United Patriots of America
The United Patriots Of America was founded December 2001 in response to 911

UPA Report 10.05.14 Pic of armed patriots on the border.

Comments Off on UPA Report 10.05.14 Pic of armed patriots on the border.


United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report

Sunday, October 05, 2014

November elections are coming.


Our government has abandoned us at the border.

Listen to theDebut of Camp LoneStar Border talk Radio show

at the link posted below after the “smoking gun” story .


Pic of citizen patriots filling the void on the border. 


 The “smoking gun” at Logan Airport in Boston.


 The UPA was founded in response to the terrorist attacks on 911

 Now the following eyewitness accounts have been released from Logan Airport in BOS


The eyewitness accounts surfaced in a lawsuit brought by the family of Mark Bavis, a Los Angeles Kings hockey scout who died in one of the hijacked Boston flights. Because the case was settled in 2011 for several million dollars and never went to trial, the evidence never aired in open court.


Over the objections of federal authorities, the Bavis lawyers later made the risky decision to dump the FBI interviews and deposition transcripts into the public archives.


We are not acting in the best interest of our country to protect and preserve our safety, our security and our liberties.


Political correctness amongst other things have removed our ability to act in our own best interest.


In Logan Airport on May 11h 2001 no action was taken. He ( an airline employee) said he reported Atta to higher-ups, who told him, as he relayed to Spagnuolo, that there was nothing they could do about it.


In fact, airport security had clear authority to investigate anybodysurveilling a checkpoint at the time, and such activity should have raised major red flags. Just two months earlier, federal authorities advised airlines, including American, that al Qaeda terrorists typically conduct surveillance before attacking a target.


Airport security ignored pre-9/11 warnings on hijackers: secret docs

At least three eyewitnesses spotted al Qaeda hijackers casing the security checkpoints at Boston’s Logan Airport months before the 9/11 attacks.


They saw something and said something — but were ignored, newly unveiled court papers reveal.


“I’m convinced that had action been taken after the sighting of Atta, the 9/11 attacks, at least at Logan, could have been deterred,” said Brian Sullivan, a former FAA special agent who at the time warned of holes in security at the airport.


The three Boston witnesses were never publicly revealed, even though they were interviewed by the FBI and found to be credible. Their names didn’t even appear as footnotes in the 9/11 Commission Report.


Instead, the worst terrorist hijacker in history was allowed to waltz through security without anyone stopping him, asking his name, checking his ticket, taking a picture, looking at his drivers license or passport, opening his bags or patting him down.


Four months later, on Sept. 11, Atta passed through the same security checkpoint. His carry-on bag got past screeners despite containing box-cutters and mace or pepper spray. He took his seat in business class of American Airlines Flight 11 unimpeded.


But what they testified to seeing — only revealed now as part of the discovery in a settled 9/11 wrongful-death suit against the airlines and the government — can only be described as chilling.



We, as a people, and most particularly our leaders at all levels of government, have lost the ability to act in our own best interest.


It is certainly in our best interest to defend and secure our International Borders.


The following group of citizen patriots is doing that right now on the border in Texas.

Note: There are other groups on the border. The UPA is in contact with this group and another group in Arizona.

Any information reported in the UPA report is information that is already in the public domain.


Debut of Camp LoneStar Border talk Radio show.

Show will be broadcast live from Brownsville Texas and we will discuss the immediate issues facing us on the Border. We will be talking about Border Patrol and the obstacles they have placed in front of us, the “patriots” who are going around spreading false information and those who are attempting to profiteer from the blood and sweat of those who are actually doing the job of securing our border. We will talk about our immediate Camp needs and how those who want to come help can, and those who want to donate will be given our latest ways to get support to the border. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you the American People and Patriots.

Archie Seals and I will be on to talk about what is happening on the Border.



P.O.P. Patriots on Patrol (Camp Lonestar)



Special 12 page Report

The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.

US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress


This posting will appear in every report until the US Military is sent to protect our International border.


How is the following presidential memorandum in the national interest?


And how is it in our national interest to allow passengers from Eboli stricken countries to fly here through Brussels.


Presidential Memorandum — FY 2015 Refugee Admissions

The admission of up to 70,000 refugees to the United States during Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 is justified by humanitarian concerns or is otherwise in the national interest; provided that this number shall be understood as including persons admitted to the United States during FY 2015 with Federal refugee resettlement assistance under the Amerasian immigrant admissions program, as provided below.


East Asia………………………..13,000

Europe and Central Asia…………….1,000

Latin America and Caribbean…………4,000

Near East and South Asia…………..33,000

Unallocated Reserve………………..2,000



Stewart Rhodes, founder of Oath Keepers in Grants Pass – 27 Sep 2014

Excellent speech by the founder of Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes, inGrants Pass,Oregon- reminding the large audience that preparing for the imminent hard times ahead is necessary prior to the unexpected event.



United States Environmental Protection Agency

EPA overrides Congress, hands over town to Indian tribes




National suicide by political correctness

by LAWRENCE SELLIN, PHD October 1, 2014



The Islamic State Targets US Military Families: “show up [at their homes] and slaughter them.”


Denmark: Christians flee Muslim-dominated areas, “They tell me I ought to be stoned to death”

Europe, wherever it is found, is in a life-or-death struggle against displacement by aliens who will transform our societies in ways that would make them unrecognizable to our ancestors.
Towards a World Brotherhood of Europeans
Men of Europe, my brothers, we must stand together. We must struggle together, so that together we will prevail.
Let me conclude by reiterating the main themes of my talk this evening. First, Europe is wherever we find Europeans, whether they are on the continent of Europe or across the sea. Second, what we Europeans all hold in common is not merely a culture, a history, a way of being, but also the common kinship that we call race. Third, Europe, wherever it is found, is in a life-or-death struggle against displacement by aliens who will transform our societies in ways that would make them unrecognizable to our ancestors. We must be, all of us, comrades in this great struggle for the defense of everything that we love, in this struggle for the defense of Europe.Today, the lines are not so clearly drawn, the crisis is not so sharp, but for our generation, this is Thermopylae, this is Poitiers, this is the Siege of Malta, this is Blood River.
Men of Europe, my brothers, we must stand together. We must struggle together, so that together we will prevail.


Same article as above but different excerpt.
The threat to Europe everywhere is very great.

The official America ideology is “diversity,” which means national suicide through immigration: the replacement of European people by non-Europeans.

As you may know, in 1960, the population of theUnited Stateswas 90 percent white. Until 1965 theUnited Stateshad immigration laws that were designed to keep it European. Since that change in policy, non-white immigrants have poured into theUnited States, and now my country is only 62 or 3 percent white. Current projections are that in just 28 years, whites will be a minority.

The official ideology ofAmericais that “Diversity is our strength,” and by diversity is meant every possible mix of race, language, religion etc. Many people will tell you that “diversity isAmerica’s greatest strength.”

Of course, diversity is a terrible weakness. It pits different groups against each other and destroys trust. In every part of the world, when peoples who are different in language, religion, or race try to share the same territory, there is conflict.
This is virtually a law of nature, but American ideology attempts to rewrite the laws of nature.


What This Rare Interview With ISIS Just Exposed Will Chill You To Your Core

Report from Budapest

It was a bold idea from the beginning. The National Policy Institute (NPI), an American organization, was to hold a conference in Budapeston “The Future of Europe.” In addition to well-known identitarians such as Philippe Vardon of France, Markus Willinger of Germany, and myself, the controversial Russian academic Alexander Dugin, was to take part. Hungary’s Jobbik party would provide essential support on the ground, and one of its elected representatives was to address the meeting.

However, about two weeks before the conference, prime minister Victor Orban came under pressure from the Hungarian Socialist Party and condemned the conference. His statement mentioned Mr. Dugin by name, and characterized NPI as a “xenophobic and exclusionary” organization. Those of us scheduled to take part began to worry that pressure would build on the LarusEventCenter to cancel its contract to host the conference.

Things got worse. A little more than a week before the conference, the Interior Ministry issued a statement forbidding the meeting, and warning that all speakers would be stopped at the border or deported if found within Hungary. Again, Mr. Dugin was cited as a particularly offensive speaker, but others were cited as “racists” who might violate the Hungarian fundamental law that forbids “violating the human dignity of others.”




Despite the risk, Obama continues to issue ‘Ebola visas’



Deport Obama? Petition Urges President’s Removal From The United States




‘Proceedings should be immediately commenced, an investigation undertaken’



Mike Lee: no attorney general who supports Obama’s planned executive amnesty should be confirmed.




Why Instant Oatmeal Should Be in Your Survival Kit


Cold Temps Set Record as Snow Arrives in Chicago




Standard military strategy is to secure your homeland when at war.

Until such time that we secure our borders and repatriate our Islamic enemies we will never succeed in winning this war that Islam has brought to us.

When a country goes to war it must secure its homeland first.
 No politicians or military leaders have even mentioned this.

We must take the following steps and many more not listed.

