It (ISBN 0-89526-078-6) is a nonfiction book by Mark Steyn, published in 2006. It forecasts the downfall of Western civilization owing to internal weaknesses and the increasing Muslim population in Western countries and the world generally.

Steyn attributes the forecast fall of the Western world to three factors:


Demographic decline,


The unsustainability of the advanced Western social-democratic state


The exhaustion of civilization.


Steyn’s final argument is that the Muslim world will not need to carry out an outright attack. Instead, Europe will collapse from “wimpiness” or “multicultural ‘sensitivity,'” leading to betrayal of the state’s core values


Europe Or Die (Full Documentary)

Since 2000, more than 27,000 migrants and refugees have died attempting the perilous journey to Europe. With an unprecedented number of people breaking through its heavily barricaded borders in 2014, the EU continues to fortify its frontiers.



Three years ago on September 11, 2012 the attacks in Benghazi took place.

September 11, 2012

40 Minutes In Benghazi

After the fall of Colonel Qaddafi, in 2011, Libya had become an al-Qaeda-inspired, if not al-Qaeda-led, training base and battleground.

In April 2011, Chris had been dispatched to Benghazi as a special envoy by then secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton. On this, his second tour to the country, he would be America’s man on the ground in the Arab Spring conflict to oust Qaddafi.




“Pockets of Resistance” growing and spreading

Posted by Ann Corcoran on July 11, 2015

You’ve heard me often refer to “Pockets of Resistance,” those towns/cities and states where activists are demanding answers to the many questions citizens have about the United Nations/US State Department colonization of their towns by third worlders through the Refugee Resettlement Program.






Ben Shapiro: The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority



Trump and Bill O’Reilly

Before he threw his hat into the ring.



28min 14sec

What Pisses Me Off About The European Migrant Crisis


Restore the Republic – I’m In

    Update. Our new social network website is under construction and progressing nicely.

Stand by. Coming soon.



More on

The Mission – Restore the Republic.


Status Report

The mission is to Restore the USA .

 To restore good constitutional Government at all levels.

We have begun to hire web workers to expedite the completion of the site.

If you would like to make a donation to move this forward send it electronically to Americanbedrockfoundation @durfee.us

Paypal and your banks “quick pay” only need this email to complete your donation.

Consider a $10.00 donation now.

Please mark your donation “RTR”

Thanks. Ron Bass

Restore the Republic – I’m In

A Project of the United Patriots of America


We are in phase 1. Recruiting and setting up a national communications network.

Sign up now at http://eepurl.com/buJAS1

Note: All operations will conform to all Local, State and Federal laws.

 “I’m In” is a project of the UPA (United Patriots of America) to restore our Republic.

Refugee Resettlement Watch

Ten things your town needs to know when (if!) “welcoming” refugees for the first time

Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 11, 2015



PBI – Patriot Bureau of Intelligence





Repeat from last week

SHTF Security is a Family Job

Security will no doubt be an issue in a SHTF scenario. People will be panicked and looking for food. Looting will begin. Protecting your supplies and your home should be a job that your family is prepared in handling.




7 Worst Rookie Prepper Mistakes and How to Avoid Them



Repeats every week


Militia units of 50-200 members should be organized at the local level, by going house by house, covering entire neighborhoods, towns, and counties.

 This will initially be easier to do in rural areas, where people are already more receptive to the patriotic message. In urban areas, it may work better to start by organizing “neighborhood associations”, and then educating the members gradually until it can be converted into a self-conscious Militia unit. Finding members for your group can be easy or difficult,



PBI…Listed by State with addresses.

Database of Masjids, Mosques and Islamic Centers in the U.S.




Twitter – http://twitter.com/ronbassUPA
Facebook – www.facebook.com/UPA.RonBass
Subscribe to the UPA Report – http://eepurl.com/Mfp3X
http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net

UPA Report 5.10.15 U.S. Department of State inserting Muslims into Idaho, Christians excluded from refugee program.

Comments Off on UPA Report 5.10.15 U.S. Department of State inserting Muslims into Idaho, Christians excluded from refugee program.