Send US Military to the borders.

All local and state governments should begin immediately to enforce all national immigration laws.

All refugee resettlement programs must stop immediately.

All travel to US must be approved by visas. No more travel by passports.

The visa entry exit program must be put into place along with strict enforcement of violations.

Remove all Muslims from our government and from our military.

This will run every week.

Special Report
This report prints out to 12 pages but worthwhile reading.


The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.

US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress 



IT’S A SET UP! Obama to Kill Tomahawk and Hellfire Missile Programs!



Generals: Constitutional Crisis Could Force Military To Remove Obama


Fighting tyranny in America 2014

Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.


24/7 boycott of corporations.

They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.

Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.


Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all


The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.


We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.


Do not spend money with your political enemies.

Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses

Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.

Do business with like minded patriots.

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)

 New Jersey


The Saturday Morning Project


An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.

Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM


No Eyewitness report for 10.04.14

Peacefully Protesting the U.S. Governments Inability to Control Our Borders



Illegal Immigrants:

Number of Patriots on the line:

Church group: Yes. 2 different groups

Pick ups:  

Pro-illegal immigrant counter protesters present today: 0

Police Presence:

Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles: 

Number of middle fingers displayed:  

Number of thumbs down:

Number of hysterical rants from those who don’t agree with our peaceful protest:  

New Jersey


Bell can beat Booker.

Candidate for NJ Senate Bell can beat Senator Booker.

Call the Republican Party and tell them to sendBellmoney to win this election in order to take back the Senate from the loony Senator Reid and the Democrats.

Bell for Senate   https://www.facebook.com/BellforNJ

Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.


Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.

Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale

Ron Bass

Follow the UPA on



Ron Bass

Subscribe to the UPA Report


Web site is now operational.

http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net




UPA Report 9.28.14 Muslims Shouting ‘Praise Allah!’ Surround OK Police Following Beheading Press Conference

Comments Off on UPA Report 9.28.14 Muslims Shouting ‘Praise Allah!’ Surround OK Police Following Beheading Press Conference


 United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report

Sunday, September 28, 2014

November elections are coming.


 Sun Tzu says it is very hard to get your enemy out of your country once you have allowed them in.


Why is this in our national interest?  This is insane! 

 Illegal aliens (mostly Somalis) arrive on the island nation of Malta and we transform them into legitimate refugees and fly them to America!

We have been following this perversion of the refugee program for years (longer than the 5 years mentioned in this short article—the Bush Administration started this!).  These illegal migrants are the European Union’s problem, not ours!

Will Europe reciprocate and take some of our illegal Mexicans—NO!

And, by doing this we actually encourage more illegals to try to get to Malta.



Mideast Immigrants to US Pose Huge Security Threat

A new study shows that the number of immigrants in the United States jumped 3 percent in three years — to a record 41.3 million in 2013 — and that the nearly 300,000 who came from Muslim countries pose a major national security threat, the report’s co-author told Newsmax on Thursday.



Muslims Shouting ‘Praise Allah!’ Surround OK Police Following Beheading Press Conference





Uh Oh… Oklahoma Terror Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader (Includes Updates on Beheading Story)



The Islamization Of America In 2013

The Islamic supremacist approach is stealthier here in the States than it is in Europe, where we see no-go zones, mass car burnings, etc., because Europe currently has a much bigger Muslim population than the U.S. does.

That kind of aggression is in our future, for nothing is being done to prevent its coming here.



Flashback: Survey: 74% Increase in US Mosques During Past Decade, 80% Of Them Teach Jihad Violence And Islamic Supremacism



Details on the El Paso, TX Border Seminar

Sheriff and State Advisor Border Summits

by Robert Bunker

Sheriff and State Advisor Border Summits: Mexican Cartel, Gang, and Criminal Alien Security Issues






Good Riddance, Eric Holder



Military to allow undocumented immigrants to serve



Litmus test of Obama’s Allegiance [to Islam]

Obama’s allegiance to Islam is consistent: This story was published last year in Egypt’s Rose El-Youssef magazine. It announced the appointments of six Muslim Brotherhood operatives to key positions, thus the White House went “from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world, to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.”


Under his leadership, his administration ordered the removal of any rhetoric including Islam and Muslim terrorism from official manuals at government institutions, such as the FBI, CIA, DHS, and so on.


When Major Nidal Malik Hassan committed a terrorist attack against his innocent unsuspecting colleagues at Fort Hood, murdering 13 people and wounding 32 others in 2009, his was labeled “workplace violence,” not terrorism, and has remained so until now. He was sentenced to death, unanimously, in August 2013. However,



5 Star article.

ISIS threat: Americans are passengers on Titanic with Obama at helm

by LT. COLONEL JAMES G. ZUMWALT, USMC (RET) September 23, 2014



World Report- The Generals Revolt

Published on Sep 21, 2014

President Obama has failed to listen to his military leaders. They are letting the public know they don’t agree with or believe his Not War strategy will work



Sen. John McCain added Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey to his list ofpeople the President should fire over the deteriorating situation in Iraq.



‘Sanctuary Cities’ or ‘Safe Havens’ for Terrorists?



Willing Demons

What is the United States? It is not a republic as it follows no semblence of its Constitution, the very foundation of its power, of its authority. It is a system of terror, with the power to destroy lives with contrived charges; offhandedly encumbering citizens with debt and criminal charges on a whim. This is the very system our forefather’s fled and risked everything to resist. In effect, they have taken our citizenship, robbed us of our birthright.



New terror group ‘Khorasan‘ could pose more direct threat to US, Europe: Officials

PTI Sep 21, 2014, 06.34PM IST



Illegals on Obamacare? Feds set to bounce 115,000 from program who can’t prove citizenship




Suspects behind murder of 3 teens killed during capture attempt

The killing of the 3 Israeli kid led to the 50 dayGazawar.



Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – 09/20/14



DHS Doesn’t Know About The 40 ISIS Terrorists Who Returned To The U.S.

Posted on September 21, 2014 by TMH



Stewart Rhodes, President of Oathkeepers, speaks at the Lamp of Liberty National Press Club sponsored by the CSPOA.



Her Town Was Invaded By Muslim Extremists, Watch What Happens When She Confronts Them



Standard military operations is to secure the homeland.

Until such time that we secure our borders and repatriate our Islamic enemies we will never succeed in winning this war that Islam has brought to us.

When a country goes to war it must secure its homeland first. No politicians or military leaders have even mentioned this.

We must take the following steps and many more not listed.

Send US Military to the borders.

All local and state governments should begin immediately to enforce all national immigration laws.

All refugee resettlement programs must stop immediately.

All travel to US must be approved by visas. No more travel by passports.

The visa entry exit program must be put into place along with strict enforcement of violations.

Remove all Muslims from our government and from our military.



Ferguson officer wounded after confronting burglars; suspects remain at large



Snuffing Out South African Identity



Shooters Grill

American Family Style Restaurant













Combat Mindset Killer Instinct

Combat mindset and killer instinct means knowing the difference between confident assertiveness, animal aggressiveness, and false braggadocio… This confidence provides you the moral and physical courage to “flip the switch” to predatory, animal aggressiveness when necessary.



Muslim Arrested in #Ferguson Threatened to Behead Critics Like “Bitch” Daniel Pearl



In Yemen, Iran-backed Shia Jihadists sweep into capital, kill 340

As I reported yesterday a Shia group backed by Iran has taken effective control of Yemen. Yemen has previously been a partner of the US in the fight against Al Qaeda. Today they have swept into the capital.



Petition Urges Obama To Let Border-Jumper Stay in White House



This will run every week.

Special Report
This report prints out to 12 pages but worthwhile reading.


The Posse Comitatus Act does not prohibit US Military on our borders.

US Military is allowed as authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress 



IT’S A SET UP! Obama to Kill Tomahawk and Hellfire Missile Programs!



  Generals: Constitutional Crisis Could Force Military To Remove Obama


Fighting tyranny in America 2014

Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.


24/7 boycott of corporations.

They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.

Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.


Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all


The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.


We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.


Do not spend money with your political enemies.

Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses

Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.

Do business with like minded patriots.

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)

 New Jersey


The Saturday Morning Project


An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.

Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM


No Eyewitness report for 9.27.14

Peacefully Protesting the U.S. Governments Inability to Control Our Borders



Illegal Immigrants:

Number of Patriots on the line:

Church group: Yes. 2 different groups

Pick ups:  

Pro-illegal immigrant counter protesters present today: 0

Police Presence:

Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles: 

Number of middle fingers displayed:  

Number of thumbs down:

Number of hysterical rants from those who don’t agree with our peaceful protest:  

New Jersey


Bell can beat Booker.

Candidate for NJ Senate Bell can beat Senator Booker.

Call the Republican Party and tell them to sendBellmoney to win this election in order to take back the Senate from the loony Senator Reid and the Democrats.

Bell for Senate   https://www.facebook.com/BellforNJ

Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.


Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.

Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale

Ron Bass

Follow the UPA on



Ron Bass

Subscribe to the UPA Report


Web site is now operational.

http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net




UPA Report 9.07.14 CIA Director John Brennan is a Muslim

Comments Off on UPA Report 9.07.14 CIA Director John Brennan is a Muslim


nited Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report

Sunday, September 7, 2014

November elections are coming.


U.S Military needed to secure our borders.


An increasing number of US veterans are on the border now and more are going to uphold the oath they took to defend this country and the Constitution since our government officials have abandoned us and are derelict in their duties.
Scroll down and scan to see how to support these vets and non-vets on the border.

ISIS the new wannabe Islamic Caliphate

Real Homeland Security Begins at Home
Send U.S. Military to the Border & begin Interior enforcement of our Immigration laws.

All 50 States are Border States.
It is a deception to say we only have 4 Border States.
Quote from Mike Cutler  http://michaelcutler.net/  
 speaking at the Middlesex County Woman’s Republican Club in NJ

CIA Director John Brennan is a Muslim

Published on Feb 9, 2013

Former FBI Counter Terrorism Agent states that President Obama’s next CIA
Director, John Brennan, has been co-opted by the Muslim Brotherhood and has
converted to Islam.


Ex-FBI Agent Claims Obama’s CIA Nominee Is Really a Secret Muslim Recruited by Saudis


As the anniversary of 9/11 approaches and ISIS establishes itself in Juarez, there’s no question the El Paso Army base is vulnerable, military experts told JW this week.”

ISIS Reportedly Targets Fort Bliss In Texas

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton maintains that “Ft.Bliss, which is perhaps our nation’s most important domestic military base, is now a forward operating base facing a threat from Islamist terrorism as a result of our unsecure southern border. The major media, who were quick to promote the Obama administration’s ‘denial’ of our report detailing the real threat of a terrorist attack on the border, have yet to pick up on the extraordinary security measures taken at Ft. Bliss in recent days.”


According to oneTexasrancher, the Gateway Pundit reports, politicians have not been straight with the American people about how violent drug cartels/narco terrorists have taken over portions of the borderlands. The same rancher also claims that he has personally spoken to Border Patrol agents who have detained individuals trying to enter theU.S.illegally who hail fromSomalia,Iran,Iraq, andSyria.



Separately, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff has ominously admitted that open borders and immigration provides an opportunity for ISIS terrorists to enter the country.

If the Chairman has admitted this then he should send our US military to the border to protect our homeland.

It is pure hogwash to use the rule of “posse comitatus” which does limit military involvement domestically but there are exceptions and border security is one of them. To that point using our military on our International Border against foreign trespassers/invaders is legal.


Despite the proximity of this large Army post to the Mexican border, the Obama administration has shown no inclination to deploy the National Guard or active duty military assets to assist the overwhelmed Border Patrol in sealing off the border from a surge of illegal immigrants from Central America as well as all over the world, including apparently from the Middle East, many of whom are getting into the country undetected.


Until we throw off the chains of the politically correct governing elite and their lapdog media we will continue to degrade as a nation. The multi-cultural globalists’ ideology fails to see that allowing large numbers of legal or illegal migrations from various cultures into their countries will result in national suicide. Within the next 20 years Europe and Great Britainwill become majority Muslim. Unless a political or military 180 takes place her,e the U.S will follow suit.

In the following article the German Chancellor has acknowledged the problem but it appears no steps have been taken to correct the situation.

Not much has been mentioned about the problem Russiahas with their Muslim population. It turns out that Moscowhas the 2nd largest Muslim population 2.5 million of any European country 2nd only to Turkey. A book titled “Implosion: the End of Russia and What it Means for America” by Ilan Berman exposes the coming threats inRussia that have not been discussed.


Angela Merkel: German multiculturalism has ‘utterly failed’

 Sunday 17 October 2010, The guardian.com,

The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, has courted growing anti-immigrant opinion inGermanyby claiming the country’s attempts to create a multicultural society have “utterly failed”.



Lesson of the ‘Mad Mullah,’ the original beheading jihadist

By Amir TaheriSeptember 7, 2014 | 12:21am

Sheikh Hassan was dubbed “the Mad Mullah” and made a habit of capturing and beheading as many Brits as he could get hold of. Among his victims were a British commander Col. Richard Corfield and 57 of his men.

The fight against the Mad Mullah was to last more than seven years simply because Asquith insisted on a “discrete” approach. Force could be used but only in homeopathic portions, enough to keep the caliph busy but not enough to extinguish his jihadi ambitions.


The Jihadi Serial Killer No One’s Talking About
by Michelle Malkin
For two bloody months, an armed jihadist serial killer ran loose across the country. At least four innocent men died this spring and summer as acts of “vengeance” on behalf of aggrieved Muslims, the self-confessed murderer has now proclaimed. Have you heard about this horror? Probably not.

ISIS failure attributed to religious background, ideology, incompetence
NEW YORK – President Obama’s left-leaning political ideology combined with sympathies for Islam acquired from being raised by a Muslim stepfather paralyze him as he faces the threat posed by the Islamic jihadist group ISIS, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay told WND in an interview.



‘War has been declared … kill them until they raise the white flag’

Political correctness and a “willful blindness” are preventing the FBI from rooting out Islamic jihadists that continue to make headlines in her home state ofMinnesota, says Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann.




Obama to Delay Executive Action on Amnesty Until After Elections, Fearing Huge Losses for Dems,





Study 1 In 10 California Workers Are Illegals – Wake Up America – Cavuto

Michael Cutler, a former INS special agent discusses that statistic with Neil Cavuto.



Pat Condell: No Peace in the Middle East? Blame Israel – תרגום לעברית



Why Abortionists, Islam, and Homosexuals Will Ultimately Lose





Prepping 101 – A Step By Step Plan for How to Get Started Prepping – pt.1

Step 2 – Water

A good rule of thumb for water storage is to have one gallon per person per day. This includes cooking and cleaning, but that amount could change depending on the weather, the health of the individual and the physical activity they are participating. Still, one gallon is a good rule and it is simple to figure out. I like nice round numbers.





We do not have operational control.

U.S. military needed there.


America is now a failed state.



Our homeland is being invaded by criminals and trespassers with diseases along with other assorted undesirables, many of whom will eventually wind up in your state and all the media shows us is pictures of little children.


Go to the border and defend your homeland or send money until such time patriots are replaced by our nations U.S. Military.

Our financial support enables more patriots to make the trip.

The U.S. Federal Border Patrol and their rules of engagement are not up to the task.


Patriots patrolling the border – join them or send money.



Camp Lone Star – DTOM

Thanks to those that have recently donated and/or shared the gofundme link! It is so very much appreciated! These guys and gals out there in the heat day and night are blessed to have your support! Please continue to share the link and donate when you can. Big or small, every bit adds up! ALSO, boots on the ground are still very much needed as well as I have a physical address should you want to directly send them gas cards or care packages. PM me on Facebook for the information! 
Thanks 🙂



Cap’t O’Shaunessey AZ

Who we are: We are a groupe of Patriots made up of.ex Police, Millitary,Firefighters, EMT’s, Paramedics, Department of Corrections. And many other public service agencies.

And we are tired of the goverment not inforcing the laws of this Country, And refusing to secure our borders.



Patriots Information Hotline – UPDATE


Patriot Information Hotline

Do you feel something is wrong inAmericatoday? Are you a Fed up? Join us for discussions on this.

*~* 8-23-2014 UpDate *~*

Call line 24/7 559-726-1300 access 639939#



Fighting tyranny in America 2014

Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.


24/7 boycott of corporations.

They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.

Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.


Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all


The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.


We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.


Do not spend money with your political enemies.

Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses

Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.

Do business with like minded patriots.

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)

 New Jersey


The Saturday Morning Project


An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.

Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM


No Eyewitness report for 9.06.14

Peacefully Protesting the U.S. Governments Inability to Control Our Borders



Illegal Immigrants:

Number of Patriots on the line:

Church group: Yes. 2 different groups

Pick ups:  

Pro-illegal immigrant counter protesters present today: 0

Police Presence:

Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles: 

Number of middle fingers displayed:  

Number of thumbs down:

Number of hysterical rants from those who don’t agree with our peaceful protest:  

New Jersey


Bell can beat Booker.

Candidate for NJ Senate Bell can beat Senator Booker.

Call the Republican Party and tell them to sendBellmoney to win this election in order to take back the Senate from the loony Senator Reid and the Democrats.

Bell for Senate   https://www.facebook.com/BellforNJ

Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.


Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.

Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale

Ron Bass

Follow the UPA on



Ron Bass

Subscribe to the UPA Report


Web site is now operational.

http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net




UPA Report 8.24.14 Special from Oath Keepers…focus on the looters, not the protesters…

Comments Off on UPA Report 8.24.14 Special from Oath Keepers…focus on the looters, not the protesters…


United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report

Sunday, August 24, 2014


Special from Oath Keepers.