United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report

Sunday May 10, 2015


“US Constitution is NOT for the government to restrain the people.

It is for the people to restrain the government.”

What are we doing to enforce our constitution and restrain our government?




Obama Admin to Colonize Idaho with Thousands of Muslim Refugees from Syria


Idaho is the most right wing survivalist state in the union, where survivalists communities are being built and requirements to live in those communities are that you are armed. As a military strategy, inserting Muslims into Idaho using the Refugee Resettlement program is brilliant.



  U.S. State Dept. Invites Muslim Leaders, Denies Christians

Raymond Ibrahim, May 10, 2015

“In the same week that the State Dept says it will take the engagement of religious leaders seriously … it refuses a visa to a persecuted Christian nun who has fled ISIS, Sister Diana.” — Chris Seiple, President, Institute for Global Engagement.

Sister Diana, an influential Iraqi Christian leader and spokeswoman who was scheduled to visit theU.S.to advocate for persecuted Christians in the Mideast, earlier this month was denied a visa by the U.S. State Department, even though she had visited theU.S.before, most recently in 2012.

Sister Diana was to be one of a delegation of religious leaders from Iraq– including Shia and Yazidi — to visitWashington,D.C., to describe the situation of their people. Every single religious leader from this delegation was granted a visa — except for the only Christian representative, Sister Diana.



It is a crime against the American people for the U.S. State Department to bring in large numbers of Muslims through their Refugee Resettlement program.

They must be exposed and the program stopped immediately.

If you can help expose the Refugee Resettlement program please do so


An enemy of the American people.

U.S. Department of State

Secretary of Sate John Kerry



Senior Officials



Two from the list of Senior officials

Antony John ‘Tony’ Blinken

During the 1988 presidential campaign, Blinken became a Democratic partisan, working with his father in fundraisers for Michael Dukakis.



Heather Higginbottom

Higginbottom began her government service in 1999, when she joined the office of then Senator John Kerry as Legislative Assistant.



Tactics for Fighting Back

Learn from the left.

General Strategies

1. Shine a light on the cockroaches.

2. Take calculated risks.

3. Exploit technology.

4. Never give up.

5. Join forces with other patriots.



FOX News Host Urges Submission to Sharia – Pleads with Pamela Geller to Respect Islam

May 5, 2015 by Pamela Geller



The Black Revolution in America in the new millennium.

2 Mississippi officers slain after traffic stop; 2 brothers arrested


The Strategy of killing police officers was used inAlgeriato liberate them selves from French rule.

This tactic has been studied by the Black Liberation Army and first employed in NYC in the the 60’s and 70′.

Police have been identified as the enemy of African Americans. Criminals are acting on this information in the same way that Jihadist andIsissends out their message.

In Baltimore similar strategy (physically attacking police) throwing rocks and objects at Baltimore police.


>>> Oath Keepers Goes “Operational” with “Civilization Preservation Teams” Stewart Rhodes



The Muslims are here in America in the new millennium.

TEXAS: Two Muslim terrorist suspects shot dead by police after they opened fire at Pamela Geller’s ‘Draw the Prophet Mohammed’ cartoon contest

Heavily armed police secure art work before the Dutch member of parliament and leader of the far-right Party for Freedom, Geert Wilders delivers the keynote address at the Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest at the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas, USA, 03 May 2015. The art exhibit is being put on by the Pamela Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative. ANSA/LARRY W. SMITH



good video

Garland Shooting – Attack at Anti-Muslim Mohammad Cartoon Event in Texas: 2 Islamists Killed |VIDEO



good video

Michael Savage: Civil War Is  Here in America in the new millennium.



>>> Oath Keepers Goes “Operational” with “Civilization Preservation Teams” Stewart Rhodes




Saturday, May 9

With over 300 participants in today’s barbecue and rally, Oath Keepers, III Percent and all our other Patriots are greatly appreciative and deeply humbled. The Sugar Pine Miners and so many others are grateful and heartened at the show of support from our community!