…focus on the looters, not the protesters…


Open Letter of Warning to Governor Nixon From Missouri Oath Keepers

August 22nd, 2014

The militarized police response we saw in Ferguson did not work.  All it did was violate the rights of peaceful protesters and media, alienate the community, and make our country look even more like a police state, with big, intimidating displays of heavily armed, militarized officers, in full “battle-rattle” and backed by BearCat type armored vehicles, firing CS gas and rubber bullets into peaceful protesters and even at media personnel,while failing to stop those relative few who were actually looting, throwing Molotov cocktails, and shooting.


One retired Special Forces veteran in our group suggested that instead of grouping the police officers in large blocks (50 to 100 men), that  you should break up these groups into rapid reaction teams of 20 to 25 officers and disperse them, staging them in places spread around Ferguson, with a focus on the looters, not the protesters.  Our intelligence and police veterans concurred, and added that you should also task some officers to go out in street clothes to blend in to the crowds and work as Scouts, identifying threats and looters. 





We do not have operational control.

U.S. military needed there.


America is now a failed state.






The open Border lobby and politicians who refuse to enforce our border and interior immigration laws are in effect saying to America you do not have the right to be a Nation.


Self-inflicted border crisis

We are America. We get to make our rules and laws that protect “our” citizens.

And enforce them.



SIS threat fuels calls to secure Southern border




DHS saw no option but to free 169 illegals convicted of murder

The 116 murderers were a fraction of the 36,007 criminals ICE released in 2013. The criminals had convictions ranging from homicide and manslaughter to drunken driving and sex crimes.



Chained together, Dreamers fight on



Missouri Ahead of the Game in Dealing with Illegal Immigrants

In 2007, the Missouri General Assembly approved HJR 7 to place on the ballot a proposed constitutional amendment designating English as the official language of Missouri.

Voters then went to the polls and approved the measure with nearly 90 percent voting in favor. With that, English became the official language for all governmental proceedings in Missouri. It also means no individual has the right to demand government services in a language other than English. A common language is the cornerstone of a cohesive and united state and country. Ensuring that English is our official language is simply common sense.

Another measure that directly addresses the issue of illegal immigration was passed in 2008. HB 1549 requires our Highway Patrol and other law enforcement officials to verify the immigration status of any person arrested, and inform federal authorities if the person is found to be here illegally.

 It also allows Missouri law enforcement officers to receive training to enforce federal immigration laws. Furthermore, the bill makes it clear that illegal immigrants will not have access to taxpayer benefits such as food stamps and health care through MO HealthNet. With the passage of this legislation, Missouri sent a clear message that illegal immigrants are not welcome in our state, and that they are certainly not welcome to receive public benefits at the cost of Missouri taxpayers.



Jihad and Sharia Law


If you do not follow Islamic law you have two choices (1) pay financially to survive along side of Islam as a slave or  (2) die.

People forget that the Koran teaches global Islamic acceptance.

Simply put there is no religion but the Islamic Religion.

Every nation of the global community should wake up and except the fact that Islam is a threat to any one who is not a Muslim.

When the Islamic nations stop fighting among themselves they will spread the fight for Islam around the world.

Suicide bombers will be knocking on your door.

Above is a readers comment to the True Essence of Islam article. Very good info.

The True Essence Of Islam And The Evolution Of Modern Jihad



Gitmo Prisoner Swap

Oversight Report: Obama Admin Violated Law by Freeing Taliban Members

GAO: Congress not legally notified before Obama freed Gitmo inmates



Foley Rescue Attempt Failed Because Obama ‘Dragged His Feet’



The Muslims’ Trojan Horse

Muslim indoctrination in public schools

Interestingly enough, in recent years American public schools have been indoctrinated with the Muslim religion. Studies have shown over 500 historical errors in public school textbooks, giving an Islamic slant to our youth.

As a result, our youth are subject to the following teachings and practices:

Learning to become a Muslim

Fasting for Ramadan

Learning the five pillars of Islam

Memorizing verses of the Quran

Adopting a Muslim name

Staging a Jihad (war against non-Muslims)



In WWII POW’s were released after the war was over.
Baghdadi the head of ISIS was released by Obama.

Now that we are desperately looking for ways to stop ISIS from their continuing advance, perhaps Obama setting free the merciless warlord, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi – who is now leading the ISIS army — wasn’t such a brilliant idea. Just let it come out that the militant who sawed off the head of our American journalist was a detainee released by Obama; I guarantee that the rage and anger that will ensue against our “stellar” leader will be inconceivable.



Chicago A Top Terror Target; Ominous Tweet Connects ISIS Threat In City



Pentagon broke law with Bergdahl prisoner swap, government watchdog says






Russian Government Gets Sick Of Muslim Violence, Has Police Officers Search Veiled Women And Islamic Schools




He added, “The drug cartels use the same operational plan as terrorist groups do … They kill their opponents, they behead their opponents, they brag about it and they have operational control of many portions of the southern border of the United States. They’re vicious as some of these other terrorist organizations.”



Fergusen and Black America


A Grotesque Pantomime of Repression and Redemption

Activists and journalists are stuck in the racial resentments of the 1960s.

The virtue of disruption, academics and observers argue, is that it gives African-Americans a crisis with which to bargain. But after 50 years, what has this bargain achieved, except to cultivate a community that excels in resentment?

18 August 2014



Black Cop Kills Unarmed White Youth — Media and Feds Silent



Black on white crime under reported.

Beaten to Death at McDonald’s

August 21, 2014



Ferguson and Eric Holder’s Violent Past

August 21, 2014



Just What Is an Unarmed Man?

So, those of you so quick to condemn this Ferguson police officer for shooting an unarmed man might want to put yourselves in that scenario and wonder just what you might do with an exceptionally large, very angry, violently threatening man charging toward you with unknown intentions – plus the certain ability, by virtue of his size, to do you grave injury, even to beat you to death with nothing more than his large, hard fists.


We need to take the Senate back in November. Bell can beat Booker. Tell the national Republican Party to support Bell. They are not doing so.

Bell for NJ Senate





New Army Manual Calls for the Use of Lethal Force Against Peaceful Protesters

http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/08/new-army-manual-calls-use-lethal-force-peaceful-protesters /


546,335 Acres in 9 Western States Proposed as Protected Critical Habitat for Yellow-billed Cuckoos

Protection Will Benefit Rare Songbird and Health of Rivers in

Arizona,California,Colorado,Idaho,Nevada,New Mexico,Texas,UtahandWyoming



Resistance in Sweden

Swedish Nationalists’ popularity on the rise as Syrians flood into Sweden; unemployment rises



See The Claustrophobic Underground Tunnels Left Over From The Vietnam War.



Kill Bill – Soundtrack The Lonely Shepherd



Our homeland is being invaded by criminals and trespassers with diseases along with other assorted undesirables, many of whom will eventually wind up in your state and all the media shows us is pictures of little children.


Go to the border and defend your homeland or send money until such time patriots are replaced by our nations U.S. Military.

Our financial support enables more patriots to make the trip.

The U.S. Federal Border Patrol and their rules of engagement are not up to the task.


Patriots patrolling the border – join them or send money.


Cap’t O’Shaunessey AZ



Patriots Information Hotline – UPDATE


Patriot Information Hotline

Do you feel something is wrong inAmericatoday? Are you a Fed up? Join us for discussions on this.

*~* 8-23-2014 UpDate *~*

Call line 24/7 559-726-1300 access 639939#





Learn to Shoot with Both Eyes Open

You don’t walk around with one eye closed, do you? Why should you shoot with one eye closed? Closing one eye while shooting decreases both situation awareness and depth perception. In a tactical situation this can be deadly. You need to learn to shoot with both eyes open in order to maneuver properly as you shouldn’t be standing still in a firefight. You also need the extra vision to “keep an eye out” for other targets. So check out the video below and start training to shoot with both eyes open.


Fighting tyranny in America 2014

Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.


24/7 boycott of corporations.

They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.

Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.


Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all


The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.


We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.


Do not spend money with your political enemies.

Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses

Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.

Do business with like minded patriots.

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)

 New Jersey


The Saturday Morning Project


An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.

Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM


 No Eyewitness report for 8.23.14

Peacefully Protesting the U.S. Governments Inability to Control Our Borders



Illegal Immigrants:

Number of Patriots on the line:

Church group: Yes. 2 different groups

Pick ups:  

Pro-illegal immigrant counter protesters present today: 0

Police Presence:

Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles: 

Number of middle fingers displayed:  

Number of thumbs down:

Number of hysterical rants from those who don’t agree with our peaceful protest:  

New Jersey


Bell can beat Booker.

Candidate for NJ Senate Bell can beat Senator Booker.

Call the Republican Party and tell them to send Bell money to win this election in order to take back the Senate from the loony Senator Reid and the Democrats.

Bell for Senate   https://www.facebook.com/BellforNJ


Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.


Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.

Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School


A message to former foreign exchange student Barry Sotero

Osculer, oro pium asinæ


I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale

Ron Bass

Follow the UPA on



Ron Bass

Subscribe to the UPA Report


Web site is now operational.

http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net




UPA Report 8.17.14 ISIS is Coming for US, the Infidels

Comments Off on UPA Report 8.17.14 ISIS is Coming for US, the Infidels


United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report

Sunday, August 17, 2014




We do not have operational control.

U.S. military needed there.


Small teams of inactive Former U.S. Military have taken up positions on the border in TX and AZ to begin the process of taking back control of our International Border.

Eventually if American patriots get political control of our government, US Military can be deployed to close the border and completely control access to our homeland from criminals, drug dealers and now a new and serious threat ISIS.


Take action.

Go to the Border or send money ( or gas cards or gear or supplies.)

Patriot Information Hotline.

8-16-2014 Update



Judge Jeanine Pirro: ISIS is Coming for US, the Infidels

The head ofIsissaid see you in NY when he was released from prison by Obama.



Secret video of ISIS smuggled out of Iraq

A man who fled from Mosul, Iraq, shows Arwa Damon video that provides a glimpse into how ISIS is winning over people.



It’s on: ISIS vows to ‘raise the flag of Allah in the White House’

The downside.    Isis is coming

The Upside

ISIS underestimates America. 

Americans are not unarmed Yazidis.  We’re not a nation of Barack Obamas either.  We, along with much of the Western world, have reached a point at which our political organization and cultural leadership weigh us down.  They are dysfunctional to an increasingly intolerable degree.  They don’t work for us, they don’t express what we would express, they don’t do what we would do.  There is no foreseeing what will happen over the next few years on this tired old earth, but here’s what will not happen: Americans will not be taken down by any defeat administered to, or through, our official leadership.



Preparing for the future.

Citizen Militia personnel from all the states need to rotate in out of the border for operational readiness. For more information see:

Patriots on Patrol on the Border

Patriot Information Hotline.

 8-16-2014 Update



Obama lifts ban on Libyans attending flight school, studying nuclear science here.

Seriously? We just abandoned our embassy there last month.


 A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” — Cicero, Roman statesman and lawyer


Former CIA Officer: ISIS Will Cross the Southern Border

Former CIA Officer and Concerned Veterans for America spokesman Gary Berntsen said that ISIS militants can and will cross the southern border on Wednesday’s Fox & Friends” on the Fox News Channel.
    “ISIS presents a threat to the United States. They have capability, intent, and with American citizens fighting for them, they will have access to America … they present a threat to the United States. We need to re-examine the process of visa waivers in the United States. We need to close the southern border” he stated.
    And “if 13 and 14-year-olds can walk across that border, members of ISIS can walk across easily as well, and will, and will. Count on it. These guys are not stupid. They are committed.”



Fox Doesn’t Care

First, 13 and 14-year olds didn’t just “walk across the border” – they paddled across the Rio Grande and turned themselves into the US Border Patrol. ISIS wouldn’t do this – they would try to avoid detection. There is a way to stop them, but, despite all its sounding the alarm to get more ad revenue, Fox News refuses to cover the real Texas border story. — They refused to report that DHS left twelve huge holes in the border fence near McAllen. — They refused to follow-up on a story that a major DOD contractor offered a solution to the Texas border problem that would assure detection of illegal border crossers, but were rebuffed by DHS. — Fox cares about revenue, but not about America’s security.



Man hangs ISIS-associated flag outside NJ home, sparking concern.



FBI Most Wanted



Citizen’s Militia Patrols Border War Zone – Texas Surrenders Mexico Border To Cartels




Ryan Zinke For Congress

My mission: recapture Washington for freedom.

With your help, I’m ready to protect my country in Washington, and this time I’ll be fighting for something even more valuable…the future of our children and our future.

Before an out of control Washington can do any more damage, we’ve got to intervene. Please, donate below.




John Lewis’s new line, hijabs to wear at school: Department store signs contract with schools in London and Liverpool to offer conservative Islamic clothing



Paul Weston: “I am a racist” An Englishman



2nd Amendment

A black mother of 2 traveled from PA to Atlantic City, NJ and was stopped on a traffic violation.

When she crossed the state line, Allen was carrying a concealed weapon.











Ferguson, ST. Louis, MO Complete stories and photos.



Chaos: Ferguson businesses take up arms against mobs as police retreat



New Black Panther leader: Barack Obama a ‘Mau Mau’ from Kenya 



Black Pastor Goes On EPIC Rant Against Ferguson Rioters, Sharpton, NAACP & Obama!

Finally, some candid commentary about the St. Louis riots targeting those who need to hear it. Pastor Johnathan Gentry posted this video now going viral. No doubt, he’ll be called an Uncle Tom and a “sellout” by blacks chained to the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, but praise him or criticize him, he’s changing the narrative.


To Slow Flood Of Illegals, We Must Understand Why They Come

Only by understanding the reasons for the recent flood of unescorted children at our southern borders can we come to grips with the limited solutions available to us. Making their heart-wrenching circumstances our problem is not one of those solutions.





We do not have operational control.

U.S. military needed there.


Our homeland is being invaded by criminals and trespassers with diseases along with other assorted undesirables, many of whom will eventually wind up in your state and all the media shows us is pictures of little children.


Go to the border and defend your homeland or send money until such time patriots are replaced by our nations U.S. Military.

Our financial support enables more patriots to make the trip.

The U.S. Federal Border Patrol and their rules of engagement are not up to the task.


Patriots Information Hotline – UPDATE

*** Call to ACTION ***

Currently we have 13 teams on the border of Texas. We have contact with 3. We have no supply lists or addresses to put out today for Texas but on the next update we will have one for Camp LoneStar. We hold an open invitation for all active or potential groups on the  ground to contact us for any help we have to offer. 


Fighting tyranny in America 2014


Save America – Shop Smart Y’all

We can start with Star-Kist Tuna.

Replacement brand Bumblebee.

Pelosi Galore’s husband is heavily invested in Starkist tuna.

It’s always all about the money.

Let’s hit them where it hurts, and make them say uncle.


Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.


24/7 boycott of corporations.

They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.

Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.


Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all


The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.


We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.

We even turn our kids over to them every day so they can brain wash them as they have done to many of us.


Do not spend money with your political enemies.

Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses

Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.

Do business with like minded patriots.

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)


Take Action


Find a local group in your area.

BOG needed in all states.

Join a Local Immigration Reform Group



Call your Congressman and insist that they send OUR military to the border.

Capitol Switchboard (the phone number is (202) 224-3121 locally or toll-free 1-800-962-3524


Call your State Representatives and tell them to stop the dumping of illegal aliens into your state.


Go to the border or send money.


Stop giving financial support to your political enemies.

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)


Laura’s Report (Carried over from last week good details)


Docs Detail Crimes of MS-13 Gang Members Housed in Border Patrol Processing Center

July 19, 2014





Training and Experience Builds Confidence So You Can Survive Anything

Watching a video on how to create fire using a bow and drill, for example, is not the same as you doing it. You do not have any experience yet, you only gain that by doing. You need to train, and then gain and that is gain experience by doing.

It is important that you have a reasonable expectation of how things will turn out. If you have never started a fire with materials other than matches and lighters then you can expect failure in the middle of the woods if you do not have matches and a lighter. Survival is about knowing what to do when you need to do it. Guessing is not the same as knowing.




Fighting tyranny in America 2014

Nonviolent resistance (NVR or nonviolent action) is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, or other methods, without using violence.


24/7 boycott of corporations.

They take our money and give it to the political elites to trash our Constitutional Republic.

Fight back. Don’t spend your money with them.


Rules of Engagement – Get SASSY

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all


The tyranny emanating from the political, corporate and media world survives because we fund them by doing business with them.


We are actually financing our own national suicide by spending our money every day with them.


Do not spend money with your political enemies.

Avoid corporations, seek out small local businesses

Avoid mainstream media seek out alternative media.

Do business with like minded patriots.

Save America – Shop Smart Y’all (SASSY)

 New Jersey


The Saturday Morning Project


An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.

Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM


 No Eyewitness report for 8.17.14

Peacefully Protesting the U.S. Governments Inability to Control Our Borders



Illegal Immigrants:

Number of Patriots on the line:

Church group: Yes. 2 different groups

Pick ups:  

Pro-illegal immigrant counter protesters present today: 0

Police Presence:

Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles: 

Number of middle fingers displayed:  

Number of thumbs down:

Number of hysterical rants from those who don’t agree with our peaceful protest:  

New Jersey


Bell can beat Booker.

Candidate for NJ Senate Bell can beat Senator Booker.

Call the Republican Party and tell them to send Bell money to win this election in order to take back the Senate from the loony Senator Reid and the Democrats.

Bell for Senate   https://www.facebook.com/BellforNJ


Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.


Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.

Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School


A message to former foreign exchange student Barry Sotero

Osculer, oro pium asinæ


I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale

Ron Bass

Follow the UPA on



Ron Bass

Subscribe to the UPA Report


Web site is now operational.

http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net




Patriots Information Hotline

August 9, 2014 by  
Filed under Border Control, Immigration, Militias, Patriot Resistance

Comments Off on Patriots Information Hotline

Patriot Information Hotline


Patriot Information Hotline.

 8-16-2014 Update

*~PIH UpDate~*
Tons of stuff going on… Break the Bank is still going on and will be till Jan 1 
2015. Still growing also.  Thank you shout out to Jim Pruett from Rock 101.7 
for being such an awesome supporter of our network.. Out of Houston TX 
!! ROCK ON GUYS!! Make sure you READ the bottom of the update.. 

Currently we have 13 teams on the border of Texas. We have contact with 
3. We have no supply lists or addresses to put out today for Texas but on 
the next update we will have one for Camp Lonestar. We hold an open 
invitation for all active or potential groups on the  ground to contact us for 
any help we have to offer.

Camp LoneStar is in need of water an food 
Gas cards and food cards. Please send 
donations to this forwarding address. 
Camp LoneStar 
4650 Monsees Rd. 
Brownsville, Texas 78521 

Tx Border Volunteers 
You can visit them online at 
All donations are appriciated please 
send too…
Texas Border Volunteers, Inc.
c/o Dr. Mike and Linda Vickers
P.O. box 559
Falfurrias, Tx 78355

Border Brotherhood of TX is in need of donations
they need gas cards and debit card donations 
they can be sent too 
Border Brotherhood of Texas
PO Box 1165
Donna, Texas 78537

We are working on big things in CA one of which includes a lawsuit filing 
for 2nd amendment rights to be enforced in CA. Our very own Larry 
Murdock will be spearheading that movement. Maybe he can give us 
some juicy tidbits for the next update. Anyone wishing to help out on the 
Ca 2nd amendment fight please contact us at 
patriotsinformationhotline@gmail.com or Message Barbie L Rogers  or 
DangerousDi Hamilton on Facebook. At this point we are only taking 
names and contact info. 
Currently we have 3 teams on the ground in AZ. All 3 are looking for  
recruit’s also. Donations for these teams can be sent too them at the 
following locations. We do have a 4th team getting ready to mobilize. 

West of 19 Operations
If you would like to join this group you can go to arizonaborderrecon.org 
These guys need BOG and Gas cards if ya can help out hollar!
Az Border Recon
P.O.Box 37275
Phoenix Az 85069

Operation Phoenix 
Is in need of Night vision at least Gen III, Need 5 tires. No mix match sizes 
for four wheel drive. Tire Size is 31×10.5×15, minimum tire model would 
be Big Foot. They also need prepaid debit cards and gas Cards too. Gear 
& Hard supplies are welcome. Please no food and water bundles that’s 
hat the debit cards are for.  If anyone is interested in donating to Op 
Phoenix please contact PatriotsInformationHotline for donation shipping. 

Nogalas Az
If you would like to send gas cards or food cards they can be sent too.  
This will only be accessed weekly.
General Delivery 
p.o.box 3848
Apache Junction, Az. 85117

For more information call
Patriot Information Hotline 24/7 
(559 726 1300) access 639939# 
This is a live call. 

Thank you to all for all your support!! 

September 20, 2014

We are but a small representation of Americans who are unsettled and 
deeply concerned with our current Administration, in all branches of 
Federal and State governments. Our mission is to Shut Down, every United 
States’ Port of Entry on the Southern Border, until our Goals are met.

By doing this, we will stop approximately 1.4 Billions dollars of trade, per 
day, from going into, and out of, Mexico and The United States of America.
This action will force the elected officials in The United States and Mexico, 
to come up with a permanent and legitimate solution for dealing with the 
Illegal Immigration issue, enforce our rule of law, and bring our Marine, 
Sgt. Tahmooressi, home. This protects all American citizens and those 
legal immigrants who wish to come here the legal way.
The Border Shut Down will remain in place, until our Goals are met, in 
writing, from both the United States and the Mexican governments. Our 

Goals, as follows, are non-negotiable:

1. Immediately and unconditionally, release Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi.

2. Give the United States Border Patrol and ICE Agents back their authority 
to complete their job and defend the immigration laws of The United 

3. A clear plan of action to permanently seal off our Southern border, by 
means of an electrified fence with razor wire (or similar equivalent) and 
adding any and all additional Border Patrol Agents and militarized 
National Guard members needed to further deter any unauthorized entry. 
The Southern border MUST be sealed.

4. Allow Border Patrol Officers and ICE Agents to detain and remove, any 
and all illegal aliens, especially including armed gang members, cartel 
members, and drug mules; overturning current procedure. End “catch 
and release”, permanently.

5. All blanket foreign aid bookmarked for Mexico is immediately halted 
and reallocated to assist Mexico in securing their own safety, sovereignty 
and financial success for their citizens.

6. Mexico is held responsible for 50% of all of the costs associated with 
The United States’ processing and return of all illegal aliens, entering via 
the Mexican border with the United States. This includes, but is not limited 
to, temporary holding facilities, medical care, clothing, food, bathing 
ssentials, transportation, etc.

7. All illegal aliens are to be deported immediately to their Country of 
origin. Their home country will be responsible for the remaining 50% of 
the costs associated with the processing and return of their citizens, as 
mentioned above.

8. Repeal the Trust Act and enforce all Federal Immigration Laws, 
ensuring there are no more Sanctuary Cities.

9. End all Federal and State Government financial, educational and 
medical assistance to all illegal aliens.

10. Pass a Federal law stating that any company or organization, willfully 
employing an illegal alien will be charged with a felony, if a sole 
proprietor, or a 1 million dollar fine for a corporation, per instance.

May God Bless America and the citizens that stand in defense of her!
Anyone wanting more info please join the face book group 

Thank You for all your support !!!






**** 8-8-2014 UpDate ****
Arizona…. Te on the
Currently we have 3 teams on the ground in AZ. All 3 are looking for  
recruit’s also. Donations for these teams can be sent too them at the following locations. 

West of 19 Operations
If you would like to join this group you can go to arizonaborderrecon.org 
These guys need BOG and Gas cards if ya can help out hollar!
Az Border Recon
P.O.Box 37275
Phoenix Az 85069

Operation Phoenix 
Is in need of Night vision at least Gen III, Need 5 tires. No mix match sizes for four wheel drive. Tire Size is 31×10.5×15, minimum tire model would be Big Foot. They also need prepaid debit cards and gas Cards too. Gear & Hard supplies are welcome. Please no food and water bundles that’s what the debit cards are for.  If anyone is interested in donating to Op Phoenix please contact PatriotsInformationHotline for donation shipping. 

Nogalas Az
If you would like to send gas cards or food cards they can be sent too.  This will only be accessed weekly.
General Delivery 
p.o.box 3848
Apache Junction, Az. 85117

*** Call to ACTION ***
Currently we have 13 teams on the border of Texas. We have contact with 3. We have no supply lists or addresses to put out today for Texas but on the next update we will have one for Camp LoneStar. We hold an open invitation for all active or potential groups on the  ground to contact us for any help we have to offer.  
Bolinas Border Patrol – NC              77’s – No P.O. Box
Central Valley Miltia – NC               Independant Citizens Militia – NC
Alpha Team – NC                               Bravo Team – NC 
FOB Harmony – NC                            SOB Lorado Sector – NC
O’Shannessy’s – NC                            Camp Geronimo – Cycled Out 
Border Brotherhood of TX – NC       Tx Border Volunteers – NC
Camp LoneStar – No P.O. Box 
Next update we will have a special edition of the CA update written by a ghost writer who wishes to remain anonymous. We are working on big things in CA one of which includes a lawsuit filing for 2nd amendment rights to be enforced in CA. Our very own Larry Murdock will be spearheading that movement. Maybe he can give us some juicy tidbits for the next update. But anyone from Ca who would like to volunteer on this campaign please get in touch. We need all the help we can get just not sure in which areas yet. 
The Border Convoy..  Well rumor has it they might be taking it from Texas to DC and this has not been official yet. As soon as we know we will let yall know. But they are currently in Texas. 

P.I.H. Update 
The Break the Bank Campaign is coming along wonderfully. If you haven’t done so yet please go to patriotsinformationhotline.com & Take the Pledge !! 
Thank you shout out to Jim Pruett from Rock 101.7 for being such an awesome supporter of our network.. Out of Houston TX !! 
Anyone wishing to help out on the Ca 2nd amendment fight please contact us at patriotsinformationhotline@gmail.com or Message Barbie L Rogers  or DangerousDi Hamilton on Facebook. At this point we are only taking names and contact info. 
Remember we are here 24 hours a day for any patriot across the USA. Feel free to call in any time. 

For more information call
Patriot Information Hotline 24/7 
(559 726 1300) access 639939# 
This is a live call. 

 Thank you to all for all your support!! 

Master list of protests against illegal immigration for July 18-19

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United Patriots of America

Tuesday, July 15, 2014



National Days Of Protest Against Immigration Reform Amnesty & The illegal immigration surge!