Activist Organization and Information


Refugee Resettlement Watch

RRW Weekly wrap-up for week ending May 8th, 2015

Posted by Ann Corcoran on May 9, 2015

Here are the Top Posts of the past week




>>> Oath Keepers Goes “Operational” with “Civilization Preservation Teams” Stewart Rhodes



Call your representatives in Congress and tell them to stop the Refugee Resettlement program for Muslims


Find and contact your Senator and House Representative



Government Agencies and Elected Officials

Find contact information for federal, state, local, or tribal governments and elected officials.


 I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale

Ron Bass

Follow the UPA on



Ron Bass

Subscribe to the UPA Report


http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net


Master list of protests against illegal immigration for July 18-19

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United Patriots of America

Tuesday, July 15, 2014



National Days Of Protest Against Immigration Reform Amnesty & The illegal immigration surge!

July 18-19 2014


This Information is from ALIPAC a national immigration control organization based in North Carolina


Latest count: 267 protests!




The following message was received from

William Gheen and the ALIPAC Team


Master list of protests against illegal immigration for July 18-19



These protests are gaining momentum rapidly. Time to saddle up, organize, plan to attend, motivate and organize others!


Let’s roll against our nation’s hijackers, America!


Our prayers go out for the brave Americans responding to our call to converge on the protest today in Oracle, Az to stop Obama’s federal smugger buses full of illegals. We are monitoring and will report.


In the past, our movement has been notorious for low numbers showing up at physical events. Now that Obama has thrown our borders wide open and illegals carrying infectious diseases are being housed, fed, transported, bused, and flown into your communities at your expense… let’s hope that apathy is gone!


This is your second to last notice about the hundreds of historic protests against immigration reform amnesty and the new illegal alien border surge taking place nationwide July 18-19.


Here is the master list of event locations and times that is being updated with new events several times per day so check back often!


Master list of protests against illegal immigration for July 18-19




Please take the following simple steps that anyone can do in preparation…


Step 1: Locate the protest nearest you and make plans to go stand somewhere for a few hours.


Step 2: Share this invite and the master list link with as many other Americans as possible online and in your personal realm of friends, neighbors, and relatives. Make plans to go yourself and to drag as many people with you as possible. These protests are important and staying home signals your acceptance of the invasion.


Step 3: If you have the time, make or buy a sign or grab an American flag to hold. We would appreciate ALIPAC.us supporters making some signs with our website on them so other protesters will learn about, visit, and join our coordinated efforts here. We need signs against Amnesty, against illegals, against Obama, against the surge, and against immigration reform.


Step 4: Take plenty of water and take breaks in the shade if it is hot in your area.


Step 5: Take video cameras, and take special care to record anything dealing with law enforcement interactions or interactions with any illegal alien supporters that show up. In Murrieta, CA, they did a wonderful job stopping the buses full of Obama’s illegals but nobody captured the illegal alien supporter burning an American flag on video. If we had video of that, it would have devastated the illegal alien supporters once released. If you capture anything of interest on video, please get your footage to www.alipac.us | williamg@alipac.us immediately. If you encounter opposition, keep cool and let them be the ones to say stupid things and be hostile on film for us. We do not expect any significant opposition at most of our protests at this time, but that could vary with time and location.


Step 6: If there is not a protest near you, there is still time to organize one. Just tell us when and where you want to be by emailing WilliamG@alipac.us with your name, phone number, city of protest, street address of protest, location description, date, and times.


Where is our protest inLos Angeles??? How about one inMassachusettswhere they were flying a bunch of illegals into your state???VermontandRhode Islandare small states but currently the only states we do not have protests in yet!


These protests are gaining momentum rapidly. Time to saddle up, organize, plan to attend, motivate and organize others!


Let’s roll against our nation’s hijackers,America!

William Gheen and the ALIPAC Team


PS: Remember to keep checking and circulating the master list of events at…



Copyright © 2014 Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, All rights reserved.

You joined ALIPAC’s fight against illegal immigration and amnesty via alipac.us or againstamnesty.com

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