July 18-19 2014


This Information is from ALIPAC a national immigration control organization based in North Carolina


Latest count: 267 protests!




The following message was received from

William Gheen and the ALIPAC Team


Master list of protests against illegal immigration for July 18-19



These protests are gaining momentum rapidly. Time to saddle up, organize, plan to attend, motivate and organize others!


Let’s roll against our nation’s hijackers, America!


Our prayers go out for the brave Americans responding to our call to converge on the protest today in Oracle, Az to stop Obama’s federal smugger buses full of illegals. We are monitoring and will report.


In the past, our movement has been notorious for low numbers showing up at physical events. Now that Obama has thrown our borders wide open and illegals carrying infectious diseases are being housed, fed, transported, bused, and flown into your communities at your expense… let’s hope that apathy is gone!


This is your second to last notice about the hundreds of historic protests against immigration reform amnesty and the new illegal alien border surge taking place nationwide July 18-19.


Here is the master list of event locations and times that is being updated with new events several times per day so check back often!


Master list of protests against illegal immigration for July 18-19




Please take the following simple steps that anyone can do in preparation…


Step 1: Locate the protest nearest you and make plans to go stand somewhere for a few hours.


Step 2: Share this invite and the master list link with as many other Americans as possible online and in your personal realm of friends, neighbors, and relatives. Make plans to go yourself and to drag as many people with you as possible. These protests are important and staying home signals your acceptance of the invasion.


Step 3: If you have the time, make or buy a sign or grab an American flag to hold. We would appreciate ALIPAC.us supporters making some signs with our website on them so other protesters will learn about, visit, and join our coordinated efforts here. We need signs against Amnesty, against illegals, against Obama, against the surge, and against immigration reform.


Step 4: Take plenty of water and take breaks in the shade if it is hot in your area.


Step 5: Take video cameras, and take special care to record anything dealing with law enforcement interactions or interactions with any illegal alien supporters that show up. In Murrieta, CA, they did a wonderful job stopping the buses full of Obama’s illegals but nobody captured the illegal alien supporter burning an American flag on video. If we had video of that, it would have devastated the illegal alien supporters once released. If you capture anything of interest on video, please get your footage to www.alipac.us | williamg@alipac.us immediately. If you encounter opposition, keep cool and let them be the ones to say stupid things and be hostile on film for us. We do not expect any significant opposition at most of our protests at this time, but that could vary with time and location.


Step 6: If there is not a protest near you, there is still time to organize one. Just tell us when and where you want to be by emailing WilliamG@alipac.us with your name, phone number, city of protest, street address of protest, location description, date, and times.


Where is our protest inLos Angeles??? How about one inMassachusettswhere they were flying a bunch of illegals into your state???VermontandRhode Islandare small states but currently the only states we do not have protests in yet!


These protests are gaining momentum rapidly. Time to saddle up, organize, plan to attend, motivate and organize others!


Let’s roll against our nation’s hijackers,America!

William Gheen and the ALIPAC Team


PS: Remember to keep checking and circulating the master list of events at…



Copyright © 2014 Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, All rights reserved.

You joined ALIPAC’s fight against illegal immigration and amnesty via alipac.us or againstamnesty.com

“President Obama has nowhere to hide any longer. Every patriotic American must stand up and hold Congress accountable for the President’s immediate impeachment.”

July 1, 2014 by  
Filed under Constitution, Patriot Resistance, Tyranny

Comments Off on “President Obama has nowhere to hide any longer. Every patriotic American must stand up and hold Congress accountable for the President’s immediate impeachment.”




Obama’s Nixon Moment is Here




LaRouche: “President Obama has nowhere to hide any longer. Every patriotic American must stand up and hold Congress accountable for the President’s immediate impeachment.”


To All Patriots,


The spirit of Howard Baker looms large in Washington, DC this week of national celebration. The late Republican Senator’s famous question in the lead-up to Watergate, “What did the President know and when did he know it?”re-echoes throughout the chambers of Congress, demanding a defender of our nation to emerge and introduce articles of impeachment. 



YOU are at the center of the fight to end the cataclysmic Obama presidency before it brings our world to its threatened conclusion, an all-too-real potential – Thermonuclear World War. 


The impeachment of Obama must be forced now, while the conditions are ripe. Consider the pile-on against his administration: John Boehner’s announced lawsuit against the President, the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision against the constitutionality of Obama’s recess appointments, the Argentine government’s globally-supported attack against his Judiciary, and what would have interested Mr. Baker most, the appearance of a smoking gun on Benghazi, revealed in the just-published Ed Klein book, Blood Feud.  


LaRouche calls on all US patriots to join us in lighting a fusion torch under the butts of all US Congressmembers – they MUST act!




Thank you,

Marching Orders


1FIND EVERY CONGRESSMAN YOU CAN THIS WEEK —- IN PERSON! More important that anything else is that we locate Congressional town halls, attend, and intervene loudly with our message. Video record these interventions, if at all possible, and send them to thelarouchepac.com staff immediately.


If Congressmembers in your area are not holding town halls, march in to their district offices, or figure out what July 4th parades and barbecue they will attend. Buttonhole them and loudly declare your demands as a US citizen – impeach Obama now or we face World War 3! Then, let the LaRouchePAC know by emailing and calling your contacts within the organization.


Visit our online action center HERE for more resources.


2. Print and distribute AND post to Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites the leaflet below covering the new conclusive revelations this week regarding Obama’s criminal actions on the night of the Benghazi attacks: suborning perjury as part of the cover up of the murder of four US officials. 



3. Listen to or read (and distribute) the new interview with Constitutional Law Professor Francis Boyle, conducted by LaRouche associate Harley Schlanger and Jeffrey Steinberg, on the prospects for immediate impeachment, without hearings, brought to the floor by one brave member of the House of Representatives.


Francis Boyle: We Face WWIII, We Need Articles of Impeachment

June 29, 2014 • 11:51AM



4. Join LaRouchePAC Activists on our Thursday, July 3rd Conference Call at 9PM EDT for a strategy session on how to accomplish our mission within the coming four weeks. Invite two (or ten) friends or political associates to join us on this call – it will gather several hundred impeachment activists from across the nation all at the same time.


LaRouchePAC Activists Conference Call:

Thursday, July 3rd (9PM EDT) (8PM CDT) 7PM MDT) (6PM PDT)

424-203-8000  Access Code 142565#

UPA Report 6.29.14 Patriot Border operation expands to Arizona.

June 29, 2014 by  
Filed under Border Control, Patriot Resistance, UPA Report

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United Patriots of America

Founded December 2001 in response to 911


UPA Report

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Ongoing Militia Action Alert!


Based on a telephone conversation this morning it appears that there are military and non-military citizens from around the country who are answering this call for action, being vetted, and heading to the border.

July 5th is a scheduled meeting with local law enforcement personnel in their AO.

Operational / code green


Do you feel something is wrong in America today? Are you a patriot? If you want to be a part of the change you would like to see in America today then join our group of patriots today.


Patriots Information Hotline



Their Facebook page



** Call to ACTION update 6-27-14**  


This is a call to ACTION for all Militia, lll%er’s, Oathkeepers, and Patriotic support personel.


Texas Contact: Commander Chris Davis 830-388-0410 A bit about Commander Davis. He was in the Army. He is a part of the Bowies Volunteers Militia, and the CMDR of Winter Soldiers. Contact Lt. Col. Floyd Breshears 580-889-1036 Welcome Aboard Sean Arronge.He Is CMDR Sean Arronge of the Bowies Volunteers – Alamo Platoon and he is the Training Coordinator and Accountability officer for the mission.


Description of Location:Currently 3 secure locations 1 fall back location. Patriots reporting for duty @ the command center Please secure the password from your commander before arrival. Exit 140 on I 35 Von Ormy Texas 78073


Items needed for BOG Immediately include water — food— medical supplys– certified emt’s with trauma bag —- sleeping bags– cots– flashlights — large n medium helmets —-lg- med-sm- vests–water coolers — Dry earase boards


Arizona There are 2 Groups looking for 2 different types of people Contact is maintained with these Commanders.


Operation Phoenix is in need of Night vision at least Gen III, If anyone is intrested in donating please contact PatriotsInformationHotline for donation shipping.


Nogalas Az if you would like to send gas cards or food cards they can be sent too. This will only be accessed weekly. General Delivery p.o.box 3848 Apache Junction Az 85117


For more information call Patriot Information Hotline 24/7 (559 726 1300) access 639939#


BOG: This is a paramilitary action. We need all the support we can get to mobilize in Texas. Please share this on facebook, group pages, e-mails, everywhere. Texas needs you!! America needs you !! For all reporting. Please take with you all items needed for a long term camping trip. Do Not forget the porta potty. Help us close that border!! Help Secure the border !! Thank you all for your services.


Patriots Information Hotline Statement and update.


There is a lot of misconjecture going around about what is going on and what we are doing. I feel the need to post this statement so that everything is clear.


I am the founder Barbie Rogers. I decided to share the action alert Not any of my admins. I chose to participate in this event and put my network out there for use of any PATRIOT. That includes but is not limited too Militia, lll%er’s, Patriot Groups, Oathkeepers or any individual patriot that might need anything we can offer.


From day1 I have not asked for nor recieved any cash donations. Nor do I want any. Myself nor my network are involved in any gofundme, Fundrazor, or paypal accounts. If I share one its because I believe them to be a safe real account. By that I mean the money will go to a boots on the ground type scenerio. I do publish items that boots on the ground needs. I will help set up supply lines for them to recieve them. However those lines will run from you the contributor to them the boots. There should never be and inbetween person, group, or organization.


I do not have time to get involved in any of the retoric going around. We all have our own trolls and people of ignorance who love to taunt us and belittle us. I do not post nasties about these people but do deserve the right to defend myself as does anyone else. If I do post something its because Im tired of being harrassed by a person and called names that I do not deserve. I am a patriot and will do all I can to foward the patriot movement. If you find fault with me leave it off my network. If you find fault with my network bring it too me I will handle it.


Because my network is owned by me. I am only going to be reporting our information to Commanders who are boots on the ground. This includes 2 commanders in texas. 2 Commanders in Arizona. If there is a problem with that bring it to me.


Thank you for reading this. Barbie Rogers.


Groups Gathering In Laredo Texas to ‘Put Up A Man-Fence’!




Border Patrol trucks sit in parking lots as surge of illegal immigrants floodAmerica

The decrease of Border Patrol activity in the border city of Brownsville, Texas, highlights how not only is the Border Patrol stretched too thin, but its agents are also being pressured to stand down from enforcing immigration laws.



Brooks County Ranchers Worry About Criminal Immigrants



S.D. Republican Party calls for Obama impeachment



Arresting the President Of The United States

The Senate Sergeant At Arms and Doorkeeper (SAA), elected by the members, serves as the protocol and chief law enforcement officer of the Senate and is the executive officer responsible for most support services in the Senate.

On the orders of the Senate, the SAA is the only person who can arrest the president of theUnited States. Additionally, the SAA can compel senators to come to the Senate Chamber to establish a quorum.



An Armed Rebellion Would Succeed

Cav Jun 20th, 2014

If the American people decided to overthrow the federal government the fighting would look more like the Iraq War than the Civil War. The South chose to fight as a standing army due to the disconnected nature of the world back in the 19th century.  A revolution today would most likely be fought by loosely affiliated groups of patriots who would focus on sabotage and ambush tactics.  No one believes that a rebel force could stand up against the might of the American military which is why they wouldn’t even try.  Just look at how effective this tactic was inIraq.



Mexico is moving north. Ethnically, linguistically and culturally, the verdict of 1848 is being over-turned. Will this Mexican nation within a nation advance the goals of the Constitution — to “insure domestic tranquility” and ‘make us a more perfect union’? Or have we imperiled our union?

– Suicide of a Superpower


Historians will look back in stupor at 20th and 21st century Americans who believed the magnificent republic they inherited would be enriched by bringing in scores of millions from the failed states of the Third World.

– Suicide of a Superpower


Chinese teens trafficked into US through Central America

By Melissa KleinJune 29, 2014 | 12:21am

The instructions are printed in English and Spanish, of course — but also, surprisingly, they’re instructions for help are also in Chinese.

Hundreds of Chinese teens are slipping into theUSa year, immigration groups say, mostly through Central America andCuba.

They make their way toNew York City, typically on buses, where they are farmed out across the country to work in Chinese restaurants.



Obama’s ‘woe is me’ attitude

By Michael GoodwinJune 29, 2014

With polls showing most Americans don’t like his policies, don’t see him as honest and don’t believe he can lead effectively, we’re long past the point where the wheels come off, or even the moment where the car ends up in the ditch.

Something approaching a national crack-up now appears inevitable. Recent events suggest it is coming sooner rather than later.



Obama is mentally and emotionally incapable of making the right decisions for America.

June 13, 2014 at 6:21pm



Navy SEAL Rips Obama and Throws Down the Koran



Is Europe Cracking Up?

Tuesday – March 25, 2014

AcrossEurope, there is a fear that the ethnic character of their countries and continent are being altered forever against the will of the people.

Early this month, the New York Times reported a surge of 80,000 African migrants headed for the tiny Spanish enclaves ofCeutaandMelillaon the Moroccan coast.

The goal these desperate people seek: the mother countries of the Old Continent and the wealthy welfare states ofNorthern Europe.

What the children ofEuropeare rebelling against is what their fathers, paralyzed by political correctness, refused to prevent.

It was predictable, it was predicted, and it has come to pass.




New Jersey


The Saturday Morning Project


An illegal alien labor area behind the Bergenfield, NJ police station.

Location: UPA Bergen County – Bergenfield/Dumont line. 8AM – 10AM


 No Eyewitness report for 6.28.14

Peacefully Protesting the U.S. Governments Inability to Control Our Borders



Illegal Immigrants:

Number of Patriots on the line:

Church group: Yes. 2 different groups

Pick ups:  

Pro-illegal immigrant counter protesters present today: 0

Police Presence:

Number of thumbs up and horn honks from those in automobiles: 

Number of middle fingers displayed:  

Number of thumbs down:

Number of hysterical rants from those who don’t agree with our peaceful protest:  

Never give in — never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.


Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.

Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I
can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will
not refuse to do the something that I can do. What I can do,
I should do. And what I should do, by the grace of God,
I will do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale

Ron Bass

Follow the UPA on



Ron Bass

Subscribe to the UPA Report


Web site is now operational.

http://www.UnitedPatriotsOfAmerica  com
E-mail – ronbass2010@comcast.net





April 30, 2014 by  
Filed under Patriot Resistance

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 OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING –  Update #51 fromColRiley

Tuesday, 5.13.14

General –   Leaving for D.C. this morning. My access to Internet will be limited.  All systems go.  Very much looking forward to meeting many of you, the faceless faithful of OAS……locking arms, shoulder to shoulder, standing in support ofAmericaas God has His way.

www,OAS2014.com –  Carl Swenson and Alex Coffey have arranged “live streaming” beginning on May 16, 2014 of the event from the D.C. Mall and other places asOASD.C.takes us.  Visit OAS2014.com and you will see the test patterns on the site now.  We will be there daily with you and for you and all ofAmericathat are not able to be in D.C.

OAS Pledge –

•      I will abide by all laws written in compliance with our Constitution, and with respect to my God-given rights.

•      I will conduct myself in a manner honoring our Founders, my Heritage, and my Fellow Americans.

•      I will act with reverent respect to all those who have fought, and have fallen before me, in defense ofLIBERTY.


Determination – “OAS – A call to Constitutional Restoration and Prayer, not a Call to Arms”

Please Visit – Please visit http://calltoaction.oas2014.com

Operation Flood Congress – Please call your Senators and Representative beginning May 15th and ask them about OAS Demands/Grievances and Articles of Impeachment….tell them we’re coming.

OAS DC Guidance and Information  Please share widely OAS%20DC%20Information-Guidance.pdf

Weather – Outlook for May 16, 2014 – Liquid sunshine…be prepared as God showers us.

Prayer poem from Dan Gray –  http://watchdogwire.com/pennsylvania/2013/09/04/gratitude-and-grit/

God blessAmerica, OAS mission, and all participants both in DC and at home.


HarryRiley,COL,USA, Ret

OAS Coordinator

May 13, 2014

Visit Constitutional Emergency at: http://patriotsforamerica.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network





OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING Update #43 from Col. Riley

 Hello Patriots,

General – Priority is “surging mobilization” for the May 16 2014 event.

 This means reaching outside OAS to email lists, letters to editors, Tea Party groups, churches, any and every opportunity to inform “we the people” that our nation is in jeopardy if we do not challenge the lawless, self-serving politicians in federal leadership positions.

 This is “not someone else” to do the job, it’s for all of us to ensure our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren have a nation  of freedom as we have had for 230 years.

  The threat to our nation is grave…can there be any doubt based on what we have observed with our own eyes?

 Fast and Furious,Benghazi, Tea Party attacks, IRS Scandals, NSA treachery, debt unimaginable, a lawlessUSattorney general, on and on.

 If America refuses to stand up and defend our nation and our constitution while there is still some hope, we reap a socialist, communist, One World Order existence for our nation…..

 Security –   Pete Lanteri, OAS security team leader needs help. If you have some background in security, law enforcement, Pete needs you.

 If you are just motivated to help us in security, that’s all it takes…..Pete will assign you with seasoned security experienced members. This is not limited to males, we anticipate females are also needed.

 Call Pete at 631 839 1861 or email him at  OASsecurity@unseen.is.

 God bless everyone…………all systems go………

 Harry Riley

 Visit Constitutional Emergency at:



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